Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Peace prize winner, has been handed the momentous task of restoring peace in Bangladesh after the autocratic Sheikh Hasina was ousted by a student revolution. An insider commented: “This will be a superstrong combination: young people leading the way, and his old age and wisdom coming together.” He now has the fate of the world’s eighth-most populous country in his hands with a daunting to-do list — restoring law and order, fixing the economy and reforming corrupted institutions. What the FT described as “the job from hell.”
Known as a micro-lending pioneer, he started in 1974 when a famine struck Bangladesh in 1974, and he began studying ways to help farmers, fixating on access to credit after noting that people’s fate was being decided by pennies a day. Yunus began building what was to become Grameen Bank (derived from the word gram, or village), starting with a micro-loan of $27 to 42 people, prioritising lending to women. By 2003 Grameen was working with 36,000 villages.
Born 28 June 1940 in Bangladesh, he is a charming Sun, Venus in Cancer with an Aries Moon. He is well-grounded in the material world with an Earthy Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Taurus and Uranus also in Taurus in an inventive trine to Neptune in Virgo. His Jupiter is square his Pluto Mercury conjunction Leo giving him confidence.
He is on his Uranus Return this year and will be embroiled in intense discussions with tr Pluto opposition his Mercury Pluto in Leo in January 2025 and later in the year. Even before then September to later November this year look high risk and aggravated as well as blocked with tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Pluto and Saturn/North Node midpoints.
He is well placed as prime minister with his Sun and Venus falling in the Bangladesh 10th house (start time of 6pm being accurate). Though his Sun Venus also oppose the Bangladesh 4th house Mars for arguments and perhaps political rivals. His bitter relationship with Sheikh Hasina resulted in what he and Norwegian authorities insisted were trumped up corruption charges.
The Bangladesh chart, 26 arch 1971 6pm Dacca, has a yod of 12th house Pluto inconjunct Venus in Aquarius sextile Mercury. This year and into 2025 tr Neptune is opposition the secretive (devious/corrupt) 12th house Pluto and tr Uranus is square Venus on one leg of the yod so clearly the moment had come to shift the country onto a new trajectory.
See previous post: Bangladesh – student Gen-Zers say enough
20th July 2024
Vaclav Havel might be a good example of setting things to right after a long period of authoritative rule.
Perhaps that’s a good example. I was reading something about Yugoslavia, and there were attempts of modernization by Ante Marković, Milan Panić, and Dragoslav Avramović, but those plans didn’t materialize.
They were only unified after WWI into what we knew as Yogoslavia, then they broke up again under the Nazi regime, consolidating again under Tito’s strong fist. The original ethnic strifes materialized in full force after his death.
Unfortunately the haphazard configuration of the Middle East country borders is somewhat similar in its ethnic/religious rivalries and resentments.
If you go to the Wikipedia article on the breakup, you will see that, it seems, the reason it fell apart was the economy and finances, and the ethnic conflict was just a curtain and, it looks like, an excuse.
I wonder how this will work. I think previous attempts like this, of bringing a reputable, loved, and expert figure to fix a country, mostly led to that fix not happening? Maybe someone has some positive examples?
It is also a good thing to watch to see if someone will be able to turn what he preaches into something tangible and life-improving for everyone.
Agree. I have observed that the corrupt in institutions r so well skilled to fail anyone coming to oust or make them work…the honest person finally gives up and things stay as corrupt as ever…what was happening was surfacial pretension of improvement by the corrupt as they know that people are impatient and would blame their choice for not providing relief.
Working on village stage is completely different than country stage since villagers are gullible and needy but powerful ones in capital have no need except lust for power which takes long time to b removed from…thus Gandhi isn’t emulated successfully
Everything also seems like a transition, before the outers definitely change signs in the years to come.