Mueller – politics and the law, oil and water * +

A reluctant Robert Mueller has been dragged by subpoena to appear before two Congress committees on Wednesday. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said this week: “The report presents very substantial evidence that the president is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.” But Mueller ducked when he could have made a real difference speaking out against AG William Barr’s misleading obfuscations at the time of publishing and the expectation is he‘ll not make a resounding difference at these hearings.

Jerry Nadler’s personal chart looks seriously blocked, aggravated and discouraged until late this month. And his relationship chart with Mueller shows signs of extreme irritation and separation with tr Saturn opposition the composite Mars exactly now and moving into oppose the composite Sun later in the year; with an uphill-struggle tr Pluto opposition the composite Saturn also now. Not productive, that’s for sure.

Mueller’s relationship with Adam Schiff, Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, if anything is even worse in essence with a composite Saturn opposition Neptune square Mars Uranus – and all of that as well as the composite Sun Venus is catching hard aspects from this month’s Solar and Lunar Eclipse and tr Saturn in opposition and square throughout this year and early next. So they’re not exactly singing off the same hymn sheet.

Not that Mueller is supposed to be partisan. But he was expected to sift through the evidence and publicise an unbiased conclusion, not leave it to Trump’s hand picked Attorney General to flannel round. The UK experience of getting senior lawyers to chair political inquiries isn’t encouraging. It usually turned out to be a damp squib. Either they whitewashed the truth or delivered their conclusions in such obtuse legalese it took six months to be understood – by which time the moment had passed.

There’s not much happening on Mueller’s chart apart from mild irritation at the moment though there’s disappointment and failure writ large over the next two years.

Trump looks on edge about Mueller this month and next with tr Uranus trine their composite Mars;  and more concerned November/December this year; with major hiccups in 2020 – so Trump will continue to feel the ripple effects of the Mueller Investigation fairly strongly throughout this term.

10 thoughts on “Mueller – politics and the law, oil and water * +

  1. Thank you so much Marjorie.
    Donny has some kind of deal with the Devil himself.
    His Stars have helped him slip in-and-out of numerous problems.
    And sadly, just look at all the damage he’s doing to our American Middle Class, Poor and the entire world.
    The wealthy are singing Freddie Mercury’s Song: “I Want It All” And Donny is making that all possible!

  2. Breaking news: Mueller has requested that his chief of staff, Aaron Zebley, be sworn in as a witness tomorrow. Looks like a very clever move on Mueller’s part. If he’s prohibited from answering questions that aren’t strictly confined to the Report, he can throw it to Zebley, who can talk all he wants. Zebley, btw, is a private citizen, not in any way under the thumb of Trump, Barr et al.

    • Thanks Julie, “the plot thickens”! Some additional info: Zebley is 49 years old, born 12/21/1969.

      The Justice Department has asked him and Quarles III not to testify. However, both are now private citizens, and technically, not bound by the JD’s order.

  3. Trump may end up taking himself out. He has no self-control. No one else can control him. I’m watching for a delayed Perry Mason moment after July 25th.

  4. No conspiracies found after 2 years and $35 million spent. Impeachment proceedings failed by 2 to 1 because there was no evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. Just because a comedian says otherwise does not make it true.

    • In the UK after the Iraq War there were three lawyer-led public inquiries costing many millions, one of which dragged on for years – and all managed to allow the governments of the day to duck blame for the screw-up. Waste of time and money. But always the same – on the way through high hopes that the truth will emerge and then a damp squib.

      • From Julie’s post: Mueller wants his former chief of staff Aaron Zebley sworn in.

        Zebley born 12/21/1969, perhaps Brooklyn NY?

  5. The Mueller will be strictly focused on what is in the reports. He will not deviate as any Sun/Pluto Marine war hero would be very disciplined. So he will explain the 10 instances of obstruction of justice. The Republican will try to trick him into admitting to nonexistent conspiracies. Nadler and Schiff are very disciplined.

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