Morgan McSweeney, Starmer’s closest aide and architect of the Labour victory has been dropped in as chief of staff at No 10 replacing Sue Gray, who had become a distraction. He is credited with removing Corbynism which has not improved his popularity with the left and has tended to parachute his friends and allies into safe seats.
According to company check he was born April 19 1977 in Ireland, and, if accurate, has a final degree Sun Aries; with Saturn in Leo on the focal point of a Fixed T Square to Mercury (Moon) in Taurus opposition Uranus. He will have executive abilities though won’t be good at sharing the driving seat, will be stubborn and could be autocratic. He also has a lucky, confident Jupiter trine Pluto sextile Saturn.
His emphasized managerial Saturn is conjunct Starmer’s leadership Leo North Node which figures.
What is of note is their relationship chart which has the composite Pluto rattled up by the recent Lunar Eclipse and two eclipses throughout 2025 which could suggest power and how it is wielded will be a key dilemma. But most interesting is the composite Sun square Uranus, pointing to a reforming spirit, which will be undermined in 2026 with tr Neptune square the Sun and in 2027/28 by tr Neptune and Saturn opposing the Uranus at the same time as tr Pluto squares the composite Saturn.
On all the government charts it points to 2026 as being period of escalating crises.
I’ll make another plea for an astrological consideration of the mass media and its impact on the world generally, and politics specifically. I guess it’s a huge subject but some pointers would be interesting. Starmer seems to be running scared of the media, I’m guessing because every tiny misstep by Corbyn was scrutinized and sometimes magnified by that media – hence his movement of the Labour party more to the right. (Not that he was an innocent in the victimisation of Corbyn.) But I think we have seen, as I thought likely, that they would be as hard on him simply because some of the more extreme elements of the media will never accept a Labour government. Hence any decision they take is derided as “loony leftism”. Starmer obviously agreed to drop Leveson 2, a huge error in judgement, but in doing so, does the astrology suggest he has done a deal with devil. I expected him to be harried massively before the election but not so much so soon after it and some of that is self-inflicted. It’s also worth remembering, when it is argued that the Tories lost the election rather than Labour winning it, that Farage stood down in constituencies in 2019 so as not to split the Tory vote. Love to hear any astrological speculations on these things.
It seems to me that what the two main parties have shared for some years has been infighting and lack of agreement about issues. The PM managed to unite the Labour vote enough to get elected, whether the unity is real or not will become apparent as time goes on. The puzzle is the Lib Dems whose policies seem to be centred around local issues and their devotion to the EU.
Worth reading interview with Rosie Duffield on Starmer and cohorts.
Let’s remember that this article is in The Telegraph the UK’s most right wing newspaper..
They have jumped on every misstep as the new government tries to find its feet.
Would just like to point out that Rosie Duffield is a divisive figure and that being in the Labour Party (now ex) is thought to have been an odd fit given how often she has been criticised for her ‘transphobic’ views. Not my own opinion but that of two members of staff who have resigned from her office as a result.
The Labour Students have requested that she lose the Labour whip several times. It may be, I really don’t know, that she jumped before she was pushed. I know little about her.
I’ve certainly never seen such a resignation letter as hers.
She doesn’t seem to know the meaning of loyalty in any sense of the word.
She is coming across to me as rather attention seeking?
I wonder what her chart shows Marjorie?
And yes I believe in safe spaces for women and although there have been incidents of men masquerading as transgender women in order to attack women I hope they are in a minority.
I must be unimaginable to genuinely feel that you were born with the wrong sex as that assigned at birth.
You did an article not long ago Marjorie on the issue and the anger and culture wars it has stoked. I must look at it again.
Just for reference Josie, Marjorie added a paragraph on Rosie Duffield on her J.K. Rowling piece on 25 June 2024.
On the Sue Gray resignation and Mc Sweeney appointment, it does appear that Starmer has a close circle of confidants around him and it was always going to be difficult for Sue Gray to break into and work with that circle. As the obvious outsider she was an easy target to blame I suspect. Shame we haven’t got her date of birth.
Thanks Susy I’ll have a look at the add on on R Duffield.
Labour are having problems with their Comms so may be the reason for MS taking over as chief of staff. Let’s hope they can get their act together!
Feel sorry for Sue Gray but maybe the chief of staff needs to be someone with more political nous?
Sue Gray as a civil servant and knowledge of how departments work was there to help them to prepare and smooth Labour’s path to government.
The briefings against her were unpleasant but her new role in devolution is thought to be a good fit with her experience and she is well liked by city mayors.
There is bound to be a bumpy ride in the beginning after being out of power for 14 years.
The riots threw them off kilter just after they came to power too so the honeymoon was over before it began.
I think M16 thought outside actors were responsible for starting the riots just as M15 are saying Iran and Russia are behind the numerous terror plots they have scuppered.
The jury’s out on MS we’ll have to see..
Yes the jury is out on McSweeney – and Starmer too.
Dont forget who appointed Sue Gray as his Chief of Staff.
We will see in due course what happens but the astrology does not look hopeful.
Then try reading the Guardian on her – just as disturbing.
and Marina Hyde
Keir Starmer isn’t prime minister material. Morgan used him as a way of getting rid of the left but now Starmer’s lack of political vision, lack of people and managerial skills, greedy egotism and basic inability to be an effective politician, are being highlighted.
I know people that know all the characters involved intimately. Starmer is a rigid dictator with no communication skills and a woman problem. Labour will continue to struggle while he is leader.
Labour didn’t win the election – the tories lost it.
Already there are murmurings that Starmer will be replaced by a more capable politician from the Labour right when the timing is suitable. Apparently many Labour MPs from across the spectrum don’t think he will last the 5 year term.
The key question is why do Starmer and McSweeney hate the left so much? Starmer’s father was an enthusiastic supporter of the left within Labour. Is driving out the left some sort of payback? After all, Starmer has said he had a difficult, distant relationship with his father.
‘She doesn’t seem to know the meaning of loyalty in any sense of the word.’ she was eternally loyal despite being treated like a pariah and bullied within Labour for a long time for stating biological fact. ‘Transphobia’ is a made up weapon to cudgel women with who will not be brow beaten by the current insane ideology sweeping the planet and no Josie you are not ‘assigned’ a sex at birth you just ARE.
He was experiencing his Jupiter return during the election campaign, and transiting Pluto is now square his Sun.
His Sun falls in the UK’s 7th house of enemies, and his Pluto is near the 1801 UK ascendant. He’s a citizen of the Irish Republic, isn’t he? There might be conflicts with the UK establishment.
One of the expressions of the Virgo/Pisces axis, particularly when the Pisces end of the axis is strong with Jupiter there (the sign’s co-ruler) and power-moded and controlling at the Virgo end with Sun exactly conjunct Pluto as is the case with Starmer, is the constant juggling between order and chaos. Power battles therefore may well beset Starmer’s administration and I somehow doubt that Sue Gray’s resignation will ultimately resolve this problem. Perhaps it’s a problem of character in the leader himself.
Starmer’s treatment of Diane Abbott did raise red flags at the time. Whatever one thinks about Diane Abbott’s politics, it was a grubby way to treat a veteran MP.
Clare Martin says “If this spectrum polarises on the Virgo side, then there will be a strong need for control over the daily routines of life, in an effort to keep chaos at bay. And yet, if the qualities of Pisces are not integrated, they will emerge from the unconscious and the Virgo individual will feel increasingly overwhelmed, and will tend to attract more and more disruption into their lives and feel more and more out of control.”
I’d think it’s hard for him with a Sun-Pluto not to be identifying with the Virgo end.
It’s a shame we don’t have a birthdate for his wife as she seems to be all that he isn’t. She wears bright colours, is smiley and positive. I feel she has a certain Piscean ‘frailness’ to her; so I wouldn’t be surprised if she is the Jupiter-Pisces end.
Perhaps worth considering Bashar al Asad 11th September 1965? Sun conjunct Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. Moon in Pisces, with Saturn and Chiron in Pisces as well. No birth time unfortunately. His education and apparent persona once persuaded many that he was a reforming, Western orientated leader. However, he appears to be more of a very ruthless authoritarian. His Scorpio Mars is conjunct Neptune. Does that bring in a little more Pisces somewhere? Interesting he went the Virgo/Pisces medical route, before moving into politics.
So perhaps the Virgo Pisces polarity may suggest there are circumstances that cannot be controlled? For instance, his mother’s ill health which had a huge impact on his family, and his psychology. Similarly, Sun Pluto individuals can experience a sense of powerlessness, which may result in overcompensation as an adult as someone who is hungry for power at all costs (turbo charged by the opposition to Jupiter).
Robert Peston (who by no means on the Left politically) tweeted yesterday: ‘I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Keir Starmer’s ruthlessness and unsentimentality is like nothing I’ve encountered in decades of reporting on the brutal world of British politics.’
Another snippet from Robert Peston on Starmer yesterday: ‘So Starmer has again manifested what I have frequently told you is his most important trait, namely his obsession with winning.’
According to my Vivian Robson book on Fixed Stars. McSweeny has Scheat conjunct his Mars in Pisces. Not a good placement. Perhaps Sue Gray has passed the baton?
Whatever one may think of Sue Gray she knew how the inside of the Civil Service worked something her successor will struggle to replicate. In addition it is hardly surprising that Gray became seen as a distraction since so many of the Labour special advisers in Number 10 have been constantly leaking against her in recent weeks. One might also think that Mcsweeny did not really have to show any genius as a campaign architect to defeat Sunak’s hapless government particularly as Farage and Reform were doing much of the job for them. Indeed, in those circumstances Labour getting only 34% of the popular vote at the General Election was completely underwhelming.
If the date of birth is correct then Mcsweeny was born with his Mars at 23 Pisces exactly conjunct Markab, the “Star of Sorrows”. The natives with this placement are described as potentially “impulsive, and of an emotional, sometimes quarreling nature.” They can be hasty and self destructive. Mcsweeny’s Mercury at 14 Taurus is conjunct fixed star Menkar which is associated with “difficulties through writing” and legal losses. One wonders if we are going to see yet another Labour administration dominated by the “The Thick of It” constant leaking, plotting and jockeying for position.
All excellent points! Do Boris and Starmer both share an overwhelming desire to get INTO No.10 …but have little idea of how to manage once there …. and end up relying on unsuitable, empire-building advisors?
As a lay observer it would appear that the desire to win office, power and even salaries has greatly outweighed any interest in actually coming up with workable policies for dealing with the problems that confront Britain. The actual body of Labour MPs returned by the voters appears to be just so much Parliamentary canon fodder with little influence while the Party apparatchiks seem more interested in muscling their way into jobs rather than running the country for the benefit of the people. It seems in that respect the Johnson and Starmer governments are very similar.
His strong 17th Harmonic chart brings together Mercury-Neptune-Pluto.
Positively this gives….”Subtle ideas communicated with intensity.”
Negatively it gives……”Cofused and vague thinking causing mental obsessiveness.”
David Hamblin says seventeen people….”feel themselves to be apart from
the rest of society, and feel a need to rebel against it. The spirit of revolutionary
fervor is many of these cases of strong seventeeness. Seventeeness can be used
in evil ways as in the case of Neville Heath and Randall Woodfield whose anger
against society led them to rape and murder.”
Dominic Cummings 2.0?
Not nearly as excitable as Cummings.