Moldova has voted by the slimmest margin in a referendum to join the EU with much talk of Russian interference in the vote. Though according to reports the populist Georgian Dream party is expected to win in an upcoming election on Saturday which is set to pursue an illiberal agenda that would make EU membership impossible.
There are two charts for Moldova – 23 December 1917 and 23 June 1990 11.15 am Kishinev, Moldova. Both charts indicate an undermining phase ahead with the tr Neptune Saturn conjunction in Aries squaring the Sun in both instances and other planets from mid 2025 onwards for several years.
The 1990 chart hints at increasing domestic resentment leading to a revolution of sorts by 2029. The 1917 chart has some highlights ahead as well as several significant disappointments; with a devastating set of influences in 2027/28.
The Moldova 1990 relationship chart with the EU makes any closer links look a forlorn dream almost till the end of the decade with tr Saturn Neptune in Aries undermining the composite T square of Pluto opposition Sun Venus square Saturn.
It will be ‘interesting’ to see how the former Soviet satellites and indeed Russia itself – all reinvented in 1990/91 – cope with the tr Neptune Saturn in Aries square to their Capricorn planets in the triple conjunction between 2025 and the end of this decade. And since many were formerly established in the 1917/18 period they also have tr Pluto in Aquarius squaring their Neptune and Saturn in the years ahead which will be punishing and confused.
There will be a considerable swamp ahead.
A short snippet off X about the purchased votes issue. It is “G” rated but as I do nto speak Russian, cannot translate.
@Unmystic Mom, I’ve mentioned this before, but many of post-WWI chart countries are staunchest supporters of Ukraine, and fed up with “Old” Europe dragging their feet. Hungary and Austria are exceptions, but then again, I think November 17th, 1873 chart works the best for Hungary, and March 30th, 1867 might be the best for Austria.
Therefore, I think there actually are some late or post-WWI themes in play here, having to do with the rise of smaller national entities.
Thank you for your observations, Solaia. Your analysis from a non-Anglophone Scandinavian perspective, which is quite rare in the Anglophone world, is much appreciated, most certainly by me and I am sure by others here. It helps us see geopolitical developments from a different point of view.
On your point about the late/post-WWI themes at play here, one that I can identify is that Ukraine, in its modern iteration, like many other countries in Eastern Europe (arguably including Russia), came into existence in 1918 or thereabouts, when Pluto was partway through Cancer (the sign of homes and homelands) and that the war in Ukraine (especially if you factor in Crimea) started when Pluto was partway through Capricorn, half the zodiac away. I have argued in the past that Pluto appears to influence characteristics not only of the sign it is in, but also the opposite sign. For instance, when Pluto was in Leo, fascism (one of whose defining characteristic is elevating the collective above the individual) rose and fell.
As an aside, I don’t know if anybody mentioned it earlier, but we are past one Neptune Return from the Crimean War by just a few years. The second Russian invasion of Ukraine (2021) would have started at about the Neptune Return of the end of the Crimean War. Perhaps astrologically there was unfinished business from the Crimean War.
The last paragraph, about former Soviet satellites being established in 1917-18 and reformed in 1990-91 would also apply to Poland, Finland (the bit about being established in 1917-18), the Czech Republic, Slovakia (which was formed at Czechoslovakia in 1918-19), the modern Austria, Hungary and the three Baltic countries in the EU.
Would that be the provocation for the East-West split you had forecast for the EU in an earlier post?
Indeed, in a separate post, could I request you to have a look at the charts of the various WWI peace treaties (not only of Versailles, but also of Trianon and of Lausanne) and of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact to see if they are being triggered by the planets?
Also, given that much of the modern Middle East was created in the immediate aftermath of WWI (i.e. in 1917-18), what would be the impact of the planets on the charts of British Palestine, Transjordan, Syria and Lebanon?
Have the recent eclipses affected these charts as it does appear that these are the news hotspots at the moment?
Just realised that Ireland had also come into being in the 1920-22 period, which would suggest that it would also likely be facing a similar planetary configuration in a few years time.