Mohammed Al Fayed, formerly owner of Harrods and nearly Princess Diana’s father-in-law, who died last year, is now the centre of a sexual abuse scandal with allegations of rape and sexual assault being made by former employees.
Ambitious for high honour and acceptance in the upper echelons of British society including in the Royal Family, Al Fayed courted Diana in her post-divorce days flaunting his conspicuous wealth with yacht, helicopters and private plane. Although she was wealthy by normal standards with £17 million from Charles on her divorce, she hankered after a billionaire’s lifestyle. And she knew Dodi Al Fayed as stepfather to William and Harry would cause maximum embarrassment to the Royal Family.
Mohammed Al Fayed, 26 January 1929 Alexandria, Egypt, no birth time, was a Sun Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus; with a hard-edged Saturn in Sagittarius opposition Mars square Venus in Pisces. He also had a yod onto Neptune (Moon) in Virgo inconjunct Uranus sextile Sun. His afflicted Neptune was conjunct Diana’s Mars Pluto in Virgo (and her Leo North Node) in what could be seen as connecting him to her death (Mars Pluto) because of his delusional need to reach exalted status (Neptune).
His Sun was conjunct Diana’s 2nd house Jupiter so money and his initial generosity would be a draw for her. His North Node in Taurus was conjunct Diana’s Venus for a good public relations offensive and her social charm would also offer a chance for him to expand his influence.
Their relationship chart had a composite affectionate Sun Venus in an overly-excitable and argumentative square to Mars; with a fated yod of Uranus sextile Pluto inconjunct Saturn. If it had proceeded into a Diana Dodi marriage it would have ended in tears.
When Diana was killed along with Dodi and Henri Paul in 1997 tr Uranus in early Aquarius was moving to conjunct Mohammed’s Sun and was exactly conjunct Diana’s Jupiter. For him a terrible jolt. For her the end game from tr Uranus conjunct her Saturn Jupiter conjunction – flying too high because of public adulation and cut down by Saturn’s grim reaper – as the ‘memento mori’ of Jupiter Saturn extracted its final revenge. As it did with John Lennon, JFK and others.
Henri Paul, 3 July 1956 1am Lorient, France, the chauffeur, was a Sun Cancer, his birthday only two days after Diana’s, with a super-confident Pluto Jupiter in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio. His Jupiter Pluto was conjunct Diana’s North Node, Mars and Pluto which looks like an unhealthily revved up link – and there was a yod formed by his Jupiter Pluto sextile Venus in Gemini inconjunct Diana’s Saturn, as destiny chained their fate together.
On his relationship chart with Diana there was a composite yod onto the Moon with the Moon also on the focal point of a composite T square conjunct Scheat. Highly emotional and pulling public attention.
He also had a yod link to Pamela Harriman with his Jupiter Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct her Sun, Mercury Midheaven in Pisces.
What a tangled web the fates weave. Yods do seem to be one connecting factor.
On the sexual allegations against Mohammed Al Fayed – a birth time would help though Saturn opposition Mars can be cruel and it squares onto his Venus. His Sun was also square his Venus/Mars midpoint which has been associated with promiscuity. His Uranus squared his ruthless Mars/Pluto midpoint; and his Pluto was in a hard, unfeeling opposition to his Sun/Saturn midpoint.
This is chilling and worth a read. It does beg the question of why the establishment, legal and otherwise, took no action.
How horrible that the case against him was dropped as he was a grieving father.
It seems that Princess Diana was warned about him and presumably didn’t believe what she was told, even by her friends.
I worked for him in his private office in the early 80’s. He was already a predator but was reasonably discreet about it. Buying Harrods was like a smorgasbord of talent for him and it was then he became a real Grade A hunter. He sometimes tried it on when we travelled with him but women in those days were made of sterner self and knew how to handle themselves. Additionally, he never pressed hard because I think he considered it would take too long to replace us.
I wrote to Kensington Palace when Diana took up with him to warn her but she certainly didn’t take any notice, if she even read my letter. It didn’t help that her former stepmother was by this time of the Board of Harrods and doubtless assuring the Princess of his bona fides. He was cunning as well as charming and I am guessing that he played up the family side of his life as by that time he had four youngish children.
For what its worth I do not for one moment imagine that Diana ever contemplated a future with Dodi. I knew him quite well and he was pleasant and charming but not a person of substance. I think the only thing they really had in common was both were needy. I am guessing that once she returned to London and Mohamed started muttering about her opening the Harrod’s sale, she would have slipped out of the Fayeds suffocating embrace.
Appreciate the ‘inside skinny’, Penelope.
Dear Marjorie,
It would appear that some people with extreme wealth feel that they are above any type of law or morality, because
they have access to the type of financial power that the majority of ordinary folk could never imagine.
Al Fayed was a very odious man indeed. Cruel and very destructive to all who fell into his sphere.
Elon Musk is potentially the most obvious example. With the obscene amount of money he has at his disposal, he
must feel he can do anything he wants, without any responsibility legal or otherwise.
No doubt, tales will emerge about him in the future. However with a fortune of 300 billion and rising, he will remain
I was listening to an interview with the author of Fayed’s unofficial biography, Tom Bower a few days ago. When he was researching for the book and was delving into reports about Fayed’s abuse of women and girls, former Met detective superintendent and Fayed’s head of security, John MacNamara phoned Bower and threatened to remove Bower’s hands if he proceeded with his investigations. He also claimed that the Met colluded with Fayed in the same way that the West Yorkshire police protected Savile.
It is so depressing how these things only really get into the mainstream thirty years down the line. Sigh.
Thanks Marjorie. Chilling indeed.
Back in January 2023 you posted about the Met Police, and noted that SA Mars was moving to conjunct the Met Police Pluto in Aries this year, at 7 Aries. Harrods apparently ‘sponsored’ a car for the Met in 1996.
For some ‘car crash’ symbolism, here’s a quote from today’s Daily Mirror online:
“Mohamed Al Fayed is pictured in a £7,000 car he donated to the Met Police who failed to arrest the tycoon despite a string of female employees accusing him sexual assault.
Wearing a senior officer’s hat, the smiling Harrods boss became the “first businessman to sponsor” the force in 1996, a year after he was first publicly accused of sexual misconduct. It raises questions about whether the Met investigated Al Fayed “without fear or favour” when at least five women and girls made allegations against him before his death, aged 94, last year.” Daily Mirror, 25 September 2024
There are a number of links between MAF’s natal chart and that of the Met Police. Their 17 Capricorn Neptune (money and scandal?) opposes MAF’s natal Pluto. His Uranus in 4 Aries opposes their 6 Libran Sun, and aligns with their 7 Pluto in Aries. I wonder if the approaching 10 Libra eclipse is close enough? Some people allow up to four degrees in a mundane chart I think. Met MC is 8 Libra. The Met’s Virgo Mars and South Node, and Fayed’s Pisces Venus were close to September’s Lunar eclipse, and the one next spring.
As with Savile and Epstein, I’m unable to look at this person’s face without feeling a wave of intense darkness and despair. I’m not religious bit there is something satanic about them.
I watched an interview with him and Michael Parkinson. At the time I found him to be very vulgar and insulting of various people. Any sympathy I felt for his situation was diminished, but not entirely discounted.
Personally I never trusted nor liked him. He did seem to love diana more than dodi. Idk. I’m wary of aquarius
Can you expand on “Saturn opposition Mars can be cruel”? Also what amount of orb would you allow in such an opposition?
I have Saturn in the third opposition Mars in the ninth, with an orb of 3 degrees. Is that significant?
Mars opposition Saturn has a spectrum of meanings. Mars says “I want”, “I am” and I intend to —” , Saturn blocks assertion and damages a sense of personal agency – i.e. the ability to act is limited by others. That is where it starts in childhood.
In adult life it gives self-discipline and the ability to put up with difficult even scary situations, to grit teeth and get on with it. It is associated with the military because of its ability to submerge personal needs/wishes and fit in with orders – and also its traditional association with assassinations.
It tends to be impatient – grit teeth, say nothing and then explode; and unsympathetic since the individual has learned to stiffen their spine and cope with hardship and does not understand others who won’t or can’t cope.
It is also in extremis associated with a sado-masochistic approach – i.e. either give in and suffer (and sometimes sugar coat the pill by enjoying hardship/pain) – or flip the switch and do unto others as the individual was done unto early on and sadism surfaces. That is the extreme end of the spectrum.
Orbs of up to 8 degrees are usually OK with oppositions, squares and conjunctions.
Illuminating description of Saturn opp Mars. Thanks Marjorie.
Thank you very much for a detailed look at this particular combination, Marjorie.
It is much appreciated.
Rape is indicated by Mars, force, and Pluto control. We also see characters in Myth who
were either rapists or victims, prominent also in his Solar chart, making him have the
potential for rape. One proment aspect is Moon, women in a t-square with rapists
from myth. See his solar chart with multiple aspects…..click magnifier to enlarge.
Frayed’s Saturn/Lilith conjunction in the 8th house with Pluto in Cancer along with the Moon / Neptune conjunction in the fourth may suggest a mother/woman issue with complex emotions. Saturn in Sagittarius in the eight is a combination of Earth,Water and Fire with Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius in the 12th house Water, in Taurus Earth, could mean he felt powerless or impotent with Lilith giving little warmth from women/mother or his feeling little warmth towards women? There is most definitely a theme of Water/Earth overriding his sexual desire, combined with his Saturn money/power and a desire to control weighing him down? Pluto in Cancer the crab – grabbing and controlling by sexual needs or money? The fact that Jupiter is conjunct Chiron in the 12th house which rules Neptune conjunct his Moon in Virgo is another sign of his inability to deal with a hidden need or very critical with not having enough to satisfy his needs. Algol is in Taurus one’s own money – ruled by Venus – all adding to his needs/wealth/power . His Sun/Moon midpoint is also in Scorpio in opposition to Algol with his Mars/Moon midpoint trine Lilith. Certainly a man with a need to have power over women as he may never had felt full satisfied. Maybe he felt Diana was his prize and could use her for his own gratification – power over a country’s elite? His wealth and his Son having the ultimate power? There is a lot pointing to abusing women for his own gratification or hitting back as it mother/authority/power!
His mean Lilith which is the one used by Astrodatabank / Astrodienst is at 17 Sagittarius – conjunct Diana’s Ascendant. Mean Lilith takes into account the variations of the Moon’s orbit. Astrotheme (and French astrologers) use the ‘true’ Lilith which is at the end of Sagittarius for Fayed.