The failure to pass Trumpcare is being seen as a major humiliation for Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader. And it’s not at all clear where it goes from here, since the USA has found that they actually like health care being protected.
McConnell, 20 February 1942, does have the upcoming Lunar eclipse conjunct his Mercury (opposition Pluto), which certainly fits with scattered arguments, barriers to agreements, high stress levels and the need for a serious re-think. The Leo Solar Eclipse is also square his Uranus which will also have thrown him off track. The rest of this year looks panicked, irritated and disappointing.
It’ll be 2018 before he picks up a more confident tr Pluto square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint running through 2019 which will give him renewed heart. But since it runs side by side with tr Pluto trine his Mars Saturn in Taurus, it’ll also be a mighty, uphill struggle. So no easy deals coming up anytime soon.