The tragic sinking of entrepreneur Mike Lynch’s yacht in a freak typhoon off Sicily with several deaths and others still missing has given rise to unconvincing conspiracy theories. But there are still a raft of coincidences arguably putting it into the category which Carl Jung called syncronicity – events that coincide in time and appear meaningfully related, yet lack a discoverable causal connection.
In brief: Mike Lynch sold Autonomy, a software maker he founded to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion in 2011 and was then accused of cooking the books to make the sale. A decade-long legal battle followed and latterly he was extradited to the US, facing criminal charges of engineering a massive fraud. Found not guilty a few weeks ago, he indicated it was his wealth and ability to pay significant legal fees which helped him win.
He was celebrating his win on his super-yacht, the Bayesian, which had the tallest aluminium mast in the world at 246ft. Eerily his co-defendant in the fraud trial, Stephen Chamberlain, VP Finance, was killed a few days back after being hit by a car as he was running.
The yacht was anchored as the unexpected tornado hit in the early morning which probably caused it to capsize. The boat was named Bayesian after a probability theory and was built in 2008 as Pluto moved into Capricorn.
Mike Lynch, 16 June 1965, was a Sun in Gemini square Mars in Virgo opposition Chiron and Saturn; with his Jupiter and North Node in Gemini square a Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto. He was exactly on his Second Saturn Return when the accident happened; with tr Saturn opposition his accident-prone Mars/Pluto midpoint; and his Solar Arc Mars/Saturn midpoint in hard aspect to his Neptune.
At the risk of sounding heartless/tasteless in dragging the tragedy into an astrological context – it could be seen as a swansong event for Pluto in Capricorn, the era of moneyed excess, in which Gemini did appear to play an outsize part. As well as being the high profile event occurring on a day which was expected to throw up momentous events.
Others missing include Jonathan Bloomer, Morgan Stanley Bank International chairman. And Chris Morvillo, Mike Lynch’s lawyer.
The sinking happened in the early hours of Monday 19th around 4am off Palermo, hours before the Full Moon squared Uranus.
Add On: The Bayesian was launched under the name Salute on 13 February 2008, according to reports, near Pisa. That hooks into yesterday’s Uranian Full Moon with the 2008 North Node at 27 degrees Aquarius getting triggered exactly. The launch Uranus at 17 Pisces was also conjunct Mike Lynch’s Saturn at 17 Pisces undergoing his Second Saturn Return exactly at the moment. The launch chart also has a high-jeopardy Mars opposition Pluto. With its Mars in Gemini exactly conjunct Mike Lynch’s Sun. It also has a yod of Mars sextile South Node inconjunct Venus which is being jolted now by the tr Uranus square the South Node.
All very entangled and oddly unsettling even for astrologers.
Lynch’s prog. Moon was also at 17* Pisces. That’s a convergence of n. Saturn, tr. Saturn, both at 17* Pisces, square tr. Jupiter at 17* Gemini. And then Venus opposes the teamed up Saturn return at 24* Virgo. A t-square + karma, wealth, prestige, affluence, and then the aforementioned Neptune aspects. A perfect storm. And it all stemmed from lynchpin Mike Lynch. Old saying: watch the company you keep. He and his cohorts had been on this fated path for years. Their wives also suffered the fates of their husband. This is biblical. Notice captain and crew survived, except for the chef.
@ Joody What an excellent take on this tragedy, the mind boggles when it comes karma, interesting that the captain and crew survived apart from the unfortunate cook, but of course they would not have been involved with Autonomy.
In 2011 October, about when HP bought Autonomy, it looks like transiting Fortune was 17 Cancer trine Lynch’s natal Neptune 17 Scorpio and trine Saturn 17 Pisces: his natal trine. The North Node was at 17 Sag. Transiting Uranus was square his natal Mercury. Wonder if his current wealth came from this sale?
Pluto in Capricorn – moneyed excess?
Certainly, Capricorn is connected to wealth, riches, money, and status – but excess?
Isn’t that more other signs’ territory, e.g. perhaps Venus in Leo?
Pluto brings the “excess” to the qualities of the sign it is in.
So Pluto in Capricorn = moneyed excess.
I expect Pluto in Aquarius to bring us excess of scientific development and logical, unemotional thought.
Fished out of a black hole. A couple of comments with astro info.
Jane: Mike Lynch
An almost unbelievable tragic accident, caused by a powerful freak typhoon. Inevitably, it does feel strangely ‘fated’, in a Greek mythic sense.
I haven’t looked at them all, but two fixed stars appear to be involved alongside the striking astrology.
Alfard, in Hydra the Serpent or Water Snake, is connected to an interest in shipping. Elsbeth Ebertin says “danger is marked if Sun, Moon, Mars, Neptune, ascendant or MC are linked up with this star”. Alfard is 27 Leo.
Achernar, 15 Pisces, is the alpha star in the constellation Eridanus, The River. It gives an interest in science and travel. Also, according to Robson, “many changes, position of authority, danger of accidents especially at sea, and drowning.” Saturn at 17 Pisces now is, I think, still aligned with this star.
The recent Blue full Moon at 27 Aquarius fell opposite Mike Lynch’s Sun/Mars midpoint too. I note too that his Ceres is on the fixed star Scheat. There have been a glut of these incidents recently. Another super yacht, the Ethos sank off the coast of Kefalonia at the end of July, caused by a crew member forgetting to close a door, but the Ethos was the third large yacht that month to have run into trouble at sea. Fortunately, no one lost their life in the incident, but one associates these vessels with vast wealth and success. The mighty Poseidon does not discriminate.
Thank you Marjorie! I was thinking about VF’s comment that ‘Poseidon does not discriminate’. So I looked at the chart for the discovery of Neptune, 24 September, 1846 (astro.com). As you wrote:
“Mike Lynch, 16 June 1965, was a Sun in Gemini square Mars in Virgo opposition Chiron and Saturn”.
Those are 25 Gemini Sun, and 24 Virgo Mars.The yacht’s launch chart has Mars 25 Gemini. Neptune’s discovery chart has Mars 25 Virgo, inconjunct Pluto 25 Aries and Neptune/Saturn at 25 Aquarius – close to our recent Aquarian Full Moon. BML for Neptune is 26 Leo – the degree of the Sun for the terrible, tragic event. September’s Lunar Eclipse, 25 Pisces is conjunct Neptune, opposing Mercury in Virgo – and could also be a factor across these charts. There’s only a month to go, and although it isn’t a full eclipse I somehow sense it is a meaningful one.
Thank you!
Do u have other missing ppl dates of birth?
Jonathan Bloomer – 23 March 1954
Chris Morvillo 17 October 1964
Thanx a lot!