Mick Jagger will have surgery later this week to replace a heart valve after his Rolling Stones tour was postponed till after July. He is expected to make a full recovery.
Born 26 July 1943 2.30am Dartford, England, he’s a flamboyant and super-confident Sun, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury in Leo; with a high-octane Mars in Taurus square his Pluto Mercury. And a tactile Taurus Moon which is trine musical Neptune in the performing 5th. Not shy and retiring that’s for sure.
At the moment he has tr Pluto trine his Taurus Moon which suggests pressure to make positive changes to Moon areas – family, body, home. He also has a disruptive tr Uranus square his Sun from mid this month for a few weeks returning across the New Year. And then tr Uranus squares his Jupiter by June which is enthusiastic, with tensions disappearing. In July he has tr Uranus square his Pluto as well as his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint and conjunct his Jupiter/MC midpoint which looks optimistic, successful and a fair upheaval.
His Solar Return for this year up to July has Moon Saturn in the 6th house of health; with Pluto in the late 6th as well, so downbeat on the fitness front. His Solar Return for the year from July 2019 looks low energy with Neptune in the 6th, great for team efforts and friendships, less so for home and family.
He will have to watch ahead since his Progressed Mars is moving within orb of the conjunction to his Saturn, which is a fairly accident-prone combination, though it won’t reach exact for several years.
PS: Bill Clinton is another Sun Leo, Taurus Moon.
Mick Jagger has a heart? lmao
Love that Keith Richards with his past or current lifestyle (including having his children with 2 women loved and loves) still have his OWN HEART.
It’ll be nice to see Jagger’s synastry with Keith Richards, Jerry Hall and this 30 years-old ‘partner’?
Return Neptune in the Return 6th House
Neptune in the Return 6th House raises the possibility of dissolution, loss, letting go, sadness, misunderstanding, deception, or confusion with regard to health, work, co-workers, or a pet. A longstanding situation, relationship, or preoccupation related to such matters may dissolve or fade from your life. You are able to be of service by finding a practical use for your intuition and sensitivity. People who work for you may not be entirely honest in accounting for services they render. Neptune here can sometimes indicate a hidden illness, so a medical checkup is in order.
quite makes sense, no? lol
Jagger has Uranus square Sun, Jupiter opposition Saturn, Pluto trine Moon, Uranus square Jupiter, Uranus square Pluto transits until up 2020/1. Hard believe that’s a ‘grounding time’ to him!
He’s been always a Heart-less cad. Getting a stent fits him perfectly.
Isnt Uranus square Pluto a pretty bad transit?