Michel Barnier, the tough Brexit negotiator and right-winger has been named as Emmanuel Macron’s prime minister after an extensive delay. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the left wing politician, whose party and allies won most seats in the recent election said the election had been “stolen from the French people”, complaining that Barnier was “a member of a party that came last.”
Political high jinks everywhere.
What is interesting about Barnier is his chart. Born 9th January 1951 4.40 pm La Tronche, France, he has a Capricorn Sun square Neptune but what dominates his chart is a beyond-stubborn Mars Moon in Aquarius in his 8th opposition Pluto. He has two yods of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Midheaven; and Sun sextile Midheaven inconjunct Pluto. Definitely a power player.
His utterly immoveable Pluto opposition Mars sits on top of the France equally intransigent Uranus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius and squaring the France Mars in Scorpio and Midheaven. If he survives politically it’ll be a mighty battle.
The relationship chart with France has a controlling composite Pluto opposition Sun which will be seriously disrupted late December to mid March 2025 as tr Uranus opposes the composite Sun. There is also a highly-strung, nerve-stretched composite Uranus square Neptune which is being challenged now till late November.
His relationship with Macron is comme ci comme ca, or at least half OK and half not. There is a friendly Sun Venus trine an enthusiastic Mars Jupiter on the positive side. But also an ego-clash with a composite Mars opposition Neptune; and tough, strong-willed, single-minded Saturn Pluto trine Mars trine Venus.
He’ll have his work cut out with France suffering under the insecure jolts and jangles of tr Uranus opposition the France Mars (MC) till spring 2025; and an undermining tr Neptune opposition its Virgo Sun through till early 2026. With this October and next March Solar Eclipse rattling up France’s financial Venus at 11 degrees Libra; as well as this month’s Lunar Eclipse and next September’s Solar Eclipse challenging the France Sun.
Thanks Marjorie does he have positive interplay with Starmer? As EU former Brexit negotiator I hope relations with EU are thawing and there is scope for closer economic union
With Starmer’s Mars conjunct Bernier’s Uranus? Grant you his Saturn is trine Bernier’s Saturn, yet Pluto will be transiting this next year. There is a huge Uranian power struggle here. Especially Starmer’s own Mars sextile his Uranus. Water and Fire hot headed steam? We have seen enough of this last month with Pluto quincunx his Uranus – giving out of the blue pay raises and dower warnings . I see these two men as either a rush to change rules or a hidden power tussle. Uranus and Mars together is fire and air. A lot of heated prowess? With all their good fortune both wish to be top man! Barnier’s Mercury/Sun conjunction is trine Starmer’s Sun Pluto. Barnier is the more experienced and with more contacts. There may be all sweetness and light on show, yet underneath they will keep pushing each other. Barnier Sun/Moon midpoint is also on the cusp of Aquarius, Pluto will be transforming his power or testing it. Their Saturn is also a tussle, as Barnier Venus tribes Starmer’s Mercury , yet also trines his own Saturn. Barnier also his Mercury sextile his own Saturn a strong mind working purposely for what he wishes. Couple Barnier’s Sun/Moon midpoint trining is own Saturn and conjunct is Venus there is a lot of charisma and authority in his favour. Just a very Quick Look at Barnier Sun/Midpoint ( which I am good at getting wrong, when done too quickly) puts it a circa 3 degrees Scorpio – which may mean underneath it all, Bernier’s Pluto always has another political idea lurking beneath!
Correction Barnier’s Mercury in Capricorn is square his Saturn in Libra , pushing him to find a balance solution, as if my memory is correct Saturn is exalted in Libra. Quite a good placement for a leader!
Non-astrologically speaking,…
It is worth recalling that the UK only got into the EEC in the 1970s on its third attempt. Both its initial two attempts were vetoed by France.
And Barnier is unlikely to have a positive view of the UK, after heading the Brexit negotiations on the opposite side.
The way I see it, the question is more, how frosty will the winds and vibe from Paris be?