Michael Sheen – an Aquarius with a Virgo Moon


Michael Sheen, the Welsh actor with an illustrious catalogue stage and screen performances on his CV including biopics as Tony Blair, is expecting a child with his 25 year old Swedish girlfriend. He already has a 20 year old daughter with his first partner Kate Beckinsale.

He was born 5 February 1969, with amateur dramatic parents and worked mainly in the theatre in his early adult career. He’s a Sun Aquarius square a determined Mars in Scorpio which in turn is in a showbizzy conjunction to Neptune. His forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries is inconjunct his Mars giving a hard-edge to his performances. He’s also got a lucky, risk-taking, constantly changing Jupiter Uranus in Libra opposition Venus in Aries. He has had a succession of girlfriends but never married. His Virgo Moon is probably conjunct Pluto.

There’s no birth date for his present girlfriend Anna Lundberg but she was born around 1994 when the Uranus Neptune conjunction was in Capricorn which will square his Saturn which might make it an edgy connection. He doesn’t look that enchanted this year with an uncertain, worried tr Neptune conjunct his Sun/Saturn midpoint at the moment; a trapped tr Pluto square his Mars/Pluto midpoint recently and on and off till late 2020; with a discouraging tr Pluto square his Saturn and sextile his Mars this year; and a blocked Solar Arc Pluto square his Sun next year.

He does have tr Pluto trine his Solar Arc Venus this year and next which is emotional and affectionate but that’s fairly obscure.

Pic: IDominick

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