Michael Gove, a close Cabinet colleague of Boris Johnson through Brexit and the pandemic though a questionable friend, has announced a surprise split from his wife of 20 years Daily Mail columnist Sarah Vine. He has been talked of as a possible future Tory leader though he has lost in his last two attempts and there’s not much in his astrology to indicate success ahead.
Born on 26 August 1967 in Aberdeen, he was in care until four months old after which he was adopted by a Labour-supporting family and only switched to Tory when at Oxford University. He is an understated Sun, Mercury, Venus in Virgo with a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries; a publicity-seeking and tricky Mars Neptune in Scorpio in an opportunistic square to Jupiter in flashy Leo, perhaps formed into a T Square by a Taurus Moon. His North Node in Aries points to a need to stand on his own two feet and not be dependent on a partner to do the heavy lifting.
It was always an odd match with his wife, 16 April 1967, since she is a go-ahead, super-assertive Sun Aries opposition Mars in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer. Though admittedly they both have focal point Jupiters which can point to high ideals and skills as social administrators, or grandiosity and over-confidence.
Their relationship chart is mixter maxter with a needs-space composite Sun square Uranus; a steady Jupiter trine Saturn and an impulsive Mars square Jupiter; with a high-hopes though unrealistic Neptune trine Venus. She has certainly been under pressure in the past eighteen months with tr Pluto square her Mars and her Sun and opposition her Jupiter but looks in better shape than he does in the next several years.
He’s got a run of confidence-undermining Neptune transits to emotional and professional midpoints through the next three years and a catastrophic 2024/25 with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Saturn and Saturn/Neptune midpoints.
His relationship with Boris has never been brilliant since he withdrew his support for Johnson in 2016, hours before the deadline of the Tory leadership election, after which Boris declined to run. The Daily Telegraph said it constituted “the most spectacular political assassination in a generation” while The Guardian labelled it as a “Machiavellian move”. Mars Neptune in Scorpio? Plus his Virgo Sun, Mercury and Venus in Virgo colliding with Boris’s aggressively competitive Mars in Gemini and the rest of his chaotic T square of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. It’s a miracle they were ever in partnership in the first place let alone coming back together after the betrayal.
His relationship with Boris is on the slide this year with tr Neptune conjunct the composite Saturn and worsening dramatically in 2023/2024.
The Sundays may well have more. And all the ‘social distancing’ queries appear to have more behind them than just the split. Watch this space.
Diane Abbott alluded to the ‘fog’ surrounding Gove’s personal life last week when it was widely expected that Gove would take over from Hancock as Health Sec. She asked if Gove’s personal life was beyond reproach and whether Sarah Gove could shed light on this. A week later their marriage split is announced.
I also think the timing of the Hancock affair leak in the Tory supporting Sun newspaper is interesting (there are rumours that they sat on the footage). As a result, the Conservatives suffered a backlash and dipped in the polls released this week. They lost the Batley and Spen by-election by only 325 votes; losing potential voters who couldn’t stomach the hypocrisy of the social distancing breaches by Hancock. This takes the pressure off Starmer who would have faced calls to resign if Labour had lost (instead Starmer is receiving fawning media coverage for scraping by). Now Labour are lumbered with an inept, non-challenging leader for the foreseeable future which could be seen as no bad thing for the Conservatives especially if there is an earlier than expected election.
Thanks Marjorie. Rumours about this marriage have been circulating for quite a few years. And not the silly ones about Gove and Cummings!
I noticed that Mercury has just crossed the June 19 Gemini eclipse point, squaring Gove’s Pluto in Virgo. Neptune opposes Uranus – all mutable, all quite gossipy I think. She’s experiencing lots of transiting Pluto, so may be tired of the charade or whatever kind of “arrangement” they might have had. Perhaps she stuck by him, thinking he might be PM one day, but now realises that’s not very likely. Judging by her remarks about politicians’ egos this week, she’s had enough.
Jane, rumours about the marriage? you are being subtle and…withheld here, but looking at the chart its not…straight forward shall we say? More revelations? hmmmm….. I do wonder about the man’s self-image, from his difficult start, I thought Sarah Vine very tough but my instinct here is that she has put a brave front on the reality of who he truly is…….she was in the Daily Mail last week looking great, I hope she feels that too……with all that Scorpio stuff its….complicated…
Yes, I am being subtle-ish! Let’s wait and see – probably not too long. Mercury is squaring Neptune and that’s bursting with scandalous potential. I was curious about Mercury crossing that eclipse point too, as hadn’t really thought about that as a “trigger” (unlike say, Mars or Sun) but it looks as if it could have triggered it this time. I hope their daughter is ok too. A split is always difficult for the children, let alone one in the full glare of publicity.
This comes as no surprise, given that Vine’s opinion piece in the Mail last weekend, (“The problem with the wife who’s been with you for ever is that she knows you’re not the Master of the Universe you purport to be.”) on Matt Hancock’s affair was rumoured to be a thinly veiled nod towards her own husband. In that light, I wonder if there will be more revelations?
“I wonder if there will be more revelations?” – oh, I think there’s more. Possibly they know something’s about to emerge, and this is a pre-emptive strike? Mercury is in Gemini, enjoying itself no end….
Indeed, Jane. And all these ‘leaks’ are so Mercury square Neptune, aren’t they? Rather unfortunate that this particular cabinet as well as our dear leader is highly mutable and the square will be hitting them big time.
Our dear leader, Virgoflake that is delicious……! the whole of Europe retires to bed when anything Boris utters is announced – satire, wit and parody aside, it is utterly beyond belief the man is in charge of the beloved island of UK…….WHY?