Michael Cohen – a loyal Trump foot soldier taking the flak



Michael Cohen, the fiercely loyal, pitbull lawyer for Trump, formerly an Executive VP for the Trump Organization, has been accused of “using intimidation tactics in trying to step on little people” in his efforts to protect his master and idol over the Stormy Daniels allegations. Lawsuits and counter-suits, accusations and denials are flying around.

Born 25 August 1966 (wiki), he’s a Sun Virgo with a lives-inside-a-bubble Water Grand Trine of Jupiter in Cancer trine Neptune trine Saturn; with Mars, Venus, Mercury spread out through flamboyant Leo.

He’s an odd mix with Trump with his Saturn square Trump’s Sun and Moon; and his Uranus Pluto square Trump’s Uranus.

Their relationship chart has a chained-together Saturn square Pluto; and more interestingly, a slippery composite Sun Mercury square Neptune. The latter is being nerve-stretched and seriously jolted, now into April with tr Uranus square the Sun Mercury and opposition Neptune.

Stormy Daniel’s Pisces Sun is conjunct Cohen’s Saturn; her Uranus conjunct his Neptune; her Pluto square his Jupiter; and her Mars opposes his Pluto Uranus – so a worthy opponent who won’t budge and will make him feel vulnerable. Their relationship chart has a cold composite Sun Saturn, which tr Neptune is undermining in 2018/19/20 – so this may run and run. If anything, 2019 looks more aggravated with tr Pluto trine the composite Mars.

Much the same scenario for on his relationship chart with Michael Avenatti, Daniels’ lawyer, with jousting continuing into a real slog in 2019/2020.

On Cohen’s personal chart, he looks uncertain in April with a crisis of will-power, and that influence repeats into 2019. With a shock which will provoke misjudgments in May when tr Uranus is square his Mars, again repeating into 2019.

5 thoughts on “Michael Cohen – a loyal Trump foot soldier taking the flak

  1. By his face, and my ‘feelings’, I say he is a Pisces Rising. Hoping it is the Aries… he will need it (minus impulsivity and recklessness). However, I have known some very resilient Pisces… slippery fellas, and giant whales. Whatever the case may be, God bless this mess. So Be It.

  2. Shame we don’t have a birth time for him but from what I’ve seen i.e observing his facial structure and his mannerisms (and his naive plea deal with fed prosecutors) I am guessing him to be an Aries Rising.

  3. Cohen apparently went to a bad law school. Apparently it was cited last year for not teaching essential law principles. Certainly explains a lot doesn’t it?

    • I checked this out, and yes, it’s not very “reputable”. More precisely, it was signalled out by American Bar Association as one of the only 10 Law Schools in the country admitting students not deemed capable of passing The Bar.

      To be fair, though, Michael Cohen attended the school eons ago, when Law School admissions were more rigorous, and has passed The Bar in NY. So, I’d say he probably is a decent lawyer when dealing with his speciality. But obviously not a match to people who went to Harvard and studied Constitutional Law there. So, very out of his depht there. Also, out of depth with an truly excellent trial lawyer – a different breed from academics, in a sense – that Michael Avenatti seems to be. I know someone who is among the best trial lawyers in our country. He sent me a link to Stormy Daniels interview telling Trump definitely should not let her testify at court, she is convincing and very well adviced.

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