Mel B – from flash to crash



Mel B, in the middle of a rancorous divorce from Stephen Belafonte (see post April 4 2017), has had the beleaguered state of her finances laid bare. A wildly extravagant lifestyle has depleted her multi-million pound fortune from the Spice Girls down to almost nothing.

According to the Daily Mail her purchases included an attack-proof motor, able to withstand bullets, bombs and chemical attacks, for £200,000 plus several other high-end vehicles; a vastly expensive jewellery collection, one ring worth over £400,000 and another £200,000 and a £20,000 Rolex; at least four Birkin handbags, each worth around £20,000, and dozens of other designer bags totting up to £500,000. She has an agent, a publicist, a PA and a nanny, plus housekeeper, gardeners and pool technicians, adding up to an estimated staff bill of at least £250,000 a year. The kids school fees are £24,000 a year; and last year they went by private plane from Los Angeles to Las Vegas to watch Jennifer Lopez in concert, at a cost of £12,000 for the evening. Plus lavish holidays to butlered luxury villas; and she bought her about-to-be-ex a £1 million private island. And at the end of the year they couldn’t afford to pay their tax bill.

Insanity or what?

Born 29 May 1975 6pm Leeds, England (from memory) she does have an 8th house Gemini Sun opposition a 2nd house Neptune, so emphasising an extreme vagueness about money. She’s also got an Air Grand Trine of Moon, Sun and Pluto, which will put her up in her head rather than keeping her feet on the ground. Plus a ruthless, can-be-selfish Mars opposition Pluto which is sextile/trine her Sun opposition Neptune – and that so-called Mystic Rectangle can be tricky to balance.

Her 9th Harmonic, nominally idealistic, but really pleasure-seeking has Mars opposing Pluto Saturn squaring onto Jupiter in Leo which says it all really. Way over the top.


2 thoughts on “Mel B – from flash to crash

    • Pluto in Capricorn is transit in opposition to her natal Venus and Saturn in Cancer (both signs intercepted). Talk about restrictions on the luxury she adores! Ninth house, so she could publish a book, but she would want it to be top-notch (paper, color photo pages, erc.). The people who work with her on it would wish they could move to Pluto to get away from her demands.

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