‘With Love, Meghan’ Netflix’s latest offering from the Sussex household has been met with less than rapturous reviews. One critic said the “tone-deaf lifestyle show vibrates with vacuous joylessness – packed with useless information.” It has an 11 per cent rating from Rotten Tomatoes and 2.6 out of 10 from IMDb. The Hollywood bible magazine Variety said the series was ‘a Montecito ego trip not worth taking’.
While the first documentary Harry & Meghan about their lives in 2022 was a major success, two further productions about other subjects – Heart of Invictus in 2023 and Polo last December – slumped in the ratings.
The timing just after the devastating LA fires and in the midst of global turmoil is certainly bad luck but the content also seems a touch passé as the culture moves on from lifestyle glitz.
Meghan’s chart, 4 August 1981 4.46 am Los Angeles, California, has tr Jupiter moving through her hopeful 11th house until May this year and an ambitious Progressed Moon through her career 10th for another 18 months. But the upcoming Aries eclipse on her midheaven hints at a challenging crisis of direction; with another jolt come October’s Libra Eclipse on her IC and close to her Jupiter, Saturn, Moon. Decisions will have to be made about changing course domestically as well as in her ambitions.
She also has a final tr Uranus opposition her Uranus to finish her midlife crisis coming late this April. There will be chinks of good fortune and minor success ahead but there will be more minuses than pluses. A sudden change of direction from tr Uranus conjunct her Solar Arc Midheaven from late this month into April followed by a worrisome May to September as tr Neptune Saturn oppose her showbizzy Mars/Neptune midpoint and a catastrophic July as tr Uranus squares her Mars/Pluto midpoint. Those influences run on into 2026 when tr Saturn Neptune opposes her Moon for family and domestic concerns with further uncertainty in 2027. 2028 will be agitated, stuck and overly-reactive.
Prince Harry, 15 September 1984 4.20 pm London, will be subdued with tr Saturn opposition his Virgo Sun and square his Neptune this month and on and off throughout the year; with a disappointing tr Saturn Neptune square his Jupiter in 2026, a directionless 2027 and a log-jammed 2028/29.
Both their Sun/Moon midpoints, their marriage significator, will be stressed in 2027. And their relationship chart will face a critical, perhaps explosive point of change, as tr Uranus squares the composite Sun and is conjunct the composite Ascendant opposition Uranus through 2026 into early 2027 which will put major strain on their togetherness.
Prince Harry will be glad to see the back of this decade as he moves into more progressive phase after 2030.
Agree with GD that people were very happy for Harry and Meghan, and their sunny wedding day seemed to promise good things for the future. Although for strange ancestral vibes, the date did coincide with the execution of Anne Boleyn in 1536…
Something else I noticed is that Roger Federer was born 8th August, 1981, just four days later. As a very young player he had what might be called ‘anger issues’, but had therapy. As tennis fans know, he was always calm, polite, and gracious in his amazing professional career. He retired in September 2022. That month, Queen Elizabeth II died. A number of very awkward moments accompanied H&M’s UK visit that month, and it was obvious many people would have liked Meghan to ‘retire’ too. Federer’s Cancer Mars is in the 11th, widely square that Jupiter and Saturn in Libra he shares with Meghan. His Moon is in Scorpio though, so possibly M’s Libran Moon with Jupiter and Saturn is one of the keys to her personality?
By the way, says the show launched at 8 am UK time (12 am PST) on Tuesday.
But the question is – what is the place of birth: Montecito, Netflix headquarters…?
I never really understood neither her not this relationship. I remember distinctly one astrologer who knows a thing or two about synastries being baffled by what do they see in each other (or maybe more what does she see in him). Then stepped in Alice Portman and showed the antiscia and contrascia synastries, and given all those are kinds of shadow, or – a kind of a shadow, I got it to mean there was a subconscious pull of each other towards the other person of the pair.
And when I say I don’t get her, I never know is she evil and calculating or simply damaged and pushed to anxious by her subconscious in the wrong direction? As Judi Dench’s character says in that film with Cate Blanchett: Is she a sphinx or simply stupid? Something like that (I don’t think Meghan iz stupid, but you get the gist).
What was she thinking when getting together with Harry, what kind of life she thought that might be, did she plan it all along to flee London and the UK or was it something she did a bit spitefully when not getting her way… I have so many questions.
There does seem to be a bit of a desperate quality to these attempts of MM to make money. I get the impression the glamorous Montecito lifestyle is vitally important to her, which makes me wonder if Leo is’nt her rising sign rather than Cancer.
I would have thought that if the two of them just lowered their sights a bit, were a bit more realistic, they might have a happier life. But her only Earth planet is Venus and that’s afflicted by confusing Neptune.
Venus in Virgo isn’t a great placement either – in its fall. It wants to be loved by material means rather than allowing it to be an emotional experience that one feels. As with all mutables, the Virgo perfection will never be achieved and boundaries need to be set by saying “this is good enough”.
I find Marjorie’s title to be apt given this and her saturn-moon putting up walls.
The Meg’s writing says it all. Inauthentic. She’s not a calligrapher, though she promotes herself as a professional. Her writing is simply tightly squashed together little letters looking as if they are driving forward with showy flying curves driving backwards. Stasis.
Writing exists simply to be read, yet for all the flourishes, hers is very difficult to read, tight and controlled. It’s styled for admiration and ‘elevation’, to be special and noticed and to hide the real her, if she even knows who it is. It annoys people as much as she does.
Father issues, tension, duplicity, need to be noticed, all the things we’ve learnt and love about her, can be discerned from a graphological analysis.
Her writing annoys as many people as she does and supports the astrology.
I remember article apart their departing England. Marjorie stated that once the royal act (attacking) was over, Harry would retreat into a hole to get away from the media LA etc and Meghan would need to fall back on her own resources to make money. Her blog before she met Harry (the Tig).
Chickens coming home to roost. I hope they find something that makes them happy.
I think it’s Meghan’s need for constant praise that turns people off. I watched a little of the show and her friends came across as incredibly sycophantic. She just seems so desperate to be seen as perfect which is such a bore.
She doesn’t understand that some flaws are endearing, but the constant attention seeking is such a turn off. Plus many just can’t forgive her or him for the way they have treated the royal family or her own father, for that matter.
She is now claiming that her childhood meals consisted of takeaways and microwave meals. Poor Thomas Markle, he just can’t win.
Don’t you think that’s influenced by Leo in her chart. I’ve noticed people with Leo placements, particularly moon, have a strong need for adoration and admiration. It’s quite unlikable.
Hi Caroline. My son has a Leo moon in his 7th house. Agree with you but he has an Aq stellium and earth sign Saturn which is helping to mediate it, IMO.
Thanks Marjorie. I’ve not seen the programme, but nothing I’ve read about it sounds in the least bit tempting. Reminded me of some of those tone-deaf Insta postings by celebrities during the early Covid lockdowns. However, the Times today says it is comedy gold!
I was interested to see the photo you’ve posted here. Meghan’s dress design is like a classical Greek or Roman statue of a goddess, and the silvery colour would link with the Moon. Meghan has Cancer rising, so seems to have chosen to present her lunar nature, rather than emphasise her Sun in Leo. Her many cream and white outfits send a similar Moon based message. With Harry’s 7th house of partners in Cancer adding to the lunar goddess symbolism perhaps. Cancer as universal mother comes in too. Apparently Meghan is wearing Diana’s watch in parts of this programme. Diana herself, named for a lunar goddess, wasn’t interested in cooking and as we know, had a sadly conflicted relationship with food.
The approaching Lunar Eclipse in Virgo will be conjunct Harry’s natal Sun, and Meghan’s SA Sun. It opposes tr Saturn, which suggests limitations and possibly lessons of some kind through others. It is also opposing the tr Saturn/Nodes midpoint in Pisces, bringing in connections,friendships, and the past.
For all their wealth and privilege, glimpses of the ‘lifestyle’ they share seem stifling and empty somehow. I am, as ever, reminded of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.
Transiting Pluto in her 7th for another decade or so is going to continue to bring enemies out.
Unfortunate choice of rescheduling to put the series out when Venus has just turned retrograde at her MC. Especially as it’s on a Venus-related topic – food/cookery.
The Times was also cutting to the point: “smug, syrupy and endlessly spoofable”.
Makes me wonder what is it in a chart that in a person elicits a strong polarized reaction from the rest of the world.
Or where do you find smugness.
This is an interesting question “what is it in a chart that in a person elicits a strong polarized reaction from the rest of the world” It used to be like this for Katie Price, and I think before her maybe Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton or Britney Spears. They were always in the gossip rags & tabloids getting slagged off. Go back in time would it have been Lillie Langtry, Kitty Fisher, Diana?
Some people (always women?) just seen to rub people up the wrong way & elicit a stream of negative articles. Thankfully it does stop, as we have seen with Katie Price.
Obviously Meghan is making money for the gossip rags, but dosent seem able to monetize her notoriety for her own benefit.
@Belle, interesting point here is how Paris has redone herself. Her activism against “Troubled Teen Industry” definitely comes from the right place, and even her cooking show at Netflix came off as authentic. She is, interestingly, a 1981 Sun Aquarius, therefore her outer planet placements are not dissimilar to Meghan’s. And Britney too is a 1981 native, Sadgittarius Sun.
Another tidbit, I have gay friends who are born around that time, and they all would die for Paris, Britney and Lindsey, but those caring for royals never liked Meghan and were Team Kate. I think that the incapacity to really rally queer support is what’s undoing Meghan.
Looking at her chart then, what’s doing that is likely the weak Uranus (I will get my coat…). But I my working theory is that to be a queer icon, you need to have very prominent Uranus. Diana famously was a Venus/Uranus in Cancer, and instantly connected with gay men in particular.
Perhaps MM’s natal Moon (the general public in traditional astrology) conjunct Saturn and Jupiter might indicate the “polarized reaction” from the general public, that’s quite a tricky conjunction, and if it’s a few minutes out it could be even worse with the Moon could be caught between Saturn and Jupiter.
Combined with the possibly deluding Venus Square Neptune means her efforts to make money are ‘out of sync’ every time.
Hi Claire, a 9 degree orb for her ‘Venus Square Neptune’ is not too wide?
It’s wide, but a 10 degree orb for main aspects – opposition, trine and square – is not unusual.
Should have been a ‘Hi’ at the start of my reply there !
Perhaps it’s her ability to take something elevated like a prince of the realm and turn it into something ordinary.
I like your comment, you mean she managed to turn a prince into a frog.
On a serious note I do sense a lot of inner turmoil trying to make money from a lot of confused messages, a give away is her perma smile, always on the defensive, protecting herself, I don’t normally comment on people but I do have some compassion for those two privileged people.
Pluto squares her Asc. There seems to be a “marmite” quality in her appeal that provokes strong reactions.
Thanks, everyone! It is giving me food for thought and research.
Perhaps it’s Sun in Leo in the 1st. That’s a heck of a lot of ‘main character energy’.
I’m suspecting the Cancer Mars in 12th square Libra stellium is her undoing. I’d say the majority of Brits were happy for Harry to have met her and to give her a chance. But then when it all went wrong she played the victim – claiming it was racism and running away. She put peoples’ backs up against her and unless you’re into celebrity culture, she’s given nothing since to make herself likeable.
The Libra stellium with its saturn-moon close guards who she is, so we just get woke, word salad and platitudes; we’ve never seen the children which might humanise her. Alternatively she could go run a marathon for charity, go on Dancing with the Stars.