Meghan – exposure invites criticism

Poor Meghan is now the focus of a Daily Mail hate campaign, getting slagged off for the September issue of Vogue she edited. It highlights inspirational woman and oddly enough doesn’t have her on the cover as it did for Kate and Diana and indeed Princess Anne before her. Yet there was a high whine from two Mail columnists saying it showed how ego-centric she was. The media are extracting revenge for the privacy insistence over the birth and christening of Archie which didn’t sit well with previous Royal protocol or the public money spent on their new home. It would have to be admitted the young Royals PR hasn’t been of the best. They need better advisers whom they listen to. But she’s in a damned-if-does and damned-if-she-doesn’t trap at the moment.

Meghan’s Mars in Cancer was closely conjunct this month’s Cancer Solar Eclipse which was one indication of arguments and heated situations to come. Her Secondary Progressed Mars is also still conjunct her Mercury for a few more weeks which is prone to disputes and controversies. The Lunar Eclipse this month in later Capricorn/Cancer falls almost exactly on her Ascendant/Descendant so would shine a critical light on her image.

Her Mars is conjunct the UK’s Midheaven and opposition the UK’s Sun, so she will always be a person who causes differences of opinion and appears possibly more competitive than she is. Her controlling Pluto also squares the UK’s Moon which is an intense connection and will make for some resistance. She is a Leo so she likes an audience, but she’s also got her North Node in Leo so does have leadership abilities.

The relationship chart between herself and the UK is complex – tied together with a strong emotional bond with a composite Moon trine Pluto and square Venus, yet divisive with a needs-space composite Sun Uranus. There’s a composite Mars in the 10th which suggests that together it’s an ambitious pairing but if it goes sour there’ll be a strongly competitive element in the interaction. The composite midheaven is conjunct the Fixed star Algol, which can be destructive though it does have a positive side. It’ll be all systems change in 2021 to 2023 with tr Pluto square the composite Sun and Uranus which will leave to a major upheaval in relations.

She’s looking a touch jangled and undermined at the moment with tr Pluto in a trapped opposition to her Sun/Mars till late August and tr Neptune opposition her Mars/Uranus till mid-August, with more slumps late September to mid-November. With the tr Saturn Pluto about to cross her Descendant and move into her 7th house, which rules close relationships as well as general public relations from early 2020 onwards, the public mood and her responses may well magnify and become more difficult. She’s also got her Progressed Moon moving into and through her 8th house from this coming New Year which usually heralds a conflicted two years of inner questioning and exaggerated emotional responses.

Prince Harry himself is struggling with the transition into married life and fatherhood given a semi-hostile media environment. He has had his Progressed Moon moving through his 8th for a year and has another two years to go. He’s also got tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Moon midpoint in 2019/2020 which is the marriage signifier as well as public popularity – so strains in both areas (William had the same just after his wedding). Harry looks panicked and uncertain about his future plans till later this year as well with tr Neptune square his 11th house Mars; with a fair few humps and bumps along the way courtesy of tr Uranus oppositions to midpoints.

The Queen and Philip had a few years out of sight in Malta just after they were married; and William and Kate disappeared off to deepest Wales. Meghan and Harry might be better to fade into the background until life settles down.

14 thoughts on “Meghan – exposure invites criticism

  1. Im horrified that people here are buying into her self created victimhood, then again thats how stone cold narcissist’s manage to claw their way to the top over and over i suppose.

    But lets get real, she spends like Marie Antoinette, gives the finger to protocol ( that she willingly married into) NEVER supports British fashion or British interests, has a 350,00 baby shower while the Country is going to hell in a handcart, and frankly the humble bragging editorial in Vogue s the last straw for many.

    This ( and it saddens me that i even have to point this out) is not racists, this is totally earned.

    She is every box ticked on the list the rest of the world holds about the worst of Americans.

  2. The real question is why the London based Daily Mail newspaper (founded May 4th 1896) continues its constant racist smear campaign against Duchess Meghan, who will only gain more respect from the general public due to this failing onslaught. Using the Campanus house system and birthtime 0:01 AM gives the Daily Mail’s natal chart a nice Sun placement in the third house of communication (newspapers) but with an almost exact opposition (within 2 degrees) to Saturn in the intercepted 10th house, ruler of the Ascendant. This negative aspect defines its nature as a unreliable populist tabloid. Wikipedia even banned them from its pages as a inaccurate source of information in 2017. Daily Mail has a notorious history of racist and sexist reporting.
    My conclusion, its in a survival mode. According to Wikipedia its sales are dropping gradually and its readership is aging (average age readers is 58 and they have the lowest representation in the readergroup 15-44 years). Their tactic is to feed haters and fans simultaneously to increase sales, with a damaging effect on their accuracy and reputation. Resistance to their toxic approch is increasing and with a conjunction of transit Uranus to their Sun-Saturn opposition in 2020, in a new post-Brexit-reality, it seems that a thorough renewal to their strategy is inevitable. Perhaps it marks the beginning of the end for the Daily Mail as we know it.

  3. I think the way Meghan is being treated by the daily mail newspaper is truly disgraceful and disgusting. She hasn’t done anything really bad. She is just trying to help. Look at the other royals like andrew who is friends with epstein or anne who said she hates children or charles who is friends with middle eastern royalty and frolics around his place in arab robes in some kind of bizarre lawrence of arabia fantasy. Meghan is just a normal person compared to them.

  4. Harry is partly to blame. He should have thought Meghan what kind of behaviour the Brits expect and want.
    The problem is that Meghan behaves like an American celebrity. She does things she thinks a Royal should do not what they actually do.
    She is too vocal, big, flamboyant for British taste.
    Also she has done herself disservice with choosing to wear Dior and Givenchy etc. She should have started with cheaper items and after few years gone to the more expensive ones. Also a large part of her wardrobe should be of British labels, not French fashion houses.

    Kate got a lof of heat during her first year that her first year wardrobe was 170 000 pounds. Meghan’s was over 500 000 pounds. See the difference! Also Kate’s family paid for her wedding dress. Meghan’s wedding dress was paid by the Royal family. Meghan’s fans claim that she has made millions during her acting carreer, the why didn’t she pay for it herself?

    It’s these little things here and there that adds up to a lot. Most of Meghan’s ‘mistakes’ should have been avoidable. Didn’t she have a short internship in an Embassy? Shouldn’t that internship, no matter how short, have thought her to take cultural differences into consideration.

    • There is a glorious expression ‘play up play up and play the game…’ which is integral for success of a Royal. I don’t think Meghan has played the game and has seemingly rubbed people up the wrong way (both outside and more importantly inside the Palace) It is almost a rematch of Diana v Fergie for the 21st century

      • Then keep rubbing if she is living life on your own terms. She’s damn if she does or doesn’t as you can’t satisfy all of the people all of the time.

  5. The tabloids are out for her blood. She was criticised for wrapping the baby in a shawl which was made by poorly paid workers in India in the Daily Heil today. Piers Moron and Sarah Vine, spouse of Gove are the worst bullies. I do wonder how much of this bad press is a way of distracting the public from questions regarding Andrew’s murky past, given recent events.

    • Hm not sure if the Daily Mail have much of a vested interest in keeping that quiet. But it did seem like a vicious onslaught on poor Meghan – plus the ghastly Melanie Philips in the Times – another who’s views are often skewed.

    • I daresay there are other potentially very newsworthy Royal stories that the papers are keeping well under wraps that have been alluded to and have more than an element of truth to them! The internet was rife about them recently

  6. Marjorie – do the royals have any interest in astrology? Might they improve their situation a tad better with some sort of etheral guidance?

    • Sarah Ferguson did and Diana – others stay schtum if they are. They probably get drowned in advice from various quarters and probably ignore most of it. Apart from HMQ who has always trodden a very politic line throughout.

      • While some criticisms may be unfair – these are tabloids and she is an American commoner, with African-American blood, no less – Meghan did this to herself while displaying false humility. She reached out to Vogue, no one suggested this project to her, who is supposed to be busy with her son. Many of her ‘selections’ are far from inspiring, when there are very real deserving women out there.
        I do think she cares and wants to do good, but her ego keeps getting in the way.
        (by comparison Kate cares much less about anyone other than her immediate family, but as a result she also knows how to keep her head down; the media has also been far kinder to her than I think she deserves)

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