Meghan and Harry – wishing won’t make it so ++ relocation charts ++ Wallis and Edward ++ Netflix show

The continuing fascination and embarrassment surrounding the Meghan-Harry roadshow continues with a dud polo Netflix series streaming and disappearing, various splotches of critical media comment and no sign of the upmarket jam jamboree landing soon.

 While I would love to wish them happy ever after, all the indications are that after a hugely stressful four years of tr Pluto square their composite Saturn Pluto and opposition the composite Moon, they are heading into a dip in 2025. Tr Neptune will be opposition the composite Mars Venus into 2026 which will feel like failure and that is followed in 2026 by a major disruption from tr Uranus square the composite Sun and opposition composite Uranus.

 The wedding chart is also being ground down with tr Pluto conjunct the Mars and square Uranus running on from 2023 to late 2025. Plus a jolting, destabilizing tr Uranus conjunct the Sun in 2025 (which was coincidentally conjunct the destructive star Algol).

 On Sun/Moon midpoints which are the marriage significator. Meghan’s at 8 degrees Virgo had a separating tr Saturn in opposition in early 2024 as they started to appear solo at various events.  Harry’s Sun/Moon midpoint won’t pick up similar until 2027.

 Tr Saturn Neptune in Aries from mid 2025 onwards won’t suit Meghan’s Moon, Saturn, Jupiter since they will oppose those planets, undermine her confidence and pose questions about her domestic life amongst others. 2027 to 2029 look difficult years for her.

  Harry looks lost in terms of direction in 2027 but gradually thereafter he is heading into a more visible and hands-on phase of his life as tr Saturn moves slowly towards the end of his low profile First Quadrant which started at the time of his wedding.

  His relationship to his late mother Princess Diana is omnipresent and may be a key to his marriage. Diana’s Cancer Sun fell conjunct his Descendant (as does Meghan’s Mars in Cancer) – key to his sense of partnership. Diana’s Venus in Taurus was conjunct his Taurus Moon for an affectionate bond and Meghan’s Chiron is conjunct his Moon –  so there will be a healing connection on both sides.

 Harry’s Chiron falls in his 5th house of children, which is possibly where he seeks a balm.

 Harry’s relationship chart with his mother was affectionate and idealistic with a Grand Trine of Venus trine Moon trine Neptune, and a possessive Moon opposition Pluto. A much stronger bond in many ways than between William and his mother which has worked to Will’s advantage in freeing him up to settle into a different style of marriage.

 Diana’s can-be-destructive Mars Pluto and wilful Uranus both fell in Harry’s 8th house for a deep and disturbing bond.

 Meghan and Diana would undoubtedly have clashed with Meghan’s Mars conjunct Diana’s Sun for a competitive interface.  

 Two thoughts – Meghan is broadly similar to Diana, since both in their own way were drama queens (and both came from broken homes). Both were/are quite destructive in their need for vengeance.

  The second is a personal Virgo beef. How can they be so impractical when it comes to setting up projects? Employing endless expensive help who leave regularly and they keep ending up in a muddle over what appear to be basic details, permissions, copyright etc and either not completing or ignoring marketing advice to end up with vacuous nonsense. Diana at least put in the legwork to build a platform for the global image she later established. Meghan seemed to want the end result without the slog.   

 Add On: California was never going to be a launching pad for Prince Harry since it puts his Moon in the hidden 8th and his Sun in the hidden 12th – maybe OK for sorting himself out. But a place to lie low.

Meghan, I never quite understood, since relocating to London puts her Sun Mercury on the Midheaven for career success with a far-travelled Mars in the 9th and a friendly Venus in the 11th.  It could have given her what she wanted had she stuck it out and taken on the Commonwealth with Harry. 

ADD ON: There are some similarities between Meghan and Wallis Simpson in that both have their North Node in their First House which suggests problems building up a solid sense of personal identity. Sliding back into a partnership will feel comfortable but will not be the way to fulfilment.

 Oddly enough the Duke of Windsor has his North Node in Aries which equally suggests an imperative (clearly ignored) to stand on his own two feet and be independent. 

  Harry’s North Node in Taurus strongly suggests that letting go bitter, endlessly dragged-out arguments will bring him peace of mind. Nature will be his cure.

 Wallis Simpson’s Chiron was conjunct her Moon and in Edward’s 8th house conjunct his Saturn; his Chiron was in his 8th. In both cases it suggests problems with the early mother relationship and later sexual difficulties; with men often attracting them to powerful women.

 Meghan’s Chiron in Taurus is conjunct Harry’s 4th house Moon. A Chiron in Taurus can suggest lack of self-worth and never feeling secure, with issues around money. So Harry would represent safety and stability for her.

 On their relationship chart the composite Chiron falls conjunct the Ascendant giving them a problem deciding who they are as a couple and how to present themselves. The composite North Node falls in their 2nd house of personal financers hinting that becoming independent and not relying on the generosity of others will be vital.

Add On: Meghan’s cookery show launches on January 15 on Netflix – clearly not scheduled with astrology in mind. There is a late Capricorn Sun conjunct Pluto and opposition Mars which does not look propitious.

19 thoughts on “Meghan and Harry – wishing won’t make it so ++ relocation charts ++ Wallis and Edward ++ Netflix show

  1. The cookery show was delayed due to the California wildfires. Now due to be released March 4th which is a couple of days after Venus goes retrograde close to her MC.

    Also noting the American Riviera Orchard or whatever it was called has now been rebranded to “As Ever” which Meg then helpfully womansplained … “‘As ever’ means ‘as it’s always been’ or some even say ‘in the same way as always,'”.

    Apparently a New York clothes company turns out to have been using this brand since 2017 and the Mayor of a town in Spain says the logo looks like their coat of arms.

  2. No seems to mention the racism she was subjected to ! She’s a human being! I don’t blame her for leaving this country. All this talk about what colour the baby would be and a senior member turning up to meet her with a golliwog brooch . I don’t think she expected that to be part of the job

  3. I’m not a Meghan hater. I just feel sorry for them both. Had they planned things differently, they would be shinning in the Commonwealth – they got the charisma and star quality to have turned the Commonwealth into something really exciting. M’s chart confirms this. H would have gained the status and respectability he craved – and deserve. Seeing their charts, there’s a lot of Chiron energy there. It must be awful for them to feel chained by their pain but there’s a time in everyone’s life that moving on is necessary.

  4. She strikes me as being insecure and overly sensitive, too determined to seem perfect. I wonder if this could be the result of growing up mixed race in a world that sees black and white as absolutes. The negative press probably devastated her because assumed that she would be received as a modern Diana, not a Fergie 2.0.
    Harry seems like one who had a long-standing bitter resentment against the press and his family, blaming them for his lower status, perceived dimness and mother’s death. Marrying Meghan was supposed to bring them to the forefront of the family and vindicate him.
    I think he sold her a vision that was inaccurate and they both failed to realize that service to the crown would ultimately be dull, subservient to the senior royals and that over time they would be less and less relevant. Had they left without slamming everyone and just announced a plan to carve out their own lives they would be in a much better position. The anger and accusations together with a complete failure to acknowledge their privilege is what turns people against them but I do wonder if the senior royals did enough to help.

    • She had transit Neptune opposite Virgo Venus when she met him. The scales were always due to fall from her eyes about the nature of Royal life. That said, I doubt he sold her any vision of what life would be like as a Royal – more likely she made many fairytale assumptions, or overplayed her self-belief that she could change the institution.

      On Harry’s side he had transiting Pluto square his Libra Venus so she was The One. In the period before he met her, he was teaming up with William and Catherine and seemed very happy, playful and beyond his past troubles.

      I’d guess, like any new relationship, they were besotted with each other and any grumpiness he might have had was rarely on display.

  5. Thanks for this fascinating piece, Marjorie. I loathe this self-absorbed couple but acknowledge that they provide hours of amusement.

    I reserve most of my loathing for Harry. Meg is what she’s always been – a grifter, first-class. He was brought up in noblesse oblige as a blood Prince for King and country and even now I find it staggering to contemplate his behaviour. He appears to have zero self-knowledge and even less intelligence that I’d guessed. He is wealthy beyond most people’s dreams yet spends his time in legal proceedings against his father’s government in order to force the taxpayer to fund him and his dreadful wife flying around the world. Unbelievable.

    She I cannot understand at all, other than to speculate that she is not quite the ticket. I disliked her from the first interview and interpreted she would be big trouble, but would never have thought she would play her hand so badly. She seems to have absolutely no idea of the practical considerations of life. She wants to be Diana and thinks it comes without any hard work, ditto being a film producer. She wants to be Martha Stewart, without any of that ladies know-how and business acumen. She wants to be regarded as a humanitarian, yet practices mean-minded behaviour to family and friends who displease her. What are we to make of her?

    She is now one of the most disliked women in the world and, as an ex PR professional, I cannot imagine any way she can come back from this. They have discarded their friends, dissed both their families and are now running out of countries where they could flourish. A classic case of two not very nice individuals coming together and forming one completely horrendous personage.

  6. Thanks Marjorie – endless fascination, and family patterns to explore. They had a beautiful wedding day, with cheering crowds and late spring sunshine. But it has certainly been a rollercoaster ride since then.

    I noticed that Venus on the Wedding Day chart was 29 Gemini, passing opposite Harry’s natal Neptune, 28 Sagittarius for a dreamy, romantic atmosphere perhaps? What’s interesting is that Venus on that day was conjunct Wallis Simpson’s Gemini Sun, and Elizabeth the Queen Mother’s Neptune. It opposed the QM’s Saturn, 29 Sagittarius, and squared her BML 28 Virgo. Wallis Simpson and the Queen Mother’s marriages brought the unexpected – WS had a long life more or less in exile, the QM had to step up to a new role when her shy husband unexpectedly became King when Edward abdicated. Tr Neptune and Saturn haven’t finished with this mutable web just yet, and there’s A Virgo Solar eclipse squaring it next autumn too. Possibly a time of confusion and seeking new clarity or goals?

    Wallis Simpson’s natal Neptune conjunct Mercury and Venus in Gemini (!) are aspecting Meghan’s natal Neptune, Harry’s Mars (and square his Sun) the Wedding’s Pisces Neptune, and the QM’s natal Pluto in Gemini which opposes her Chiron, 19 Sagittarius.

    There seems to be a fair amount of Neptune here. Another potential fairy tale or karmic motif in this generational story might be –

    Diana Sun 9 Cancer
    Queen Mother Venus 7 Cancer
    Meghan Mars 11 Cancer, Jupiter 6 Libra, Saturn 5 Libra
    Harry Black Moon Lilith 12 Aries, Ascendant 12 Libra
    Wallis Simpson BML 10 Aries

    The spring Solar eclipse at 9 Aries might be worth watching. Venus Rx and Neptune will be 29 Pisces then, highlighting all those late mutable connections – dissolving some kind of dream? Or challenging it to become more solid, with Saturn encouraging some sort of sacrifice? I might imagine the ancestral vibes of Wallis and the QM getting involved too.

  7. Just to add, Meghan’s nodes with NN at 1 Leo very much tie her into the Windsors with their planets on early degrees of fixed signs. With transit Pluto hovering over her South Node all this year in the 7th it’s perhaps not surprising that the Sussex business relationships haven’t thrived.

    • Personally, I think Meg Sussex is the reincarnation of Edward VIII (David Windsor). Her Moon-Jupiter-Saturn is conjunct his south node and it represents the abdication. Her nodes lines up with his ASC-DSC.

      The problem with being the King or Meghan taking on the Commonwealth was the responsibility and duty aspect. She’s a Leo Sun and David was a Sun in the 5th. Being a playboy or playgirl.

      Meghan’s karmic inheritance is abdication of responsibility. That is the great mental disability she has. Its everyone else, not me. Her father, her sister, her husband’s father, her husband’s brother, her husband’s brother’s wife and on and on. Abdication of responsibility.

      The expansive duties were just too much for David who turned around and gave that karmic inheritance to Meghan. Meghan’s Libra Moon-Jupiter-Saturn is a massive heavy load that burdens her. The Moon is her past and the conjunction is near her I.C. The Abdication speech describes Meghan’s inner emotional burden.

      “…But you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties (Saturn) as King (Jupiter) as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love. (Libra)

      And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone. (David’s 0° Aries Mars close to his north node). This was a thing I had to judge entirely for myself. The other person most nearly concerned has tried up to the last to persuade me to take a different course.”

      • You should never forget that David supported Hitler and was quite willing to be his puppet king. And he was well aware that this would have meant the death of his brother George vi and his daughters Elizabeth and Margaret. There was nothing at all admirable about this traitor!

  8. I knew someone with Sun Cancer born a few weeks before Meghan. The same Jupiter Saturn in Libra signature. She was also one of those Prince Will’s fan girls in the late 90s. The problem might be rebelling against the saturn in the Jupiter Saturn conjunction especially in this 2 cases it was Libra. The sign of fine taste, nice things, but without the hard work. Friend growing up was not doing any household chores. The parents pick up the slack. But saturn lesson is always there. Guess as she got older. Her parents got older as well and is less able to do much for her.

    And I agreed with Helen, I ditched the hard work for years as teenager and later as young adult in some areas. Looking back now, I do kind of regret. But then again, there is still time to sow before my next saturn return but few months left to deal with the transit Saturn in Aries quincunx my Natal. Saturn.

  9. I really hope this comment section doesn’t turn into a hate fest. We just celebrated Christmas…
    But I noticed you barely mentioned anything positive happening for them. They both have Jupiter transiting with Harry moving to Jupiter in Taurus in March. Will that not bring any good news? What about his court case against the Sun?

  10. Impetuous was the word which came to mind. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn in the 3rd relocation house was square her relocation Pluto in the 12th and activating her Natal Pluto in her 4th house – home. The 3rd house is young childhood and communication. Maybe she felt trapped with this Capricorn Pluto transit. Having just had the birth of her own child. She wanted her security. Saturn is the ultimate Ruler. Capricorn is also the Ruler of the 10th house – Authority. I think she blamed the Queen’s authority, because her Natal Pluto in the natal 4th house was feeling submerged with emotions, as her relocated 12th Pluto – was being influenced by Pisces/ Neptune. She couldn’t handle being bogged down and she panicked. Her Marriage chart also had Pluto at that same degree in Capricorn, squaring her Natal Pluto at that time – she was questioning everything and fled – externalising her emotions onto the Queen/authority and Royalty. One day, when she reflects, she may think about what she threw away. As, like Marjorie states, her relocation chart was giving her iconic status. Yet maybe Pluto was meant to explode the bomb and blow it up. As sometimes Saturn is known as the Lord Karma?

    • Interesting read, thank you. I remember Marjorie writing about both Harry & Meghan blaming external parties for what wasn’t working in the relationship.

  11. Does the relocation chart work for Harry? I remember thi king that Meghan in London put her sun on the mc…which definitely raised her profile but she was never going to be able to compete with Taurus queen

  12. Firstly I have to say, they’ve generally done the right thing this year by keeping low profile this year. Well done them.

    The Christmas card is interesting in that while it features the children; it doesn’t. I assume this is H&M thinking they are protecting the children but I’m fairly sure it will backfire and be perceived later by the children as being an embarrassment or simply not important enough.

    The wedding must be coming up to its 7-year itch next year. I assume that is the transit Saturn square Saturn which will take place in 2026. Actually interesting to consider that with its Saturn at 8Capricorn that sits square Meghan’s MC-IC and key planets in 3rd.

    As for the impracticality of projects – it doesn’t surprise me given Meghan has 1st/3rd house Leo/Libra “let’s give this a try” energy. Harry with his Virgo should be a little more practical but it square the Sag planets and a chunk of his energy is 9th house exploratory. With his moon in 4th and those Virgo 8th planets I’d say sorting himself out is his focus.

    • The Libran planets do seem to reflect that energy of starting something, but the square from Cardinal Mars in Cancer in house 12 in MM’s chart does lead one to feel that there just isn’t the focused hardworking energy to get it going, so things just fizzle out. Mars in the 12th is difficult and in Cancer prone to moodiness. The loss of their key aide, Josh Kettler earlier this year for instance who was the 18th member of their staff to quit may suggest that they are stubborn and refuse to listen to good, sound advice. The failure of American Riviera Orchard to launch, despite being heralded earlier in the year and the many other projects which have failed to get off the ground doesn’t make their business acumen look good. The Columbian tour earlier this year was underwhelming and iirc did not have permission from King Charles. Yes, the trouble with Harry’s Virgo Sun is the square to Mars in Sagittarius, making him short tempered and prone to impulsivity, though it fits well with the game of Polo with that Sag Mars.

    • I gather that you don’t think they made a pig’s ear out of their pretend ‘official visits’. Meaning their trips to Nigeria and Columbia.

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