Actor Matthew McConaughey, fresh from his NY Times list-topping memoir success, is seriously considering a run for Texas governor in late 2022. His book ‘Greenlights’ was filled with homespun wisdom and maxims, which were praised by Jordan Peterson and described by the Washington Post reviewer as “vaporous, circular proverbs for would-be McConaugheys.”
He said he felt the next stage of his life would be about leadership since he had ‘things to teach and share’ and that politics was a “broken business”. It’s not clear which side of the aisle he’d be sitting on and said he preferred compromise. In the past he has spoken up for “rightful, just and responsible gun ownership – but against assault rifles, against unlimited magazines”.
He’s still undecided and may choose another route to sharing his thoughts and with Pluto about to move out of his 8th house in two years into his spreading-the-word 9th for many years thereafter he will want to make his voice heard. Saturn through his 9th at the moment until late 2022 will see him in preparation stage for a career peak of serious responsibility from early 2023 onwards until the turn of the decade. Jupiter is moving through his 10th now till early 2023 which is usually successful, bringing recognition and praise.
But it won’t be remotely easy going. Tr Pluto will conjunct his Mars in 2023/24 which will be blocked and intensely frustrating before moving to oppose his Saturn in 2025/26 – and that will be a seriously uphill slog.
He doesn’t look exactly delirious in late 2022 so either he’ll fail in his bid or have decided on another course of action.
Details about his life below from an earlier November 14 2020 post:
Matthew MConaughey, maverick and versatile actor – True Detective, Dallas Buyers Club – has written a kind-of memoir, “Greenlights”, replete with bumper-sticker musings and aphorisms, and tales from his up and down, boom and bust life story, from a drama-filled childhood onwards.
Born 4 November 1969 7.34 pm, Uvalde, Texas, he was the third son of parents who married three times and divorced twice. His father a former professional football player turned pipe salesman had an explosive relationship with his mother. The book relates a scene where the five year old McConaughey watched them fight ferociously — his mother having broken his father’s nose with a telephone while he brandished a ketchup bottle — before his parents had sex on the kitchen floor. And tells how his father fulfilled his dream of dying while having sex.
After becoming known for making rom-coms in his 30s, he married, and took a gamble by refusing similar roles through a bleak, unemployed two years before meatier roles started to come in, The Wolf of Wall Street amongst them and the TV series True Detective.
He has an intense, hard-working 6th house Scorpio Sun; with Mercury in Scorpio as well as a frivolous Jupiter Venus in Libra in his performing 5th along with Uranus. No surprise that he can do light and shade, superficial rom-coms along with darker roles.
His Mercury opposes Saturn in Taurus squaring Mars in Aquarius with Mars trine Uranus hinting at frustrations and hardships in a volatile childhood and after; and a hard, angry father.
He has a 4th house Virgo Moon and Pluto – so home would be both a source of comfort and scary.
As his book is published and he does the round of interviews tr Jupiter Pluto is exactly square his Jupiter Venus conjunction for a confident high. And his Solar Arc Jupiter is square his Moon for another warm glow.
Saturn and Jupiter are about to move into his 9th which may give rise to more gnomic musings in the coming months. Though not all of 2021 will be smooth flowing with the tr Saturn square tr Uranus hitting on his Scorpio Sun. His next period of significant change will be 2023 onwards as tr Pluto is conjunct his Mars and moves in hard aspect round his Fixed T Square. That’s when his ‘Alright, alright’ and respond-to-the-hints-of-the-universe philosophy may come in handy as he transitions through another challenging few years.
His strongest harmonic is his creative and ‘seeking soul’ 7H and his actors’ 15H.
Some Greenlights stickers to consider:
‘The value of denial depends on one’s level of commitment.’
‘To lose the power of confrontation is to lose the power of unity.’
‘Form good habits and become their slave.’
‘When you can, ask yourself if you want to.’
‘When you’re up to nothin’, no good’s usually next.’
‘Truth’s like a jalapeño. The closer to the root, the hotter it gets.’
Pic: By All-Pro Reels from District of Columbia, USA – Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0,
We have had enough celebrities in office. He is creepy and a trump supporter. No thanks.
My Jupiter on Descendent line runs through Texas, and I have always liked Texans. They have been good to me.
His pithy statements read like someone who has done the work of Recovery.
Not sure how I feel about him going into Politics. The concern is he will get hurt.
Interesting article. Thank you.
I too have worked with Texans and enjoyed it a lot. What’s really obvious, after recent events where natural phenomena – not even disasters, just rare, but recurrent event – has made Texas infrastructure crumble, is that they need someone actually capable and willing of governing. And even with his honestly surprisingly Earthy and Fixed chart, I doubt McConaughey is seriously interested in having an “infrastructure week” (I think the impressive vaccine rollout the US is experiencing right now is also thanks to Biden being genuinely interested in processes and implementation, something that was subject to benevolent jokes even at Obama WH).
Marjorie, I at first thought you meant he was going into politics. But having read his sound bites he obviously intends to be an inspirational speaker.
He needs to do better. The problem with actors is that they believe their own hype.
on one hand, it’d be nice to have someone who might be able to reconcile the nation. But I don’t know whether anyone really can any longer – and it’s not true, as the right would have it, or even independents, that this is a ‘both sides’ – there is no ‘other side’ to racism, sexism, fascism, mask-wearing, voter suppression, for starters. We saw how Obama got nowhere trying to get back to the genteel Senate he read about and admired, the GOP has been intent for decades on a scorched earth policy, no room for compromise. which is why Biden is only willing to go so far in reaching out, not playing the stooge anymore. Maybe someday what we’ll have, in the best of worlds, is instead a moderate Dem party and a progressive one. These would more closely reflect W European politics (or at least the way they once were) and might be able to compromise
I’m really tired of “personalities” in politics. It feels like politics is the place to go if you have no experience of the field but you have money and allies who are also monied and you just represent their point of view. The actual work of governance or even understanding responsibility of public service and accountability seems unimportant. I hope he uses his sense of world building to create and direct films, not play with politics. Keep his drama on stage and celluloid not act it out as a hammy so called statesman.