Mars retrograde – suppressed, then expressed

Mars retrograde in Leo will oppose Pluto on January 3rd which will put a damper on New Year high spirits until the blockage is passed.

 Mars goes retrograde every two years for about 10 weeks – in this instance from 7 December 2024 to 25 February 2025 – and once it goes direct it will meet another Pluto opposition in late April 2025.

  Retrograde tends to turn the energy inwards and with Mars it saps vitality and forward-drive as will-power and motivation are pushed down. When it goes direct, the stored-up energy surges into the open with extra vigour, bringing sometimes crises or conflicts.

  Looking back on previous Mars retrogrades:

2022 31 October  to January 13 2023. Mars in Gemini.

2020 10 September to 15 November. Mars in Aries square Saturn Pluto in Capricorn. Covid deaths rising fast.

2018 June to August. Mars in Aquarius/Capricorn.

2016 April 18 to 30 June. Mars in Sagittarius. Brexit 24 June 2016.

2014 2 March to 22 May – Mars in Libra square Pluto. Russia annexes Crimea 27 February. Airliner M370 vanishes 8 March.

2012 25 January 2012 to 15 April. Mars in Virgo

2009 22 December to 11 March 2010. Mars in Leo

2007  16 November to 31 January 2008. Mars in Cancer/Gemini opposition Pluto in Sagittarius (Exact opposition 1 January 2008). Stock markets plunge in anticipation of coming recession.

2003 July 30 to 29 September. Mars conjunct Uranus in Pisces square Jupiter. Iraq attack launched March 2003 so in full devastation mode.

2001  12 May to 20 July  Mars in Sagittarius opposition Pluto (not exact). Run up to 9/11

1990 21 October 1990 to 2 January 1991. Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm begins with air strikes against Iraq January 16 1991

1982 21 February to 12 May. Falklands War 1 April.

1941 September 7 to 10 November Mars in Aries.  Pearl Harbour 7 December 1941.

1939 23 June to 24 August 1939. Mars in Aquarius/Capricorn opposition Pluto in Leo/Cancer.  WW11 started 1st September 1939.

1928 12 November 1928 to 28 January 1929.  Wall Street Crash 24 October 1929.

1913 November 28 to 12 February 1914. Mars in Cancer. WW1 start June 1914.

   There does seem to be some correlation between Mars retrograde in the period running into a conflict or crisis; and occasionally in the midst of one. But this is only a rough and ready survey so needs more investigation by those with the time. Otherwise it is a watch and wait exercise.

18 thoughts on “Mars retrograde – suppressed, then expressed

  1. Due to this retrograde, I now have a retrograde Mars in a prominent position on my Solar Return chart this year. In regard to it, Mary Shea says:

    “This is a good time to work on a long-term
    project, especially one involving the need to repeatedly push yourself toward
    achievement. You are the motivating force. No one else can get you to move. It is
    very unlikely that you will be motivated by others since personal goals will seem
    more important than the conflicting goals of others. If you cannot motivate yourself
    or direct your energy in a useful manner, you will feel listless and tired. This is an
    extremely useful retrogradation for those who are goal-oriented; unfortunately, it
    can be a very counterproductive placement for those who are not.”

  2. Juat something rough, in 1982 a number of stock exchanges around the world was experiencing issues. The problem culminated by September 1983. Astro pattern seems to be Pluto opposite Mercury but there was at least a Pluto opposite Mars much earlier on. Hongkong black Saturday 24 September 1983. The other example I have found is Israel Stock exchange. It was ordered to close on October 1983.

  3. Just to chip in something entirely different. I have been utterly pursued and I mean pursued by Pluto in Virgo generation opposite my Mars . Both planets are about sex. Happy New Year everyone.

  4. The Mars-Pluto Opposition is conjunct the IC-MC axis of Trump’s Inauguration 2025.

    It seems, from the past examples by Marjorie, that a hard aspect between Mars and Pluto leads to either war or a recession/depression.

    I think we all know that a recession is coming. The question is really, will it be deep or shallow and how long will it last.

  5. What makes Mars/Pluto even more significant is the Jupiter/Saturn square. ‘War on Civilisation’ rings true in this respect. (The inverse of the Zionist propaganda promoted by US mainstream media supporting genocide in Gaza!)

    The fact that the US and UK have been so deeply compromised by Mossad’s Unit 8200, which now operates in open view, in positions of authority in US media, also reinforces the War on Civilisation scenario.

      • Starmer’s relationship with Trump will be hugely stressed by it with a composite competitive/argumentative Sun Mars at 1 degree Leo square Saturn at 29 Aries – and that is before he gets to the Inauguration – and beyond.

        • So will our Chancellor’s Jupiter, which is the same degree as the 1801 UKChart. both will feel the impact from Mars and Pluto in 2025. Money/Politics and ……Depression?

  6. Friends of mine just announced the birth of their new baby boy on December 27, later afternoon.
    My first thought was, “oh dear.. he is born with Mars retrograde… AND opp. Pluto!”.

    Anyone have any thoughts on having a natal Mars retrograde?
    Any famous people with this?


  7. The Rx in 2022, I moved and that day I was speeding around the temp. residence and broke my pinky toe, slammed into a coffee table leg. I was in a special shoe for 4-6 weeks, but I stayed in it for 7 to not tempt fate further. Mars was in Gemini (3rd h) oppos. Saturn and square to Mars/Pisces/ruler of feet (12th).

    • Seems apt in your chart aspects…

      Natal Mars retro…

      I agree with stop-start energy… mine conjunct Pluto, so persevere against the odds, I think…

      The 2018 mars retro, exact, tripped over a cat that tried to escape, broke my elbow, delayed onset concussion with multiple complications… was never able to return to work

      2020 – just sh*t show…

      2022 retro.. Honestly, I was very, very careful, physically, as it squared most of planets in my chart; was desperately trying to overcome long-Covid… just starting to feel on the upside…

      A bizarre and painful experience over past nearly decade…

      Wish you well <3

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