Mars will dominate this winter as it moves through Cancer in opposition to Pluto from late October, going retrograde early December and staying within orb of this high-stress opposition till after the USA Inauguration in late January. Mars goes direct late February and picks up the Pluto opposition again mid April to mid May. Not only the USA but everywhere will be under strain.
Mars opposition Pluto tends to feel blocked, frustrating, trapped, powerless and infuriated. On occasion it brings high-risk situations and/or crises. Progress will only come after superhuman efforts, meeting force with force. Mars Pluto can move mountains but it will take courage and unrelenting determination.
From a previous post on the nature of Mars.
Mars, god of war, testosterone-fuelled and so competitive he would kick his father out of the way to get ahead, may have had a heroic image in ye olden times. But he/she is struggling to revision themselves in these non-binary, tree-hugging, #metoo sensitive days.
Broken down into simple words Mars is 1) assertive; 2) argumentative and competitive; 3) bolsters identity in ‘I want’; 4) provides forward gear; 5) is an essential factor in decision-making); 6) necessary for sex drive; 7) generates will-power and the life force. Without Mars there would be no life, no reproduction, no progress.
Mars is usually thought of as angry. But anger is only stored up assertion. When ‘I want’, ‘I intend’, ‘I will do’ – all of them reflecting the core identity of the individual – gets blocked or remains unexpressed Mars slowly starts to boil until it erupts. Synonyms for assertion are – decisive, believing in oneself, self-assured, confident, forceful. All of those can be subtly conveyed – or not – depending on the sign Mars sits in.
Mars in the Fire signs – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius – will be loud, inclined to flare up, outspoken and unselfconscious about demanding their own way. In Aries and Sagittarius squalls never last long and are soon forgotten. In Leo, being ego-centric and Fixed, there can be a prickly defensiveness hanging around after arguments.
Mars in the Earth signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn – can be slow burn and is usually focused on a practical or financial outcome. Mars in Taurus is slow to anger but earth-shaking when the lava erupts. Money will be what motivates them into action. Mars in Virgo, the workaholic, is a perfectionist. In Capricorn is super-ambitious, climbing ever higher up the ladder with steely determination.
Mars in the Water signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces – is more problematic. Fire makes Water boil is quintessentially true of Mars in Cancer, which is volatile and gets over-emotional when provoked. Scorpio, secretive as ever, harbours a grinding resentment which is kept under control until the time is right and then the scorpion sting is let loose. Its plus point is utter-determination. In Pisces, Mars gets flummoxed since Pisces hate confrontations. Where the pair come together most effectively are in artistic ventures especially dance and yoga. Forward march to Pisces means taking the roundabout route.
Mars in the chatty Air signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – pumps fire into thinking and speaking. All good debaters and adept with words. Mars in Aquarius can be ornery, awkwardly stubborn.
How Mars integrates in the chart and which planets it sidles up to or clashes with makes a difference. The essential nature of Mars in its chosen sign gets modulated, watered down or the opposite, depending on which other planetary energy it has to work beside.
Sun conjunct Mars is competitive and courageous; in square and opposition doubly so, headstrong, willful, reckless and noisy.
Moon Mars – comes from the angry mother who blocks the child’s assertion, leaving issues with women/domestic life behind in adult life, quarrelsome. Alcohol tends to lift inhibitions so flare ups follow.
Mercury Mars – quick thinking, fast-talking and sharp-tongued, inclined to argue endlessly and stir up controversies.
Venus Mars – in conjunction can be passionately enthusiastic and, in some, a tendency to promiscuity. In square and opposition it leads to strong ‘romantic’ attractions but not always sensitivity to the other’s needs.
Jupiter Mars – high vitality plus positive thinking = good luck. Helpful for starting new projects.
Saturn Mars – blocked assertion can have positive outcome in self-discipline and promoting a military turn of mind where suppressing personal needs and identity for a specific purpose is helpful. Can be destructive, violent. Tends to be passive-aggressive. Simmers with resentment and then blows a fuse.
Uranus Mars – rebellious and freedom-loving plus fiery zeal can be an explosive and self-willed combination. Good for high-risk ventures, adventure and thrills. Bad for tolerating interference and compromise.
Neptune Mars – can attract publicity and glamour, common in showbusiness types. Has a hint of Mars in Pisces so not always good at full-frontal demands.
Pluto Mars – a challenging combination stemming from a dominating, scary father who at times would feel life threatening. Leaves behind an adult who is good in crisis situations and is do-or-die determined. Some turn ruthless since it was what they knew, others remain suppressed and attract difficulties because they are unsure how to live out the super-charged energy.
Discussing sex nowadays is a minefield. But I recollect years back reading a study by zoologist Konrad Lorenz about ducks and he found the ones lacking aggression/assertion didn’t/couldn’t mate. Aggression gave them propulsion but had to be diverted at the final moment to allow coupling to take place. Which suggests the Mars drive is essential for reproduction but has to be under control. Not that humans are like ducks or other animals – no rape in the animal kingdom. Female lions repel over arduous approaches with a snarl if they are not in the mood; and zebras with a well-aimed kick. The alpha males in rut have Mars in overdrive. But the ladies are in charge. Not sure where humans went wrong as they mutated away from chimps.
Thank you Marjorie!
Thanks Marjorie. For what it’s worth, I have Mars in Pisces in the 8th house. My Aries stellium makes me more confrontational than I probably would be with all that Aries and 9th house energy 🙂
My experience of Mars-Pluto transits are that they frequently suggest violent eruptions and outbursts. Wild, uncontrollable, explosive energy. There has to be an outlet for it, but it’s near impossible to channel in constructive ways, even through high levels of physical activity. And for sure, for the rare few who can master it, it would be like having your own internal nuclear power plant. A deep reserve of energy.
Mars in Cancer vs Pluto in Capricorn: I think will represent the climax of the assertive, nurturing feminine vs. an oppressive and toxic patriarchal masculine dynamic we have seen playing out in the current election cycle in the U.S. How interesting that the first exact opposition occurs just before the election on 5 Nov. Things are coming to a head, for sure.
Mars in Leo vs. Pluto in Aquarius: With Mars and Pluto both changing signs during the opposition, it suggests a change in the energetic dynamic of these two planets also—and a shift in the forces that are activated. Pluto in Aquarius represents empowerment of people in groups, and the masses in general, shifting the balance away from the elites, billionaires, and top 1%ers. Mars in Leo tends to suggest an assertive, warring royalty or elite, or those who fight with such a dramatic style.
I tend to read this transit as favoring a Harris win and an empowering of the masses, with a petulant, angry and indignant reaction from the likes of Trump, Elon Musk, and the other wealthy elites who have backed the Trump campaign. That it continues well on into the new year perhaps suggests that Harris will continue to face heated opposition and perhaps contested results, which, given Trump’s efforts to cast doubt upon any outcome that doesn’t favor him, is entirely plausible.
On the flip side, should Trump win, I believe there will be massive opposition to him and the prospect of him returning to the White House. I would anticipate massive widespread public demonstrations and a deeper, fundamental effort to stop him, including prosecuting him out of the White House. With Pluto leaving Capricorn, the patriarchial conservative forces backing him will weaken considerably and will be overwhelmed by radical grassroots forces demanding a break from an oppressive status quo at any cost.
I have a lot to say about Mars, so I will summarize as follows:
1. To say that Mars is nowadays softened by the Metoo movement is too much a Western view. Ares, the warrior god under its Greek name, was last seen on the fields of Troy, midway between the Ukraine and the Middle East, where it is still its old bloodthirsty self. Mars is now all the rage it ever was.
2. I have Mars at 27 Pisces, the nearest planet to my IC at 5 Aries. The Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the Sixties opposite a Saturn-Chiron conjunction on natal Mars brought family trauma. Mars in Pisces is admittedly convoluted, but at its best can be a subtle spiritual warrior powered by compassion. Mars plays a key role in my chart which I have neglected most of my life. It is part of a Water Grand Trine with Jupiter-Uranus in the 8th at 25 Cancer and Saturn in the 12th at 19 Scorpio. It is also sextile my Sun at 20 Capricorn as part of a kite. Transiting Neptune is currently conjunct natal Mars in the 3rd while transiting Pluto is conjunct natal Mercury at 0 Aquarius. At this late stage, I am discovering the power of the written word.
3. Natal Mars is in addition at the apex of a yod involving a Pluto-Moon conjunction at 26-28 Leo, Pluto being also in the 8th and the Moon at the cusp of the 9th, which has brought lifelong interest in literature, the law and higher studies. The other leg of that yod is Neptune in the 10th at 28 Libra, square Mercury and now being squared by transiting Pluto. Mars is itself a leg of a second yod involving the Sun and Mercury as well as Chiron at 28 Capricorn. The apex of that second yod is the aforementioned Moon-Pluto conjunction. I have had anger issues from family trauma which had been simmering below the surface and I have at times been passive-agressive.
4. I thank Hugh for underlining the importance of the coming Moon-Pluto oppositions and their impact on Trump’s chart. They are likely to impact mine as well.
5. The second opposition near January 6 will be the most dramatic and telling. I don’t think it would occur at that time if Trump had won the election.
Mars in Aries relative is not loud at all, very shy and doesn’t put themselves forward for anything. Not sure why as the Mars is very well integrated into the chart. Mars in the first house relative is much more like that description. I’ve had a theory for a while that planets in domicile are very subtle in their expression – they rely only on aspects for chart integration rather than any reception. As they don’t have another planet ruling them, so they don’t have a boss putting them to work, as it were.
I am Mars in Leo and was taught by my Mars in Leo mother to never be loud, always dignified. “Never shout or lose you temper, the minute you do you have lost, no matter the merits of your argument…. Be respectful, be dignified, never lower yourself to the ranters and screamers level.”, to paraphrase. I think you can definitely also see the moderating effect of her Taurus sun there – not in orb for an aspect, but rulership.
I am Mercury/Mars and Sun/Pluto in Leo. I can be very quick witted with my words, but also can cut people down, when I want to. Yet I didn’t use it as a child and primarily only use it when I am offended by injustices or people using others. I have a Capricorn Moon quintile Saturn, I really hate injustices. Our entire birth chart is us. The planets become ignited when transited. This is what makes us tick. We need to learn the combinations of planetary aspects in order to understand ourselves and others. Although it is all our planets and aspects which makes us who we are and when one may be ignited, soon they will be another transit to make us think.
That’s interesting Helen, which house is your Mercury/Mars and Sun/Pluto in?
Thought I would add my experience of the more positive trine between Mars and Pluto. As the Mars bit is in Taurus it can take me a while to get going but once I do I seem to have extraordinarily reserves of energy and determination. I also have a lot of courage when in scary situations. I didn’t have a scary upbringing but I was brought up by a strong willed Taurean grandmother who controlled my life up to my early teens.
I have had a Pluto transit conjunct my natal moon and Uranus conjunct my natal Mars recently with Pluto conjunct my natal Saturn approaching. I like a challenge and often feel like a phoenix coming out of the ashes to face a new phase of my life.
Susy, Certainly agree Mars Pluto is exceptionally good in a crisis, keeping a cool head when everyone else panics. People who work in crisis jobs often have notable Mars Pluto.
My son who has Mars conjunct Pluto in Libra in the 10th conjunct his MC conjunct his Sun also in Libra works as a senior air accident investigator for the government. His ascendant is Scorpio so Mars and Pluto are his chart rulers. He works all over the world advising on why aviation accidents happen and in addition has Mercury conjunct Uranus describing his talent in engineering matters. He has amazing powers of concentration but is always calm and balanced in his judgements (Libra). But he’s highly competitive in all matters to do with aviation and gliding contests, (Mars and Pluto).
I’m a sun taurus 7th house with pluto and mars in sag in 2nd house.
My father was a nightmare cappy who was not a happy drunk.
In the above examples of people with Mars opp Pluto, using their biographies check
their life events when the opposition Solar Arced to 29 degrees, or when transits
aspected their natal Mars opp natal Pluto.
Mars oppostion Pluto examples…..John Belushi, Gary Coleman, Cindy Crawford and
Warren Harding.
I’ve read that Uranus is the “higher octave” of Mercury. Is Pluto similarly the higher octave of Mars?
If true, or not, how would you define “higher octave”?
Another site was thinking on the same lines as me.
higher octave planets The three outermost planets, which symbolize the higher or spiritual level of expression in contrast to the lower or physical level symbolized by the inner planets with which they are linked. Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, objective intellectualism. Neptune, linked to Venus, expresses spiritual love; Pluto, the higher octave of Mars, is associated with spiritual evolvement; Mars with physical development.
If one follows the same logic of thinking for Pluto and Mars as for Uranus and Mercury, Pluto is the higher expression of violence, just as Uranus’s rational intellectualism is a higher octave of Mercury’s thinking.
Pluto is long term war, Mars is short term violence, the battle of the moment.
Does this make sense?
The quoted paragraph above is from the website below.
I always envision Plutonic energy as a trinity. Basic expression as the Scorpion, who wil seek survival through revenge and power over others. Then comes Snake, who dwells in dark recesses and wants to transform the pain of existence (literally by shedding its skin). Or, in a more Biblical interpretation: using temptation and deception to survive.
The most evolved form of Plutonic energy is the Eagle, or the Phoenix. Eagle soars high and sees all, integrating and transmuting intense experiences into wisdom and compassion.
That is certainly an interpretation I had not come across before.
Thank you for that.
Yes, I can see that. My father’s Pluto is conjunct my Mars in Leo, which is a synastry aspect that many will catastrophise about, but we have always got on very well. We’d find the same things annoying to different degrees, and often have a joke about it. His Mars is in the same sign as my Pluto too.
Me too with my Pluto conjunct my maternal grandfather’s Mars in Virgo – we had a strong bond.
Mars conjunct Pluto here. Might I respectfully add that this position can hint at a domineering, controlling, cruel caregiver, male ór female. I certainly had some life threatening experiences during my life, though not all of them related to my caregivers. Through these experiences I learned about the dark depths of human cruelty. Not a walk in the park. But…older now, I’m able to understand the human psyche in all its forms and I am not afraid to dive into the deep. As a social worker I’m able to level effortlessly with the most deprived souls.
I also have Mars widely conjunct Uranus. I love extreme sports like motorbike racing, off piste skiing and all things related to speed… Furthermore, I have Mars and Pluto in a tight sextile to Neptune. I have a deep love for outsider arts and music. I used to be a techno/psytrance DJ.
Got the sextile with Mars conjunct Moon, Mercury, Neptune in the 3rd and experienced some very bad ‘in loco parentis’ both at my English boarding school from some truly awful and deliberately cruel women who wouldn’t have got away with it today and at my Primary where the headmistress was a violent, angry woman who was eventually sued by a parent when she grabbed the girl by her hair and tore it from her scalp.
I really resonate with Lucy’s post about fear. I was a hyper nervous and frightened little girl. I have Mars in Scorpio.
Might I respectfully add that this position can hint at a domineering, controlling, cruel caregiver, male or female.
Absolutely. And not only caregivers. As many —if not all— configurations in astrology, Mars – Pluto can indicate being on the giving, the receiving end, or both. Of course, there are mundane forces that match Mars-Pluto, but cruelty, obsession, stalking, stifling, gaslighting, injustice, injury and terror take two –or more— people.
Also, tragically, the cruelty, banishment, aloneness, insecurity and fear that Mars-Pluto be a factor of miscommunication brought by resentment, and things that get out of hand, which can arise from difficult aspects in synastry.
Paul McCartney’s and George Harrison’s charts are a clear example of this.
Thanks, Marjorie
Interesting and useful thumbnail of Mars, it matches my experiences with everyone I know including myself.
I had solar arc Mars on Pluto a few years ago. It worsened in 2017 and lasted about 2.5 – 3 years, but it feels like yesterday, it reverberates. To “blocked, frustrating, trapped, powerless and infuriated” I would add terrified. Circumstances may be such that you feel apprehension, nervousness, overwhelming fear, almost all the time. Like an app running behind all you do and all you think. Progress may not be possible, depending on the natal aspects to Pluto and Mars. Meeting force with force is not always an option, due to character or circumstance. There is a lesson in this long period of agonizing fear, which can be summarized by Frank Herbert’s litany against fear
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
In the middle of it, and especially in hindsight, you do experience this mind-killer effect. By the end you have learned still yourself somewhat, and allow fear to pass: patience amidst great inner turmoil. So Herbert was wrong about the idea that when fear is gone, there is nothing. There is a huge lesson and transformation of the self in ways that are not outwardly apparent. And there is also a new perspective of the vulnerability of the human mind, plus the feeling that you may not survive this again, and the sense of wonder at the catastrophes many human beings have survived.
The Pluto/Mars oppositions will be falling on the UK 1801 Jupiter at 1 Leo, on Rachel Reeves Jupiter at 1 Leo, square the EU Jupiter and the Maastricht Treaty Jupiter both at 28 Libra. It will also hit Donald Trumps Pluto Saturn midpoint at 1 Leo in January 2025 and the Israel Moon at 4 Leo in April 2025. In fact every chart with planets in the last degrees of Cardinal signs and those with natal planets in the early degrees of fixed signs will be impacted. It looks to be a highly stressed period particularly for those with planets in fixed signs.
“The Pluto/Mars oppositions will be falling on the UK 1801 Jupiter at 1 Leo”
That may explain why I’m so at home I’m the UK, my Jupiter being at 29 Cancer.
My chart’s going to have a whale of a time, with my Jupiter being hit by Pluto-Mars, and I think my Asc-Desc & Mc-IC being hit by the eclipses later this year and early next year. Oh joys.
“ It looks to be a highly stressed period particularly for those with planets in fixed signs. “ Well that would be me then with Uranus at 29 Cancer and my Sun, Moon, Mars, Pluto stellium at 24-26 Leo. With Neptune at 25 Libra in the 4th I am already struggling with family expectations and the feeling of my life being lived for me. I so want to choose for myself and not have to deal with the disappointment of those who want me to give them that warm and fuzzy happy family feeling which is an illusion anyway. I just want to take off on my own and make my own unlikely pilgrimage somewhere where they can’t find me. But do I have the courage and do I have the funds? Sigh.
BTW Marjorie, ducks, geese, bottle-nosed dolphins and chimpanzees are all known to use sexual coercion – rape – and even murder females during mating frenzies. Ducks also go in for gang rape, so it is animal behaviour which requires consciousness to control.
“It looks to be a highly stressed period particularly for those with planets in fixed signs.”
This is happening across my 0 Leo Moon. My natal Mars is 0 Cap (trine natal Pluto). I’ve always been very resilient but feel like I’ve been dealing with Pluto forever, since most of my planets and points are in Sag and Cap. I’ve just, very recently, had a horrible health diagnosis. I must admit I feel I’ve had about as much as I can stand.
“Scorpio, secretive as ever, harbours a grinding resentment which is kept under control until the time is right and then the scorpion sting is let loose.”
But is also kind of domiciled there, so there must be plenty of good about it.