Mars in Leo – Gregg Wallace, Haigh, Albanese, Cher ++ Frank Auerbach

Mars in Leo gives drive, will-power, dramatic flair and creativity, leadership ability, self-confidence, a competitive nature which can tilt over into egotism and an over bearing streak with a tendency to dominate others. Not surprisingly it fills the ranks of those seeking attention in politics and showbusiness – Donald Trump, Emmanuel Macron, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris + George Clooney, Cher, Robert Redford, Harrison Ford, Beyonce, Megan Thee Stallion,  Paul McCartney.

 In the news today one of their number is Gregg Wallace, presenter of BBC’s Master Chef, who has been sidelined after a slew of allegations about his wildly inappropriate sexual behaviour and jokes. Born 17 October 1964 London, his charming Libra Sun and sensitive Pisces Moon, are clearly not his leading lights, as his brash Mars in Leo in a hard-edged opposition to Saturn and square Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune dominate his chart and presumably personality.

 He was born 3 days before Kamala Harris and what is interesting is that tr Uranus is exactly conjunct his Jupiter as was the case with her over the election result. On its own that aspect should bring a lucky opportunity – instead it clearly tugged on an uncertain, failure-prone Neptune and Mars opposition Saturn which often brings considerable setbacks.  The same happened with Boris Johnson when tr Uranus hit his Jupiter opposition Neptune which brings over-confidence and self-created scandals.  Gregg Wallace also has a discouraging tr Saturn opposing his Uranus Venus in Virgo and then Pluto now and in coming weeks. Plus his SA Sun is conjunct his South Node.

  Louise Haigh, 22 July 1987, Starmer’s hapless Minister for Transport is another who has just resigned over what sounds like a fairly minor conviction from years back though more may emerge; and she has certainly been impolitic in her approach since taking up high office.  She is a Sun Cancer in an overly expansive square to Jupiter opposition Pluto in Scorpio with her Mars also square Pluto. That is way too much pushy self-assurance and brashness.  Her Mars is also trine her Saturn which in turn is conjunct a can-be-autocratic conjunction to Uranus.  A chaotic loose cannon.  Tr Pluto is opposition her Sun now for maximum pressure; with her Solar Arec Mars square her Saturn for a considerable setback.

  Emmanuel Macron another with a prominent Mars in Leo is also finding his confident push backfiring and deserves a post to himself along with France, Barnier etc tomorrow.

 Anthony Albanese, the Australian PM, 2 March 1963, Sydney, AU, is not in as much trouble immediately, but he has a similar Mars in Leo widely opposition Saturn square Neptune. His Pisces Sun opposition Pluto is a hanger-oner, but his term chart, 23 May 2022, won’t have its troubles to seek through 2025 from February onwards with a failure-ridden tr Neptune conjunct the Mars and worse as the year goes on.

  In this week’s news as well for other reasons is Cher with her Memoir Part One being released with grim tales of her early abusive marriage to Sonny Bono. Born 20 May 1946 7.25am El Centro, California,  she has a late Taurus Sun and Capricorn Moon with a difficult Mars Pluto conjunction in Leo. Mars Pluto when not lived out can attract dominant, if not ruthless partners and experiences. Though it can ultimately mature into a determined personality.

  Mars in Leo is all its multi-faceted glory.

Add On: The painter Frank Auerbach (see post 13 November below) was another Mars in Leo square a Taurus Sun Mercury and trine Venus in Aries. The description below from a reviewer may be as much about his Taurus Sun but it also hints of the Mars in Leo’s difficulty with introspection.

“His lack of introspection. Because no one had more to be introspective about. As a child, Auerbach was sent to Britain from Nazi Berlin by his Jewish parents, whom he would never see again. Asked about this experience, he’d offer the following. “I’ve simply moved on.” “Life is too short.” “I’ve done this thing that psychiatrists disapprove of, which is blocking things out.” “There’s just never been a point in my life when I felt I wish I had parents.” “I’m not given to self-analysis.”

34 thoughts on “Mars in Leo – Gregg Wallace, Haigh, Albanese, Cher ++ Frank Auerbach

  1. Just reading some of the more detailed allegations which Greg Wallace’s ghostwriter has come out with. Wow. It seems he didn’t know how to take “No” for an answer. Doesn’t surprise me given his potential Virgo-Pisces mutable lack of boundaries; but also the Jupiter in Taurus suggests huge appetite to please oneself which opposite Neptune in Scorpio and square Mars in Leo. The Saturn in Aqua maybe in orb to complicate it into a grand cross.

    Transiting Saturn hammering him to learn the lessons of boundaries but maybe also Uranus teaching that Jupiter something.

  2. In the midst of the latest BBC presenter furore, it might be worth noting that the BBC itself (14 November 1922) has Moon 23 Virgo, Nodes 28 Virgo – hinting at themes of detail-orientated work, and, um…service to others! Next March there’s a Lunar Eclipse, 23 Virgo, opposing Saturn in Pisces. The Moon’s Nodes enter Pisces on 11th January heading for the BBC’s South Node, and the pull of the past. Seems like the public (Moon), associates and connections (Nodes), and perhaps women in general, remain in focus for the BBC. There’s a Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo in September opposing karmic old Saturn again. Some challenges? And is this really the right time to raise the Licence Fee again?

    BBC’s own Mars is in Aquarius. Not sure what that means for Mars in Leo individuals who work for them?

  3. Greg Wallace was sexually abused by the husband of a babysitter when he was 8 years old (he wrote this in his autobiography in 2012) .
    I think this explains a lot about his immature, desperately “macho” behaviour towards women .

    • It’s wonderful. Very funny. The narcissist in full flight. Not sure if I qualify as a certain age, somewhat past it, but if he had pushed his luck with any of my generation he’d have found out the hard way not to do it again.

    • He’s Pluto Virgo/Neptune in Scorpio generation – I used to be surrounded by them when I first went to work and lad culture was built for them. Doesn’t surprise me he thinks it’s funny to wander around naked with a sock covering his bits. Rarely met any of them who knew how to actually relate to a woman – their relationships always seem to be built on imbalance and tension – either dominating or playing the victim. I’d point at Boris Johnson born four months earlier and Brett Kavanaugh born four months later as prime examples of the same.

      • Oh dear Gregg. Oh dear. His lawyers must have despaired when those comments about women surfaced!
        Neptune and Mars with all the Jupiter/Uranus trimmings. We’ve all met men like this. Basically I usually assume they are terrified of women of any age. Echoes of the “childless cat lady” comments during the recent US election run up. Perhaps a career “re-set” might be in order?

      • That’s the lads mags generation. It was excruciating being a young woman working alongside them. Funny, Conor Mcgregor has been pulling a similar stunt after the jury in that civil rape case found him guilty, blaming the victim, playing the victim, rounding up his goons to slander her and even getting his partner to attack her too.

        Manchildren, the lot of them.

        Btw, I see you can buy a ‘Middle-class woman of a certain age’ T shirts now. I’m quite tempted.

  4. Just a side note: Australia’s Treasurer Jim Chalmers, 2 March 1978, and heir apparent as Prime Minister has the same birth date as current PM Anthony Albanese, albeit in different years. It makes me wonder if 12-13 degrees Pisces has some resonance with Australia.

  5. Here is Auerbach’s rectified chart showing how he buries his introspection
    into his 12th House ignoring self-analytical techniques of Jung.
    He forgets analytical techniques of Freud….Neptune aspecting Freud in the
    7th, enemy. His natal Memoria is blocked in the 6th. Mercury is also
    placed in his 12th, of unconscous memories.

  6. 15 out of 47 US Presidents have had Mars in Leo, which is statistically improbable. So did Kamala Harris. There are two possible astrological explanations. One is the US MC in Leo. The other is the US Moon in Aquarius, which is alone and unsupported and therefore susceptible to the attraction of Mars.

  7. Anthony Albanese, Australia’s PM, has a Federal election which constitutionally he has to call before mid May 2025, plus there’s a wedding happening, his 2nd, at some stage. So two major events in his life will be unfolding in 2025, one definitely in the first six months and the other, who knows?

    I suspect with Australia’s Federal Parliament now into recess until early February ‘25 there’s a strong possibility he’ll marry his partner during this lull in Parliamentary commitments. Tr Neptune stations Direct sextile his natal Venus first week in December ‘24 and tr Venus conjuncts its natal position around the same time…maybe then?

    Tr Mars stations Retrograde right on top of his natal Mars also around that time; all in all the first week in December ‘24 is a very active time in his chart.

    In the first week of February 2025 transiting Jupiter will station Direct exactly square his natal Sun. Retrograde Mars turns Direct at the end of Feb ‘25 at 17Can inconjunct his Natal Saturn 17Aq. A rough time for him politically?

  8. I have Mercury/ Mars conjunction in Leo and – dare I mention it – I also have my Mercury sitting on my North Node /Pluto midpoint. I can be a spitfire on steroids when I want to be. With age you learn to handle it and walk away. Also my North Node/ Sun conjunction sits on my Mars. I have left a few bombs shells craters around. Shaken and stirred.

  9. Mars in Leo, with Mars about to turn retrograde in Leo in December – perfect timing for this post! I notice that Anthony Albanese has Mars Rx natally, and wonder what difference that makes? When Mars turns Rx in December, it will be 6 Leo, like his natal Mars – so does that make it more meaningful for him?

    As for Louise Haigh, she had the tr Mars opposition Pluto on her natal Sun earlier this month. Some kind of power struggle somewhere or other? The ‘stolen’ phone that turned up again story doesn’t really add up at all – why was she prosecuted over this? Perhaps one day we’ll hear the whole story. Mars in Leo may partly account for her “notice me” hair, and many colourful outfits.

    Traditionally, a bad time to pick a fight is coming up. Perhaps those in power around the world will be able to cease and desist. I do realise this is unlikely.

    • Also Louise Haigh appears to have her Mars/Pluto midpoint square her Uranus. I suspect there has been some sudden outbursts coming from no-where at times!

    • Jane, my husband has retro Mars in Leo (born a few months before Albenese). Although Leo Mars could be very fiery, my understanding of the retro Mars is that they like the idea of fieriness but no physical energy to follow it through, if this makes sense.

    • Hm murmur this morning that she might have fallen foul of Morgan McSweeney – think she was pals with the former Sue Gray. Usual Downing Street infighting

  10. Trump’s Mars in Leo conjuncts his Ascendant and also the asteroid America, which explains why he has such a weirdly charismatic allure to so much of the USA. Think of the photo of him after the assassination attempt – the voters see that, not the actual man and all his many issues.

    On UK matters Haigh probably did the right thing to resign swiftly to prevent further press talk about it all but it shoudl be noted that many Conservative ministers in recent times were openly caught in far bigger scandals than this and yet refused to resign or only did so under extreme pressure to do so. So it’s not like the other side can exactly take the moral high ground here.

    • Interesting observation SD. A percentage of the US electorate sees the man of action, without fully appreciating what the action (or lack of action) is. Trump’s 2nd house Neptune indicates a distorted sense of self worth, plus it is retro and square his Mercury, It is almost as if he has limited mental access to those (unwise) parts of his persona, so he is in self denial that he is capable of making mistakes – he just can’t see the actual character traits this area of his chart covers. To link this to your point, the Mercury/Neptune mid-point is conjunct his Mars and near the Ascendant. The distorted image is projected to the willing audience.

  11. But women in a chart are also Venus, and Greg has Venus conjunct Uranus (unusual, sparks, electricity, weird) and Pluto (the underworld, basic instinct, sexuality). That should also play a part in his relationships with women.

  12. As another individual with Sun, Mars, Pluto conjunct at 24-26’ Leo in 2nd/3rd I can report that often I seem to come across more forcefully than I intended! For me it’s a matter of wanting to be seen or heard rather than a desire to impose my will. But having grown up in an environment where I was neither seen nor heard and my choices were taken from me I probably tend to overcompensate. The biggest thing has been learning to bite my tongue and wait for the right moment to speak up. I also can’t bear competitiveness. I always say that the only person to compete with is yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others, we are all meant to be different individuals. But yes, not everyone appreciates the ‘direct approach’, perhaps that’s why I have remained in the Netherlands where everyone speaks their mind and those that disagree simply respond “yes, that’s your opinion”! Nuff said…

    • It’s a good placement for Mars for leadership and courage, and Leo Mars folk can enjoyable to be with as they tend to have a certain charisma. In my case the individual with Mars in Leo wasn’t the most self aware person in the world and were mote passive aggressive than straightforward.

      • Interesting. I’d associate passive aggressiveness with Mars in Cancer (I have that placement natally so I know whereof I speak). Mars in Leo would indicate the opposite, surely?

        • Their Mars in Leo opposed Moon in Aquarius in the 8th and quincunx Saturn in Pisces. My inward-looking Scorpio Moon must have equally irritated them and also Scorpio Moons likewise have a capacity for drama, only it’s inward and not always expressed. A long time ago now. Faults on both sides.

  13. Mars parans with fixed stars:
    Gregg Wallace, Sadalsuud culminates as Mars on IC…”Lover of conflict.”
    Hamal culm as Mars rises…”Addictive in a physical manner.”
    Anthony Albanese, Alcyone culm as Mars rises…”The critic, commentar on social ills.” Deneb Adige culm as Mars rises…”Acts on his principles.”
    Sadalsuud culm as Mars rises…”Enjoys a challenge, or gentle conflict.”
    Cher, Capula culm as Mars rises…”Willing to deal with the difficult or macabre.
    Arcturus sets as Mars on iC…”An assertive and agresseve leaker.”

  14. I think when Mars in Leo isn’t channelled into creativity it can become difficult for others to bear. When I had a friendship with someone with Mars in Leo – it was also in opposition to the Moon and semisquare Pluto – it felt so overbearing, dramatic and competitive, I felt crushed and suffocated. Perhaps their Mars/Moon being in square to my Moon in Scorpio didn’t help!

    • Interesting observation, I thank you for it. As a Leo Mars cannot deny the truth of it, my family would definitely agree with you too. I also add grandiosity, arrogance and the inability of dealing with small, uninteresting details. However not many (Mars in Aries definitely) match us (Mars in Leo, not the royal plural) when it comes to energy, endurance and skill of standing up from impossible situations. It is a very sharp two edged sword indeed, anyone carrying it needs a lot of time and plenty of learning to use it for the right purposes.

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