Maria Callas, the tragic but talented Greek opera singer, is shown in her final days up to her early death at 53 from a heart attack, with flashback memories, in a new biopic starring Angelina Jolie. The film has received mixed reviews, although critics have generally praised its central performance. “Jolie is absolutely spellbinding as Maria Callas, imbuing her with grace and resolve.” “Angelina Jolie dazzles as the opera diva in her finest performance in a decade.”
Steven Knight’s screenplay (of Peaky Blinders renown) ‘hinges on an unusual tragic dynamic: Maria living in seclusion in Paris has outlived her operatic career while her legend has gone ahead into history without her, leaving her alone to weigh the cost of both.’
Callas’s masochistic romance with shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis is covered (before he abandoned her to marry Jackie Kennedy though he later resumed a clandestine affair.)
Callas’s date of birth is questionable though 2 December 1923 6am New York looks feasible with a 10th house Virgo Moon and an 8th house Pluto. A Sun Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius would give her a sliver of optimism, enough to balance the destructive effects of a Mars Saturn conjunction in Libra. She was attuned to cruel treatment and would attract herself to less than desirable partners.
Ari Onassis, 20 January 1906 10am Smyrma, Turkey, a final degree Capricorn Sun trine Jupiter in Taurus – ambitious, lucky, acquisitive; also had a bullying Pluto in Gemini square Mars in Pisces which was in hard aspect to Callas’s Moon. Their relationship chart had a composite Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Mars Venus opposition Pluto – dominating, cruel, passionate.
Callas’s mother according to reports was ‘pathologically ambitious’ who pushed her into singing very young and worse pressed her to “go out with various men”, mainly Italian and German soldiers, to bring home money and food during the occupation of Greece during World War II. She never forgave her mother for what she perceived as a kind of prostitution forced on her; and eventually cut ties altogether.
This may have rung a bell with Angelina Jolie, whose upbringing with parents involved in an aggravated split, a pushy stage mother, and highly stressed, druggy and suicidal teenage years also had echoes of deep unhappiness.
Angelina Jolie, 4 June 1976 9.09 am Los Angeles, is a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune with an intense and afflicted Aries Moon, Mars, Jupiter opposition Pluto.
Callas’ Chiron is conjunct Angelina’s Jupiter and Moon (Mars Pluto); and Jolie’s Chiron is opposition Callas’s Mars Saturn – so they both hook into the other’s woundedness and ill-treatment. Jolie’s Neptune is also conjunct Callas’s Sun for a filmic connection.
With tr Jupiter in Gemini crossing Angelina Jolie’s Sun for several months into early 2025 she will be on a roll of rising confidence; with her career in general heading in a good direction for years to come. Though fraught close relationships will also be the order of the day ahead with tr Pluto moving into her 7th house.
Don’t you have Angelina Jolie’s birth time off by a few minutes? She totally looks like a 0′ Leo Ascendant.
She was wildly, crazily magnificent.
In her book, “Medical Astrology”, Jane Ridder-Patrick gives the degree
area 9-11Cancer/Cap as being sensitive to heart disease, heart oedema.
Callas has her Pluto in this degree area. This area was hit by transits
from heart attack indicators and she died.
She also had Solar Arc Orpheus, death, conj her IC & SA Pluto conj MH.
Click on her heart attack biwheel, then enlarge with magnifier.