Emmanuel Macron appears to have thrown a spanner in the works as the Brexit negotiations crawl painfully to the witching hour. [Or not as the case may be since there’s a suggestion that a No Deal is being seen as a perhaps-temporary phase to teach le Rosbifs a sharp lesson about the economic and logistical nightmare of a summary exit without agreement.]
Anyways in the context of the present stand-off, which I confess I glaze over as it lurches from ‘definite deal within days’ to ‘no agreement ever’, Macron has back tracked and tightened his stance on fishing agreements and state aid, saying he’ll do nothing that cuts across French interests. To the dismay of the Irish, who will be tangled up in border issues and Angela Merkel, with German carmakers in mind, who clearly wants a deal before she exits the political stage.
Macron with a raft of domestic disturbances to quell may well be trying to embellish his credentials at home, fighting for the Brittany fishermen, although paying them compensation would overcome the problem with less fuss, since the sums of money in macroeconomic terms are small. And there’s a suggestion that a NO Deal might suit him only too well since it would persuade many financial service businesses to move from London to Paris.
He’s certainly not in a successful phase of his life with tr Saturn now heading below his Ascendant into his lower-profile First Quadrant for several years ahead, so his arrogance may be shivering in anticipation leading to desperate reactions. Though tr Jupiter will help to keep him buoyant through 2021. He does have the Eclipses now and across 2021 rattling his Sagittarius planets, bringing more than several crises.
He also has the high-tension and jolting tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting his uncompromising volatile Mars in Leo square Uranus in 2021 from late spring onwards as well. With a couple of disruptive Solar Arcs in 2022. His Term chart has the destabilising tr Pluto square Uranus from next February for two years, so he’s in for a rocky ride.
Tr Saturn will be causing chilly differences between Macron and several EU leaders including Merkel, Mark Rutte of the Netherlands, and Coveney, the Irish foreign minister as well as the Irish premier before it exits Capricorn later this month. So the aggravated, trapped, road-blocked tr Mars square tr Pluto running into the 23rd of this month may well see this impasse run on. Macron’s relationship with Boris Johnson isn’t good at the best of times with a power-struggling composite Sun opposition Pluto and that’s also under a damp cloud.
Boris himself is at the mercy of the Eclipses this month and through 2021 with his Sun, Venus, Mercury in Gemini all getting rattled.
France and the UK have always been at odds through centuries with a hostile composite Sun square Mars Pluto in the relationship chart so no surprises that this should be the stumbling block. But oddly the France/Germany relationship chart is under even more stress this month and ahead. And Macron’s interface with the EU is looking bleak and discouraged over late this December and through January, and onto late 2021, so whatever he’s doing isn’t making him popular.
Add on: Boris and the EU Commission President, Ursula von Leyen, are trying to break the deadlock though her hands will be tied since the French could exert a veto on anything she proposes.
She’s no pushover in any event with a do-or-die determined Mars in Gemini square Pluto in Virgo, which coincidentally mirrors and collides with Boris’s Mars in Gemini square Pluto Uranus opposition Saturn – so neither will be inclined to retreat. Her seemingly easy going Jupiter Neptune in Scorpio is conjunct his Moon which may help slightly but her Saturn in Sagittarius opposes his Mercury for a defensive interface on top of all the extras.
Their relationship chart has a needs-space, differing-agendas composite Sun Uranus conjunction and the hostile, power-struggling Mars square Pluto, so not sympatico.
A plague on both their houses – it’s not easy to work out who is worse. The pillocks in the UK government v protectionist Macron.
Johnson will be rattled next year, if anything the knives will be out for him, deal or no deal, his has made a mess of his Premiership and the ERG will be looking for his scalp, if they get the No Deal the want, and if they don’t, they will be looking for him to go, to push for deals where they can make money. Is there anything interesting going on in Rees-Mogg’s chart? Macron is a pussycat for Boris, compared to Rees-Mogg. Also, someone had told me, that a poster on the comment section in The Times, had posted it was common knowledge that Carrie and Boris had split and were only coming together for photoshoots? No sure if the post is true. Interesting though!
Thanks Marjorie. It is all such a mixture of infuriating and enervating. I’m bleakly amused to see that June’s lunar eclipse was conjunct Macron’s fishy Neptune in the 11th house. I suppose the upcoming Solar eclipse on 14th December is kicking in now, conjunct his Venus, also in that 11th house. Not much in the way of wider shared interests going on though is there?
I hope you’re right about the temporary nature of No Deal. It makes perfect sense, since trade etc is a two-way street. Meanwhile, we must watch a Gemini/Sagittarius stand off of sorts. Ridiculous!