Disaster by water is being experienced with a vengeance in eastern Europe with several deaths from flooding and an entire Polish city being told to evacuate. With transiting Neptune and the Fixed star Scheat both falling close to this week’s Lunar Eclipse in Pisces it highlights the nature of Scheat associated with misfortune, floods, shipwrecks and drowning.
For some, Scheat can bring increased creativity https://shorturl.at/uB0XE but the downside is notably evident at the moment with the Bayesian sinking still being investigated and now devastating weather.
The Lunar Eclipse set for Nysa, the evacuated Poland town, has Uranus closely conjunct the Midheaven suggesting jolting changes – with the Moon Neptune in the 8th. [You are evidently not supposed to use houses for eclipse charts but very often disaster eclipses have strong 8th house planets.]
The Poland 24 August 1989 1.05pm Warsaw chart has Mercury in Virgo close to the Eclipse causing mental strain and chaos.
Natural disasters sometimes are the forerunner to a stressful period of transition in the years following and the Poland chart hints at a tricky time ahead with tr Uranus square the Virgo Sun from mid 2025 as the same time as tr Neptune Saturn start to square the Uranus – and in future years square the Saturn, Neptune.
The Poland 10 November 1918 chart has its Mars in final degree Sagittarius being undermined by tr Neptune square now till early 2026; with a disruptive tr Uranus square the Saturn opposition Uranus, also through till early 2026.
Donald Tusk’s prime ministerial chart of 13 December 2023 10 am Warsaw had a lacklustre Sagittarius Sun and Moon square Neptune – which are catching not only this week’s Lunar Eclipse but also next March’s Lunar Eclipse and the October Solar Eclipse for a crises-strewn term.
Is there anything in the chart for Austria and the Czech Republic?
Poland 31.12.1989. 0.00am
Tr Mars con MC
Tr Nodes con asc-desc