Luke Perry – heartfelt tributes



“One of the nicest guys” – “genuine, kind hearted and thoughtful” – fans of actor Luke Perry remember him with sadness and gratitude after his sudden death from a stroke. He was the brooding heartthrob Dylan McKay in Beverley Hills, 90210 through the 1990s and then became Fred, the father of Archie Andrews, from comic book adaption Riverdale.

He was born 11 October 1966 in Mansfield, Ohio, two days after David Cameron with the same charming, sociable Sun Venus in Libra and a colorful Mars and Jupiter in entertaining Leo. Plus the determined Uranus Pluto plus a worry-wart Moon in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces, sextile/trine Neptune.

2 thoughts on “Luke Perry – heartfelt tributes

  1. Looking at that chart, I realize Perry’s Venus is on Pluto of many people born around 1976 or 1977. We were the original audience of “Beverly Hills 90210”, launched in The US in 1990 (I think we only started seeing this a year later, International TV Sales worked that way in the 1990’s). And I can’t say Monday wasn’t a horribly sad day for this tailend Gen Xer, with Luke Perry and Keith Flint passing. My Facebook timeline has been heartbreaking, too.

    Interesting tidpit: Luke Perry was delivered by Ohio Senator and a possible Presidential hopeful Sherrod Brown’s father. He campaigned for Brown, too. I don’t find a post on Brown here, at least with ‘search’, but I have a feeling that in case Biden won’t run, he’ll step in and get an endorsement from many prominent Democrats. Also, he is a potential VP candidate for numerous candidates. He was considered by Clinton, but lost to Tim Kaine on calculation that WHEN Clinton was nominated, Ohio Senatorsship he held would have been left vacant and to be filled by Republican Governor. I think that was bit of a mistake, in hindsight, because Brown could have made the difference in Rustbelt. Candidates in 2020 won’t make this mistake. He would be “likeable” to Middle America, but also has an impressive progressive voting history (opposed both Patriot Act and Iraqi War). So, I think it’s worth the effort to check Brown’s transits there (he was born November 9th, 1952).

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