Luke Littler, the youngest world champion in darts history beat one of the greatest players in a match which has sent fans and sports writers into meltdown. He had to produce a birth certificate recently to prove that he is indeed only 17, born 21 January 2007 in Warrington, England. He started at 18 months old when his father bought him a magnetic board and he hasn’t looked back since.
He has a stellium in Aquarius, ranging from the Sun to Mercury and Venus Neptune conjunct. He has an upbeat Jupiter in Sagittarius in an adventurous square to Uranus; and a do-or-die-determined Mars Pluto conjunction with Pluto in a tough-minded trine to Saturn in wannabe-important Leo.
Would I have predicted such a spectacular win? Hmm I would have looked at tr Pluto conjunct his Sun exactly for a hugely pressured moment – not always a winning combo; with the tr Saturn square tr Jupiter pushing and pulling his natal Jupiter; and a jolting tr Uranus square his Saturn. On that basis probably not. He does admittedly have his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Mars/Pluto midpoint which would give him a distinct lift and will continue on for another three years as his SA Jupiter moves to conjunct his Mars exactly.
It is one of the problems of sports predictions – without birth times especially – that what shows is the stress and exertion as much as the relief or jubilation at a win.
Sometimes prodigies fade but his 22nd harmonic hinting at global fame has a Sun Jupiter opposition Uranus square Venus – so he may stay at the top.
Phil the power arguably the most gifted of all darts players
The whole thing made me smile, including the mad costumes in the audience. Luke seems very mature, even his voice sounds older than 17. And when he said his ‘pillow was calling’ I admired him even more.
His Aquarian Sun is aligned with the fixed star Altair, in the constellation of Aquila, the Eagle. Seems so appropriate – a powerful bird in flight, associated with Jupiter. His natal Jupiter is happily at home in sporty Sagittarius, with the Archer’s arrows morphing into darts.
“With Sun: Public honor, notoriety, favors from superiors, many friends and some envious ones who cause trouble through writings, some ill-health and losses, danger of bites from venomous animals.” [Robson, p.135.]
I think that his Mars sextile Moon may confer on him the steady hand and composure needed to handle the pressure of high level competition.
Here is Littler’s Age Harmonic chart for 17.9 years, outer wheel, with
his natal inside. Benefics, trans Venus, trans Jupiter & natal Jupiter
are heavily aspected.
Winning a contest or match has 4 indicators, namely, Champion, Victory, Nike and Triumph…..all 4 are heavily aspected. His name Littler is at a midpoint suggesting winner. Is there any doubt
that he won at age 17 as the Age Harmonic suggests.
At the Sports Personality award, in receiving his runners-up prize, he said something like “I’m really proud of the way I’ve caused the game to grow” and now just reading a quote “People will say I am the best at the minute but I’ve said I will never admit I am the best, but, maybe my performances show I am the best.”
These are unusual quotes for a sportsperson – particularly a Brit. Normally they talk about everyone around them who has helped, how they want to leave a legacy or inspire others but he’s doing more than that. While Aquarians can say unusual things and not care what others think; it might be the Saturn in Leo talking. The big win coming with transit Uranus square Saturn. A transit which wouldn’t surprise me if he develops an injury or something which ruins his current form; because in theory he should be able to dominate the game for at least the next 1-2 decades and beyond.
Thanks for showing us the carts, Marjorie. Interesting to see his Mars Pluto conjunction after the articles about Mars/Pluto you’ve recently featured here. And Jupiter strong in own sign Sagittarius describes someone who can ‘shoot an arrow’. But I was surprised to see the Gemini ascendant, as although it describes someone with manual dexterity, I was expecting to see Saturn near the ascendant as he looks so much older than his age.
That amuses me regarding Jupiter in Sagittarius. My husband (Aquarius Sun/Mercury, Jupiter in Sagittarius) is a darts fan and recreational player and partners with his good friend who is 12 years younger than he is – so also has Jupiter in Sagittarius.