Lore Segal & Lily Ebert – words made a difference

Two Jewish writers who used words to make sense of their war-time experiences have died.

 Lore Segal, 29 December 1923, Austria, was one of the lucky 10,000 children selected for Kindertransport, in 1938, a humanitarian initiative to foster endangered Jewish children in Nazi territories into British homes. She was later reunited with her parents. She started to write when she was ten to make sense of what she had been through and continued writing everyday of her life thereafter, producing five novels and many short stories.  “It was the novelist’s impulse not to explain or persuade but to force the reader’s vision: see what I saw, feel what it felt like,” she wrote in the preface to her first novel. In 2007, she published Shakespeare’s Kitchen, a collection of stories set in a think-tank in Connecticut which was nominated for the Pulitzer. 

 She was a Sun Pisces trine Pluto and square Saturn which could have given her a depressive streak but she was blessed with a lucky, adventurous Jupiter Uranus in Aries with her Jupiter in a confident square to Pluto and sextile a determined Mars in Aquarius – and two other planets in Aquarius including Mercury which gave her the detachment to stand back and observe. She also had a powerful yod of Venus sextile Saturn inconjunct Pluto giving her a singular sense of purpose.

Lily Ebert, 29 December 1923, a Hungarian-born Auschwitz survivor who devoted herself to keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive, including on TikTok, where she drew millions of viewers with her testimonials, lost her mother and two youngest siblings to the gas chambers. Initially she could not speak of her experiences but as she aged and her family grew – ultimately to 10 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandson, she found the strength to speak out.

  She had a stark and exceptionally tough Water Grand Trine of Mars in Scorpio trine Pluto trine Uranus formed into a Kite by Pluto opposition a Capricorn Sun which gave her determination and courage to overcome appalling experiences; and a flicker of optimism from Jupiter in Sagittarius square Uranus.

6 thoughts on “Lore Segal & Lily Ebert – words made a difference

  1. Israel is sliding into defeat. And a defeat that most civilised people want to bring the end of their behaviour and threats to world security. Extraordinary times. The mask has fallen.

  2. An informative read.

    Maybe you also plan on covering this year’s South Korean Nobel winner Han Kang and the British scientist of Cypriot and Chinese heritage Demis Hassabis.

  3. Ebert has a strong 20th Harmonic chart. The 20H is about a major
    upheaval that leads to an awakening which changes the goals and plans
    for one’s future life. Good for spiritual development..
    20H is gives delays and obstacle, created by the Nazi’s….see Uranus,
    freedom opposed by Pluto, Nazis in her 20H. See Moon-Sun in her
    3rd House of writing, trine Saturn, writing about Saturnian themes. her
    Nazi experiences. https://ibb.co/9cJ2H7c
    Click link to her 20th Harmonic chart….enlarge with magnifier.

  4. My Pluto in the 8th house conjunct the Moon at the cusp of the 9th, square Saturn and Lilith in Scorpio, is spontaneously and strongly attracted to the literature of the Holocaust. I admire both women greatly.

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