A tawdry modern tale of warped social media fandom features a 23 year old OnlyFans and porn star Lily Phillips who catapulted to the TikTok viral stratosphere in October after having sex with 101 men in a single day.
Born 23 July 2001 in England, she made it to Sheffield University but dropped out when she started in the adult entertainment industry. She has made a reputed £2 million from OnlyFans.
A story I would normally avoid except her chart is worth a glimpse. A Sun Leo opposition Neptune makes sense of an attention-seeking entertainer in the film business. What is startling is a harsh Mars Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius opposition Saturn Venus in Gemini. That hints at cruel, terrifying and perverse experiences early in her life.
A classic example of Freud’s repetition compulsion in action – renacting earlier horrors in the hope of taking control of them rather than being crushed.
Tr Pluto is opposition her Sun at the moment and moving to square her Sun/Neptune and then conjunct her Neptune over the next few years which will bring considerable confusion. Her Solar Arc Mars/Pluto midpoint and then Pluto will conjunct her Capricorn South Node this year and next. She may drag herself backwards before she hauls herself towards her Cancerian North Node.
What a tragic and depressing drama. PS Further details suggests she had no idea how HIV is transmitted – with a Virgo Moon?
Add On: Bonnie Blue, 14 May 1999, is another of similar moral turpitude who has filmed and posted explicit content with young men, claiming to earn £600,000 a month. She insists her actions are legal and no one under 18 is involved but has been called a predator, with her actions targeting young men regarded as dehumanizing.
Born 14 May 1999 her chart is less self-destructive and more opportunistic than Lily Phillip’s. She has a stellium in earthy, acquisitive Taurus with both Sun and Moon there along with Mercury, Saturn. She has her Uranus exactly conjunct her South Node square her Sun and Mercury Saturn so she will be defiant about upsetting conventions of behaviour Her Neptune squares Saturn and possibly Moon.
She has a yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Venus in Cancer which hints initially at a difficulty in connecting emotionally and being out of step with social values. She also has Mars opposition Jupiter which can be self-interested and aggressive in promoting her beliefs – and seeking to make actions sound acceptable when they only serve her own wishes – in this case money and sexual satisfaction.
She’ll run into a major setback in 2026/27 when her Solar Arc Mars opposes her Sun alongside a devastating tr Pluto conjunct her Neptune.
The risks of cervical cancer never mind an array of venereal diseases even with condoms are staggeringly high.
The moon in Virgo is probably the outlet of a t-square with the Sag Mars-Pluto and Gemini Saturn-Venus. Given she’s earning money in adult entertainment, there’s a good chance the opposition goes across 2nd-8th and out of 5th (sex for fun).
The Gemini-Sag planets will be enjoying the adventure of exploring. Saturn-Venus women struggle to feel they are good enough and to try and fill up the emptiness through money/being shown off. The Virgo moons I’ve met can seem sensible and rational but they push their bodies to the limit because they don’t want to listen to their emotions. They just keep doing ‘stuff’ to try and get past their constant nervousness.
This made me think about Virgo in ‘The Astrology of Fate’, where Liz Greene talks about the sign of Virgo as a representation of woman complete and whole in her own right and financially independent of men. I recall she mentions the role of the ‘hetaira’ in Ancient Greece, a woman, usually foreign (such roles were forbidden for female Athenian citizens) educated, skilled in the erotic arts as well as in conversation and the playing of musical instruments. These courtesan sex workers were distinguishable from the ‘pornai’ who worked in brothels. Images on Greek vases show these women at symposia, drinking wine with the men, singing, dancing and playing instruments.
I suspect, like Marjorie that this young woman has underlying trauma – Mars/Pluto in the 4th tells a grim tale of the family home and roots. As you point out GD, Venus/Saturn can feel so unloved, inadequate, eager for validation and thus is vulnerable to any form of love bombing, attention or praise. Venus/Saturn often puts a lot of effort into their appearance, clothes, look etc. Venus/Saturn likewise can indicate a Venusian profession, including sex work, though it could also be a profession in the Arts, fashion or beauty, interior decor, etc.
My G Grandmother had an unusual natal chart, she has Venus at 26 Scorpio conjunct her NN opposition Saturn at 25 Taurus, South Node and Chiron at 26 Taurus. Her Saturn also conjuncts Pluto at 0 Gemini. She was 23 when ahe married my G Grandfather who was 45. His first fiancé had died of tuberculosis in her 20s. I lean towards the feeling that she married him for security and financial reasons, though her own father was a German business owner, it would have been seen perhaps as bringing two prosperous merchant families together. She was petite, beautiful and delicate and he would have liked to show her off. Yes, she loved clothes and beautiful things and was an unaspected Sun in Libra. I still have an heirloom Paris gown of hers, circa 1910. You are spot on about that, GD!
Venus Saturn sometimes need to learn how to accept and love themselves in healthy ways before they embark on any long term relationship.
Good points VF. I’m sure, as you say, Lily has a pile of emotional trauma – not only because the adventurous Mars-Pluto Sag won’t have known when to back out of dangerous situations but also because the Virgo moon won’t have processed anything that did happen. I wonder if transiting Saturn across the empty leg of Pisces is having any effect to get her to set better boundaries and maybe think of her self more.
Re: your g-gmother – it’s not uncommon for Saturn-Venus women to marry an older man, as I’m sure you’ve read. Both for the financial security but also because he is probably more mature and will be in charge. Getting married at 23 was probably late for your G-Grandmother’s generation; another example of Saturn delaying love.
In reply to Marjorie’s question … “Further details suggests she had no idea how HIV is transmitted – with a Virgo Moon”
I’ve got a couple of young relations born in 2001 with the Gemini Saturn – Sag Pluto opposition. My take is they fear details (Saturn Gemini); they love focusing on the big abstract story (Sag Pluto). I’m sure there are others in the generation who live the Gemini end and hoover up details and need everything as cold, hard data.
I am confused here. Did the men pay and this is how she made her money? I avoided reading about it as it is very sad and quite shocking. Her Neptune/Uranus midpoint is circa 15 degrees in Aquarius which is sextile her Mars. That Neptune/Uranus midpoint is also trine her Saturn/Venus midpoint in Gemini. Fire and Air which could indicate not attaching any feeling to the experience? Just going for it. Saturn can mean a parent. It may be tied up with anger with a parent? As a women I feel quite upset just reading about it. As it feels like a young women acting out self abuse and now having to live with it being on the internet. It is incredibly sad.
For Moon at 11 Virgo, Charubel gives…”Great strength of will, great energy.
Strong animal passions; and these unless well regulated, may occasion
some trouble.
Here is Lily’s speculative chart….Mars-Pluto ruling pornography, rises on
her Asc. Freud’s Obsessive Compulsive Disorder joins Lily on her 5th
House of sex. Repetition in her 7th, Sisyphus, joins Jupiter, multiple
partners, and NN, union. Sun in her 8th of sexual potential, r8, with
Moon, also ruling her 8th.
Thank you Marjorie. A very sad business.