The Libra Ingress coinciding with the autumn equinox (in northern hemisphere) was considered by German astrologer E.H. Troinski to be the key Cardinal Ingress of the year. Though other prominent astrologers like Barbault and Kepler discounted the relevance of ingress charts altogether. Charles Carter took the view they might have value as part of a larger jigsaw of astrological influences but not substantive on their own.
For what it is worth this Ingress has a complex set of aspects. An Earth Grand Trine of Pluto in Capricorn trine Uranus Algol trine Mercury is formed into a Kite by Mercury opposition Neptune Scheat. Venus in final degree Libra is in an emotionally intense square to Pluto and on the focal point of a strained yod inconjunct Neptune sextile Uranus (Moon).
Mercury opposition both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces is square Jupiter in Gemini – gloom, confusion and high hopes – what a muddle. Mars in excitable, volatile Cancer is widely square the Sun and the North/South Nodes.
Plotting the astrocartography (which has not worked spectacularly well in the past viz the start of WW11)- it puts Mars on the Midheaven and Pluto on the IC through eastern USA. Which could suggest that the pressured, high-risk, enraging Mars opposition Pluto which runs effectively from late this October right through till April 2025 will be blighting the mood there in particular.
Pluto on the Ascendant through Israel – no surprise, darkening its image. Mars on the Descendant through Ukraine as the conflict drags on. Pluto on the Midheaven and Uranus on the Ascendant through China – if it holds good could suggest a major upheaval and change in China’s directions and image.
But these are predicated on Ingresses working well – we can only wait and watch.
The Libra Ingress Chart for Washington DC has Venus in the 1st House making its square to Pluto in the 4th House. These planets on the angles suggest domestic political issues will dominate in the USA. Mercury in the 11th House and the Sun in the 12th House opposing Neptune in the 6th House might suggest hidden issues with the Presidency or its election (Sun), involving Congress ( Mercury in the 11th House of the legislature) involving confusion or deception of the ordinary citizens (6th House). Mars and Jupiter in the 9th House suggest either diplomatic issues involving war or alternatively the involvement of the judiciary in trying to resolve inner conflicts. The fixed star Pollux sits exactly on the mid heaven. It offers honour and preferment but also disgrace and ruin. Significantly the star also sits conjunct Donald Trump’s natal Saturn. The worse outcome for the USA may not be Trump or Harris winning but yet another contested election result.
I note that Kamala Harris Solar Arc Jupiter is currently at 24 Cancer within orb of Pollux and conjunct that US Libra ingress MC. It can be associated with “high position but danger of disgrace, trouble through relatives, legal losses, banishment or imprisonment”. Both candidates are therefore going to be under the rays of this fixed star and feeling the influence of that US Libra Ingress MC.
Mars on the MC and Pluto on the IC in the eastern US will lead to a Sun-Pluto conjunction at the Inauguration on January 20. If elected, Kamala would also be an authoritarian President in response to Trump and in military conflicts, which would also fit her natal Saturn on the US Moon. She may be good for the country and the world but at times she will be hard.
The three Mars-Pluto oppositions are key to the aftermath of the election. The second is on the eve of January 6, an indication that the result will once again be highly contested and that the certification by Kamala of her own win will be highly dramatic. A Mars-Pluto opposition on December 20, 2020 was the backdrop for the infamous meeting in the White House that planned January 6.
This time, Trump is not in power but, if he can raise enough doubts in enough states, he will hope the election will be thrown to the House in January, where he still might win despite clearly losing the popular vote. He has correctly identified the weakest point in the US Constitution which is the certification of the presidential election in the House of Representatives. The GOP will not accept the result and will not go down without another fight.
I expect Trump to go full criminal after November 5 because he will have nothing left to lose.
The Homeland Security Department approved adding federal, state and local resources to help protect the counting of Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, 2025. It’s been designated as a high security date and location, just like the Super Bowl.
It’s doubtful that there would be an attempt to repeat January 6, 2021 and it’s mayhem, at least in Washington D.C.
The ingress chart has only one planet in fixed signs and that is retrograde Uranus moving to conjunct Algol. There are no planets in fire signs. The chart does not suggest stability Mercury in domicile in Virgo in the 9th House also rules the 7th House which holds the ascendant ruler Jupiter which is in detriment in Virgo together with Mars. Mercury opposes Saturn in the 3rd House. I suspect diplomacy, foreign affairs, alliances, enemies and conflict overseas will be a major factor given the 7th and 9th houses are involved. The fact Saturn is in the 3rd House opposes Mercury in the 9th could mean travel and foreign trade is likely to be restricted in some way. The Moon representing the people is in the 6th House of servitude and the armed forces. Significantly the Mercury in the Libra Ingress chart will move to 11 Libra by the 2nd October where it will be within one degree of the solar eclipse at 10 Libra in the 6th House. This will be impacting by square the Sun in both the England 1066 and UK 1801 charts
It looks like the Ingress’ Sun/ Moon midpoint is at 29 degrees of Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn!
…in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn.