Liam & Noel – get it back together just

The famously fractured sibling duo of Liam and Noel Gallagher have finally shelved their fifteen year grievance and decided on an Oasis Reunion tour next summer which has sent the ticket booking websites into meltdown.

 Liam, 21 September 1972 12.58pm Burnage, England, with a reputation for being loutish and rudely outspoken has a high-octane and argumentative Sun, Mercury Mars conjunction in Virgo on his Midheaven in a can-be-destructive square to Saturn in Gemini on the cusp of his 8th; and square an expansive Jupiter on the other side –  prone to mood swings of high and low, volatility and excess. His Mercury is in a dogmatic conjunction to a controlling 10th house Pluto. His Pisces Moon in his 3rd house of siblings is square Neptune on his Ascendant – both explosive and soggy.

 Noel, 29 May 1967, Manchester, no birth time, is a Gemini Sun trine Mars in Libra; with his Mercury in Gemini square Uranus Pluto in Virgo which will be highly-strung with a tendency towards erupting in frustration and impatience. He is not as outrageous or as volatile as his brother but his Uranus Pluto is conjunct Liam’s Mars and widely his Sun – so a tinderbox chemistry.  Plus just as bad, Noel’s Mars is conjunct Liam’s Uranus which will be a no-compromise, high-irritability interface.

  Their relationship chart has a friendly composite Sun, Venus, Mercury but there is also an overly-excitable Mars Uranus conjunction, making cooperation between two intransigent types tricky.

  The concert tour starts on July 4 2025 with a Sun Jupiter conjunction – and for both them, the financial compensation will be huge. Liam has tr Jupiter moving through his 8th house of business finances and Noel has his Solar Arc Sun probably opposition his Jupiter as the money rolls in this year; as well as a confident tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter through 2024/25.

 But it will be a fairly high-wire exercise keeping the relationship on an even keel with tr Uranus opposition the composite Neptune this year and right through 2025 and a challenging tr Pluto opposition the composite Venus and Sun. Their togetherness may well fall apart by 2026 as tr Saturn Neptune then oppose their composite Mars Uranus.

 Liam has tr Neptune opposition his Sun this year and tr Neptune Saturn moving through his family 4th house opposition his 10th house Pluto over the concerts- which feels very confused and stuck.  Certainly pressured.  

  The first concert starts with Mars Midheaven on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Saturn Neptune – which looks fantastically high energy, likely to spill over into aggravation; with another yod from an intense Scorpio Moon sextile MC Mars inconjunct Saturn Neptune.

  Heaven help us if an Oasis Reunion concert is a marker for Saturn Neptune.

13 thoughts on “Liam & Noel – get it back together just

    • Indeed, Jane. I’d imagine that would motivate them, although I think it’s more complicated than that. It’s interesting about what Marjorie calls ‘tinderbox chemistry’ between the brothers. Something that crops up quite a lot in life – thinking of Princes William and Harry, and the Miliband brothers ongoing froideur as examples off the top of my head.

  1. Just a question uranus Mars aspect in synastry does they lead to manipulative tendency? Noel had openly stated in an interview before that he manipulated Liam to do what he wanted.

    My personal experience is a family member had uranus inconjunct my Mars (5dgree or) and I called out those behaviour very early in life.

    • Not really – Uranus Mars is explosive and freedom-seeking and will stomp off if crowded. Pluto is the manipulative planet and is there strongly in both of them. Noel probably terrorised Liam with his Pluto conjunct Liam’s Mars. Not a happy combo.

  2. Thank you Marjorie for this fascinating look at Oasis – I have found many, many times that the half Saturn return (14/16) years after the ‘event’ in this case splitting up, (though usually it is the other way around, pressures becoming too great to go on as before), is applying, I agree with Marjorie and think they will stay together (for the money) but as she so succintly puts it – *Their togetherness may well fall apart by 2026 as tr Saturn Neptune then oppose their composite Mars Uranus.* Most certainly.

    Regarding commenting, I see the box to receive replies to a post has disappeared?

  3. Marjorie, I had a good laugh reading your last statement in the post.

    Astrology wise, the concert start date really don’t seems good. I shall not say my amateur nonsense.

  4. Mid-90’s Britpop was the soundtrack of my University years. But incidently, Oasis always was my least favourite band from the era. I didn’t hate them, but always found other bands more interesting. That said, I love one song of theirs, “Don’t Look Back in Anger”. And I think what makes me like that one is mainly Liam’s delivery. Looking at the astro charts, I can tell why. His Virgo Mars/Sun/Mercury is deviously witty (he has shown this in X, too), and then there’s that Pisces Moon.

    (For those interested, I found the genre through Blur’s “Girls&Boys” the year I turned 18, and Blur and Damon Albarn’s other projects are big favourites. I also loved Suede, and my cool aunts told me Richard Oakes is my birthday twin. As someone who was at an art(sy) school, Pulp was also very much on my radar. And the first stadium concert I ever was to was Radioheads in 1997, again with my cool aunts.)

  5. Marjorie mentions Neptune sq Moon in Liam’s chart, but if I am seeing right, looks like Neptune is also sq Moon in Noel’s and then subsequently, the composite as well. Sounds intoxicated.

  6. God, look at that synastry.

    Pluto opp the comp Sun Venus during 2025 (rehearsals) implying a forced, power tussling happiness, or friendliness? It’s certainly strained.

    They’re older now and have less time for each other’s nonsense. I’m not even sure the tour will happen.

    If it does, after it finishes, I think they’ll love one another from a distance – much distance.

  7. There’s a funny meme doing the rounds, referencing the ticket booking frenzy.

    Unfortunately, Oasis have split up whilst you were in the queue.

    It made me chuckle. The transits are certainly high wire, I wouldn’t want to be their tour manager.

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