Lewis Hamilton – swamped Mars and Capricornian woes

Lewis Hamilton, the Formula One driver isn’t having a great season (I am reliably informed by googling) with engine troubles and track mishaps, and now his second penalty.

Born 7 January 1985, he has an ambitious and lucky Sun Jupiter in Capricorn opposition a Cancer Moon. Though his Sun has the tr Pluto conjunction exact at the moment and on and off till late 2017. So a pressured time in what is a highly pressured lifestyle. He’s also got Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Sun this year which may also put him off his stride. Plus a disappointing tr Neptune conjunct his Mars until mid Feb 2017 – it’s that which is likely to be causing him most trouble since its works against ego-ambitions and success. Tr Saturn is also square that Mars till this September which is associated with setbacks, irritations and sometimes accidents.

However he does have tr Uranus square his Jupiter from May 8th for three weeks and returning on and off till March 2017 which will give him some upbeat patches.

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