Laura Loomer, a far-right 9/11 conspiracy theorist, Islamaphobe, racist and promoter of the Haitian-immigrants-eat-pets controversy has become increasingly close to Trump recently. He said “Laura’s been a supporter of mine. She speaks positively of the campaign. I don’t control Laura. She’s a free spirit.” Republicans even on the far right are becoming concerned that this “toxic” association is self-defeating for him. “Laura Loomer is a crazy conspiracy theorist who regularly utters disgusting garbage intended to divide Republicans,” Thom Tillis, the Republican senator from North Carolina, wrote on X. “A [Democratic party] plant couldn’t do a better job than she is doing to hurt president Trump’s chances of winning re-election. Enough.” And a Republican strategist said: “[Trump] increasingly just surrounds himself with the most sycophantic people who will tell him anything that he wants to hear, and he’s getting to be further detached from reality.”
What is intriguing is how similar in certain respects her chart is to his. Born 21 May 1993, she is a Sun Gemini with Mars in Leo and Jupiter in Libra – all of which he shares. Her Sun is opposition Pluto and square Saturn, which is hard, controlling, embittered; with her Mercury in Gemini trine Jupiter sextile Mars in flamboyant Leo. But what stands out in her chart is the early 1990s Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn which is known for extreme opinions.
Despite some similarities between them it is not intuitively a good match with her Mars exactly conjunct his Pluto, her Saturn opposition his Mars and her Uranus Neptune opposition his Saturn Venus in Cancer. An incendiary mix. Hatred directed outwards. If they were locked together in the same room for long they would destroy each other.
She will be full steam ahead till late this November with a confident tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Pluto midpoint, but looks less vibrant through January with tr Pluto square her Mars/Uranus and Mars/Neptune midpoints.
Looser is essentially a Marjorie Taylor Greene clone. They are both cut from the same cloth and were once even friends. Now they might be rivals since Greene was also trying to cosy up to Trump.
What is it exactly with all these messed-up Geminis anyway?
I meant to say Loomer, but auto-correct had a different take. And maybe it’s just as well.
I’m quite familiar with Laura Loomer; she lives here in Florida and she’s run for Congress a few times. That woman is nothing more than an obnoxious provocateur.
I believe it was Roseanne Barr who helped give fame to Laura Loomer. Sometime after 2016, I remember Roseanne Barr hosted a video podcast and she had Laura Loomer on as a quest. In the video, Barr and Loomer discussed far-right conspiracy theories, right-wing politics, used a bunch of profanity, and smoked marjauana together.
Surprisingly, Laura Loomer revealed that she was of Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity in that video podcast and then she made an antisemitic joke about why she attended certain schools so she could one day get that, quote: “Jew money.”
I immediately disliked Laura Loomer after watching that podcast and I was appalled when she became a local Florida celebrity with the far-right.
Disturbing videos of Laura Loomer attending white nationalist and white supremacist events began surfacing on social media a few years ago.
In one video, Laura Loomer is shown at a white nationalist rally flirting with one of the young male attendees. She stroked his hair and told him how she thought he was a sexy, blonde, blue-eyed “Aryan god”
When the young man asked her if she too was an “Aryan,” Loomer responded by saying she was actually Jewish and quote: “I have an Ashkenazi IQ with big tits!”
If that wasn’t bad enough, more recently, Laura Loomer took to social media to make antisemitic jokes and spread antisemitic conspiracy theories about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, disparage Ukraine and the Ukrainian People (she said the Ukrainian People were brainwashed by radical Western leftists and “wokeism”), praise Vladimir Putin (she said Putin was the savior of the “White Race” and a true defender against radical leftist “wokeism”), and trash NATO and Palestinian civilians (she has referred to Palestinians as subhuman and “goat f***ers”).
Loomer also issued a very cruel tweet after African American Democratic Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee died from cancer. Loomer referred to Jackson Lee as a quote: “ghetto b**ch” and said she was happy she was dead.
Anyway, it’s obvious Laura Loomer is a disgusting person and she’s also apparently a self-hating Jew (she would have to be for her to habitually make antisemitic comments and cozying with neo-nazis). I’m horrified that someone like her has so much influence in society. I’m also appalled that she hasn’t had to face any consequences for her deplorable actions and behavior.
I sincerely hope that if the astrology is suggesting disappointment to come her way by November that this is an indication Trump will lose the election.
@Chris – I’ve family members, sister/cousin/mother, who would probably sit-down to dinner with her and then knock back a few. It is difficult to know how – or why – such individuals become popular.
Do they reflect our own hidden fears and angst? Cuz they can so easily verbalize?
Should Drompf win…thru whatever means he deems necessary, a sad day in the world, indeed.
Loomer’s chart features a STAGE configuration pointing to a prominent far-right Saturn
in a T-square with a New Moon/Pluto, sonspiracy theories. opposition.
With theatrical connontations, the STAGE is the platfom from which they can
learn, understand and conect with others. People with this pattern try to talk
away diffeences and to create a unified picture.
I look at her chart and say wow, what a relief it must be for him to find someone so similar! I don’t think he’s at all well (on a variety of levels — Virgoflake, you state it clearly) and I’m sure Trump takes it as supreme validation to find her. But over time, as you point out Marjorie, it’s going to explode. Those Mars/Pluto synastry aspects, I’ve had ’em in my life and never again.
Apparently she hopes to become his Press Secretary if he wins. Shudder the thought.
From all the reports relating to her and her utterances, Laura lives in a parallel universe, where everything is a conspiracy. Is there any kind of natal astrological placement that might account for this? I don’t imagine that it has just manifested.
Uranus Neptune is prone to fanatical beliefs. Can be a genius and inventive or a whackjob that refuses to accept the evidence in front of their face.
I am hoping she might seduce him into losing the election magnificently. Even into him losing interest in it all together. Surely a 78 – year – old Trump would be happier tucked up in bed with yet another woman.
Following some poor showings in the polls, picking an idiot like Vance for his running mate and alienating an entire generation of young women in the process, the disastrous debate, Taylor Swift’s endorsement, etc she provides the kind of fuel that men like him crave once they’re well past their prime – the ageing narcissist becomes ever more desperate. But he also absolutely hates the fact that he’s running against a woman of colour and cannot cope with the fact that she’s younger and smarter than him. So this woman’s attentions must feel like nectar and ambrosia to his fragile ego.
Then again the synastry looks utterly disastrous. Her Mars in Leo on his Pluto and her Pluto squares his Mars which is intense and potentially can be two people who goad each other into action for the worse. She also has Sun Square Saturn, so there will be daddy issues going on there, not to mention the Cancer/Capricorn axis in their synastry. Thank you, Marjorie for your analysis.