Kris Kristofferson, the award-winning country singer and actor, has died aged 88. Among his song writing credits are “Me and Bobby McGee”, “For the Good Times”, “Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down”, and “Help Me Make It Through the Night”, all of which were hits for other artists. Along with fellow country artists Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash he was a key creative force in the outlaw country music movement that favoured independent songwriting and producing. He starred with Barbra Streisand in the 1976 remake of A Star is Born to great success as well more recently in the Blade trilogy of Marvel blockbusters.
He was born 22 June 1938 3.30pm Brownsville, Texas into a military family and initially hoped to become a writer. He won a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford and graduated with a B.Phil. degree in English literature. Under pressure from his family he joined the U.S. Army, becoming a helicopter pilot and continuing his musical interests at the same time. When he left the forces to pursue a musical career his family disowned him.
He married three times and has eight children.
His 10th house Leo Moon designed him for a public career but it is his intense 8th house which is the eye-opener with Mercury in Gemini plus a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars conjunction in Gemini conjunct a Cancer Sun all there. He had Saturn in his 5th house giving him organizational skills in the entertainment business which was in a creative opposition to Neptune and square a confident and successful Jupiter in his 2nd house.
His Uranus on his Ascendant would not make it easy for a conventional cooperative relationship to run smoothly and with his Sun/Moon midpoint opposition his Pluto he’d be constantly pushed and pulled between wanting closeness and wanting freedom. But his third marriage lasted for nearly forty years so he clearly found a partner who could cope.
He once said he would like Leonard Cohen’s “Bird on the Wire” opener on his tombstone.
Like a bird on the wire
Like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free
Marjorie just a BIG thank you for your wonderful site. The celebrity charts are so illuminating and the wonderful comments by your tribe always raise my day.
Sad to hear of his passing. I’ve been reading about how he comforted Sinéad o Connor during her on stage performance at Saturday night live in October 1992 when she was booed by the crowd. Apparently he told her “don’t let the bastards get you down”. Kris’s Jupiter is conjunct Sinéads sun. And transit Jupiter was also conjunct her mars/MC at the time. The epitome of a positive influence on her.
Chiron is on his Mars/Mercury midpoint. A wounded soul from childhood. Perhaps the pressure he was under must have just been so hard, if he was made to feel he had to follow his Father, especially as his siblings did. With all that Gemini he couldn’t be anything else but cerebral with a love of the written word. I think his Chiron/ Neptune is circa 0 degrees of Leo, so Pluto would have opposed this midpoint this year, a gradual ending to the wound and release? Hs Venus/Uranus midpoint would be 3 degrees of Gemini which could explain his several marriages and children, sudden break ups and a need for freedom. Certainly instant attractions, along with a lots of passion and talking. The above picture does have a feel of an all an American Uncle Sam about it. Although I do get the feeling of a military commander whilst looking at him. I wonder if he looked like his Father?
Another loss that feels very personal. I’ve been through a very bad year career/work wise, leading to a true existential crisis because no matter how much I look and act the part, and no matter how “organized” my chart looks, I’ve come to a realization I’m miserable in corporate environment, and more so closer I am to the c-suite.
Not surprisingly, the music I’ve listened to has largely been American “heartland” songwriting. Early Springsteen, Flying Burrito Brothers (and Gram Parson in general), The Eagles, CCR, and yes, The Highwaymen. “Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down” is one of the songs I’ve listened to most, because I’ve found solace in it. Thinking about how I’m an outsider, but in a much better place than I was just before my 1st Saturn Return after breaking up, moving back to Finland, having a typical “plaster relationship” with someone who was in a very similar situation to the narrator, and just walking away when the time came (he became so unhinged his friends staged an intervention…), without becoming an alcoholic myself.
13H people wear a mask, always take risks. He tried acting, army, higher educ.
They face upheaval, change and rebirth. It wequires adaptation to change to be
successful. Kris found his idenity in music, singing….notice Venus at 22 degrees signifying
fame, joined to Saturn.
Click this link for his 13th Harmonic chart and use magnifier to enlarge.