King Felipe – thrust into the spotlight

King Felipe of Spain has hardly got his feet under the throne before he’s facing a testing time handling negotiations after the split result in the recent Spanish elections. Neither left nor right have enough seats to form a majority and the strongest bloc are republican.

He acceded at midnight on 19 June 2014. Tr Pluto is square the Mars on that chart exactly now and on and off throughout 2016 – blocked and frustrated. Tr Pluto is also sextile Saturn from early 2016 to late 2017 which looks like an uphill struggle. With ominous signs of an unhappy population as the Pisces Moon gets the tr Saturn square in 2016; with a further slide in his popularity by 2018 as tr Neptune conjuncts the Moon.
Indeed the Mars opposition Uranus square Pluto in that chart is moving by Solar Arc to close the Mars Pluto square to exact now; the Uranus Mars opposition to exact in 6 months’ time; and the destabilising Uranus Pluto square to exact by late 2017. With the Catalan separatist headache thrown in for good measure.

His personal chart, 20 Jan 1968 12.45pm Madrid looks ominous as well with tr Uranus square his MC for the final time in March; followed by tr Pluto conjunct MC in 2017/18 which can often be a collapse of power and reputation. He’s also got the panicky-failure tr Neptune conjunct his Mars in 2016; indeed tr Saturn is square his Mars at the moment.
He has a disorientating Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Neptune in 6 months’ time; and a shock or collision from Solar Arc Mars square his Capricorn Sun in late 2017.

Nothing that looks remotely good in the near future.

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