An astrologer predicting an imminent death may have shifted the course of English history a fraction. In the febrile period after Henry V111’s death, he was succeeded by his son Edward V1, then 10 years old. Next in line Mary Tudor, his half-sister, was persuaded to stay in England by the prospect of his approaching death, despite him being young and healthy. He did die aged 15 probably of tuberculosis and she stepped up to be crowned Queen Mary I.
He was born 12 October 1537 JC 1.44am London and had his Pluto on the cusp of his 6th house of health conjunct a late Capricorn Moon and opposition Uranus Mars in Leo. Heath issues were likely with such an afflicted bunch of planets homing in on his 6th and 12th houses. When he died after a longish illness tr Neptune was square his Solar Arc Moon; and the transiting North Node was opposition his Moon. Tr Neptune was also just passed an opposition to his SA Sun. His death 6 July 1553 JC 8.30pm London.
Astrology in those days was different with no outer planets known so I have no idea how his death would have been predicted.
Add On: King Charles 1, 29 November 1600 11pm was beheaded on 30 January 1649 – would an astrologer have predicted it? Tr Pluto Saturn conjunct in Gemini were opposing his Sagittarius Sun Mercury exactly which feels pretty bleak. Significantly his Solar Arc Saturn was approaching and within less than a degree of a conjunction to his Mars, which is a traditional assassination signature. His Progressed Saturn was exactly conjunct his Part of Fortune hinting his luck had run out.
Lady Jane Grey, 5 October 1537 3.14 am Leicester (not verified), who reigned for nine days, was beheaded after a coup on 12 February 1554. At that point (birth date being sound) tr Uranus was conjunct her Libra Sun; and a formidable, high-risk transiting Mars, Pluto, Sun in Pisces were opposition her Venus.
He actually made Lady Jane Grey his heir. Did her horoscope indicate this at the time? And can it be seen in her chart today? Because for a very short time, she was Queen of England, before being executed. I always felt immensely sorry for the girl.
Would anyone be able to tell me how many grammar schools were opened during the reign of King Edward VI?
Many thanks.
P.S. this link has great background, but of course it does not give support to astrology, just the interesting history (remove the extra dots to use link): https:………//thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/the-blunders-of-a-16th-century-physician-astrologer/
Marjorie, your comment is very intriguing: “An astrologer predicting an imminent death may have shifted the course of English history a fraction.” Do you mean an astrologer in the 1500’s Did predict Edward VI’s death and therefore may have affected history, or an astrologer COULD have predicted the death based on something astrologers in those days believed (etc.)? If so, who was the astrologer and what was the prediction? It would be interesting to know if there was a historical incident or document that had any accuracy, but I’ve never heard of one before. The only one I can find online is the famous failed prediction by the Italian, G. Cardano, which missed by a mile. Your clarification would be welcome. Thanks and best wishes for 2025!
I believe it was a capital offence, possibly treason for an astrologer or fortune teller to predict the death of a monarch at the time.
Found this article: ‘The political uses of astrology: predicting the illness and death of princes, kings and popes in the Italian Renaissance.’
‘The letter addressed to the student of astrology that opened his widely popular Christian astrology, the seventeenth-century English astrologer William Lilly gave a stern warning to those learning from his books: ‘Give not judgment of the death of thy Prince’. The message was clear: predicting the death of powerful people was a risky business. Lilly’s cautionary message had an ancient pedigree. From classical times to Lilly’s own century, examples abounded of how astrologers had suffered at the hands of their lords because they had made unfavourable predictions……..A spate of cases where courtiers had attempted to predict the death of Kings Henry V and Henry VI had made astrology unwelcome at the English court, and legislation was soon implemented to make it an offence to try to predict the death of the king by any form of divination. The following century witnessed a more cautious and circumspect use of astrology at court, and it was only with the rise of the printing press that astrology flourished again fully in England. Like many of his fellow Renaissance practitioners, Lilly, however, did not quite practice what he preached: in the 1640s he published a series of astrological prophecies that included thinly veiled predictions of the execution of Charles I, completing his work after the dramatic event by penning a treatise entitled Secret observations on the life and death of Charles king of England in 1651.’
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S136984861000018X#:~:text=A%20spate%20of%20cases%20where,by%20any%20form%20of%20divination.
Not just a capital offense (all felonies were capital offenses. All crimes that carried the death penalty were, by definition, felonies), but it was high treason to “compass or imagine the death of our Lord the King, of our Lady his Queen, or of their eldest son and heir.”
See the Wikipedia page for the Treason Act 1351, which is still in force in the UK and some parts of the Commonwealth.
Interestingly, the history of the Treason Act 1351 echoes modern American history. The reason this Act was passed as to *limit* the actions that were considered treasonous. Previously judges had widened the definition of treason to include almost any breach of the royal prerogative (the modern American equivalent would be the wide definition of the president’s authority over the executive branch).
It was an astrologer in Mary Tudor’s household, who advised her not to flee to Spain, because they believed Edward VI would die. He died three years later – either caught pneumonia or tuberculosis.
If Mary had left England, she wouldn’t have been able to return as Queen.
I wondered if it was something to do with Saturn.
He died on 6th July 1553. Transiting Saturn was at 15 Pices 52, opposite his natal Saturn. Transiting Mars was at 23 Virgo 10,
So maybe the astrologers were looking for difficult Mars-Saturn aspects. Tr Saturn crossing his descendant, and then being opposed by tr Mars, while both clobbered his natal Saturn.
He has a nightime chart, so the Moon was the hyleg. It’s in Capricorn and it’s ruler is Saturn. Saturn in the first house fits his character too – a serious boy whose mother died giving birth to him, father died when he was ten, and then the serious business of being king. It was probably the most important planet in his chart.
To the best of my knowledge, astrologers, even western astrologers, did not do angular transits (or solar arcs), at that time.
Traditional astrology looked at the lordship of the houses and signs and whether they conflicted with each other, etc. In other words, it was very similar to current Indian/Vedic astrology.
Have a look at writings by William Lilly. He was much later than the Tudor period and yet he stuck to the traditional approach of astrology.
Well I don’t do traditional astrology and assume that different methods if they are sound will arrive by different routes at the same answer. Anyone who does traditional astrology is more than welcome to pitch in with their thoughts.
In these days we have access to 3 indicators for tuberculosis, and all 3
were prominent in King Charles VI death. The 6th/12th sickness axis
was activated, as was the 4th of endings, the grave.
The tuberculosis indicators which the ancient astrologers didn’t have were:
Koch, Morton and Laennec. Here’s Charles VI Solar Return with them added.
@Martha, do you mean Edward VI, not Charles?
I love the history of this period. Thank you all for this analysis.
The Italian physician and astrologer Hieronymus Cardano, or described how Edward “carried himself like an old man; and yet he was always affable and gentle, as became his age”.
That description seems to refer to Edward’s Venus/Saturn rising in Virgo, I would say. The Solar Arc Moon would come to oppose the natal 12th house Mars in Leo by the time the boy King was 12 or 13. In traditional astrology a Moon Mars opposition with Mars in the 12th would certainly be considered malefic. Edward was also surrounded by ambitious noblemen vying for power, particularly Somerset and Northumberland, waiting in the wings so to speak, as Edward’s health was not always good. The Moon in the last degree of Capricorn is a marker for maternal death and possibly health issues which he may have inherited from her.
In many ways it’s hard not to feel very sad that his brief life was cut so short. He had the most awful death, his limbs swollen, his lungs infected with pulmonary ulcers, his hair and nails fallen and his once beautiful looks lost to the series of illnesses and diseases which afflicted him, including measles which had lowered his immunity and made him vulnerable to any further infections.
Marjorie, even in the West, they would have used the whole house system (not sure whether sidereal or tropical) at the time.
Could you recast the chart with the whole house system and excluding the outer planets?