Kevin Spacey & Mark Halperin – physical and fixed *updated



Kevin Spacey has apologised for a drunken sexual encounter with a 14 year old boy thirty years ago which he says he doesn’t remember. He says he has been bi-sexual in the past but is now gay.

Born 27 July 1959 5.51am (questionable time) South Orange, New Jersey, he had a Nazi-obsessed father who abused his brother, and with whom he had no contact in adulthood. He is a Sun and Uranus Mercury in Leo with a challenging and driven Earth Grand Trine of a 10th house (public career) Taurus Moon trine Saturn trine Pluto Mars (and Venus) in Virgo. The domineering, ruthless father certainly comes across loud and clear.

If his birth time is right, he’s running into heavy weather career-wise with House of Cards now cancelled and there’s probably more allegations and stories to come out. Tr Pluto is about to square his midheaven around now which often accompanies damage to reputation; and tr Neptune from mid 2018 is square his Solar Arc MC, undermining his career as well. He’s running into his Second Saturn Return over this New Year, which is a grow-up-and-reassess time. There may be financial disappointments with tr Neptune opposition his Venus in January 2018. From mid 2018 as well tr Uranus will conjunct his 10th house Moon and trine his Pluto thereafter, which will jolt his career considerably. 2019 if anything is more worrisome for him with his Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Saturn and tr Uranus in an insecure trine to his Mars. Showbusiness can be very forgiving viz Woody Allen, but he’s not improved his chances by upsetting the gay community as well as everyone else. He’ll probably bounce back after 2019.

Mars Pluto is described by Ebertin as the tendency to proceed in a brutal manner or the misfortune of having to suffer violent assaults, attainment of success through excessive effort. It’s a dominate or submit influence, victim or perpetrator – which brings up great inner frustration, fear and angst. Mars Pluto is courageous and resourceful in crisis and often occurs in the charts of individuals who work in high-risk jobs where their lives are in danger – viz soldiers or war correspondents. And it is a recurring theme through several of the headline names in the latest round of allegations.

Harvey Weinstein has Mars in Scorpio square Pluto. Mark Halperin, 11 January 1965, US TV political analyst under investigation, has Uranus Pluto and Mars in Virgo, though only widely conjunct. His Pluto Uranus is trine Jupiter in Taurus trine a Capricorn Sun, with maybe a Taurus Moon. So again very earthy, grounded in the body, with the Mars Pluto drive and Jupiter Pluto also tends to give an extra layer of pushiness. And an emphasised Venus square Mars suggests a lack of sensitivity to others’ needs.

Robert Scoble, 18 January 1965, a US tech blogger also accused of harassment, has virtually the same as Halperin – a very Earthy chart with a Capricorn Sun, Uranus Pluto and Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus.

John Leslie, a UK TV presenter, accused on several occasions of sexual assault, though never charged and hotly denied, 22 Feb 1965, is a Sun Saturn in Pisces, but with the Uranus Pluto Mars conjunction in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus.

Bill Cosby, has Mars in Scorpio trine a Cancer Sun Pluto; with an Earth Grand Trine of Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus. Roger Ailes is lacking a Mars Pluto, but does have an Earthy chart with four Taurus planets.

Jimmy Savile, the UK paedophile predator, had Mars in Taurus opposition a Scorpio Sun Venus, trine Pluto with a predominantly Fixed chart.

There’ll be no one signature that defines such behaviour. Though both Earth and Fixed planets in abundance can focus energy on physical outcomes – which needn’t mean sexual assault – but they will tend to be more body-oriented. That plus Mars Pluto – seeking power over another to negate early feelings of being suppressed – is obviously a factor. But there are always choices about how to live out a chart and all of the above can be turned to constructive ends.


12 thoughts on “Kevin Spacey & Mark Halperin – physical and fixed *updated

  1. “He’ll probably bounce back after 2019” – That’s shocking! That this man clearly has pedophilic tendencies (even his admission of it makes it sound like he does this quite often. If this accusation was thrown at a man who doesn’t do this and has no recollection of it, do you honestly think he’s going to turn around and say, “well, I can only apologize if I did do this but I don’t remember because I was drunk.” The accused will fight tooth and nail and do his best to clear his name because he knows by his very nature HE DOESN’T DO THIS SORT OF THING!) and yet, Kevin Spacey will still land back on his feet and keep going.

    And no doubt he will what with this misogynistic culture we are all enmeshed in which we easily forgive or conveniently forget the gruesome goings-on of some very powerful men. I mean, a sexual predator was elected into office and many completely dismiss his disgusting behaviour which condones it as okay. Certain famous men have well-known rumours/criminal records for wife beating, vicious racism, predatory sexual behaviour, pedophilia, etc, and still, remain being adored and lionized in the public eye. A woman as much as speaks against the status quo giving her opinion in Hollywood and she is blackballed out of the industry. I’m lost for words….predatory sexual abuse and especially, pedophilia is something NOBODY should bounce back from! I’m horrified by this. But, I also know, it’s the tip of the iceberg. There are already murmurings of an A-list Hollywood director in which droves of actresses are lining up to expose. I usually take those stories with a grain of salt but, I knew about the Weinstein and Spacey stories months before they have been exposed. So, there is definitely something in them.

    • Not a defence of him however the correct term to describe him is as a hebephile not paedophile. What he has done is shocking but his sexual interest seem to be for post pubescent boys i.e adolescents not prepubescent boys.

      • The kid was underage. I’m not keen on these distinctions which are much beloved of the pro-paedophilia lobby. And anyway sexual harassment whether underage (much worse) or over the age of consent is to be condemned. Though I do think some are going a touch over the score with ‘handsy’ allegations. A clumsy proposition isn’t sexual harassment – I’m on Anne Robinson, Julia Hartley-Brewers wavelength – stand up for yourself and bat back. Carry a hat pin.

        • I agree that sexual abuse of anyone whatever their age or gender is heinous. However, and with respect Marjorie, I do feel that there is a distinction between the two and please be assured that I am not pro-paedophilia in any way! Neither am I trying to normalise or medicalise this form of abuse. I won’t though enter into a debate on an issue that psychiatry struggles with to this day, should it be included in the DSM or not? Instinctively, I feel that there is a difference although i also recognise that instinct is not infallible. I do believe that in discussions on such harrowing subjects a measured tone and a clear understanding of the terminology is always welcome. Hence my earlier post.

          • Sure, but it is often used by the pro-paedophilia lobby in trying to get the age of consent lowered and indeed to suggest that after-puberty abuse is somehow less heinous. Kids are kids. They deserve a childhood and not accelerated into adult sexual activity by some sleazeball of stunted emotional development. The DSM I’d chuck out of the window.

  2. Is this a periodic blip for him Marjorie? Will he survive this? Does he have a “fall from grace” mark on his chart in the years ahead? I like Spacey as an actor, but I can’t see him completely recovering from this, or the way he came out afterwards. Just wondered if anything showed up…

  3. Spacey was almost 30 when he sexually assaulted a 14-year-old boy and can’t remember it ever happened? How convenient for him and a typical predators comment. I feel a LOT MORE is going to come out about his behaviour in Hollywood. Disgusting creep. So glad people in the public eye like this are being exposed. It shows the masses an example is being made and that society’s behaviour has to change QUICK! A complete nobody does not have the same effect, unfortunately.

  4. The 14-year-old in question was Anthony Rapp, who would have been acting in a Chris Columbus Disney Touchtown film “Adventures at Babysitting” at the time. He has made a respectable career since, and is now starring at “Star Trek: Discovery” as the first openly gay Star Trek character (Sulu was rewritten for the recent movie franchise, no doubt due to original interpret George Takei’s activism).

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