Hollywood woes have descended on Kevin Costner with rumoured tensions with the Yellowstone showrunner sending him out of the door before the end of Season Five and now his wife of 18 years, fashion designer, Christine Baumgartner has blind sided him with a divorce petition. He isn’t short of success, money or work as he is currently directing and starring in a different western film series, of four separate three hour movies, which after release will be broken into a TV series. His heavy working schedule appears to be one reason for the wife’s angst.
He was born 18 January 1955 9.40pm Lynwood, California and is labouring mightily at the moment with tr Pluto just into his performing 5th house conjunct his Capricorn Sun and square his Neptune – that will have made 2022 and all of this year heavy going and confusing. He also has tr Neptune exactly on his Descendant heading into his 7th house of close relationships. Plus tr Saturn square his Sagittarius Moon now – all of which point to relationship glitches. His Sun/Moon midpoint at 1 degree Capricorn will not feel the full effects of the marital split until 2025 when tr Saturn Neptune are square.
She evidently is not claiming spousal support but there is a pre-nup in place which will take its place.
She was born 4 May 1974 and has a Sun Mercury in Taurus which falls in his 8th house for a deep connection though they also oppose his overly conscientious/obsessive Saturn in Scorpio. Her Uranus squares his Sun so they would operate on different agendas. Her hard-edged Mars Saturn in Cancer falls in his 10th house so she would at one point have been keen to see his ambitions succeed. But her Mars Saturn square Pluto, which suggests difficulties left over from her childhood, clash with Costner’s Mars in Aries in his 7th. Her Neptune is conjunct his Moon Venus. Not ideal – lots of tensions and resentments around.
Their relationship chart has an upbeat composite Mars Jupiter conjunction but that opposes an over-hopeful, illusory Neptune (Moon) – which is being upended this year by tr Uranus in hard aspect. The Neptune at 18 degrees Scorpio is catching the exact tr Uranus opposition as she files for divorce – hinting that the coming-down-to-earth-with-a-bump moment has arrived. There is also a chained together but also disruptive composite Uranus, Saturn, Pluto conjunction with Pluto in a controlling and possessive opposition to the Sun. Again not all picnic and it has been undermined in recent years by tr Neptune.
The wedding chart, 25 September 2004, has also been under strain with tr Pluto opposition the Saturn as the Yellowstone schedule ate into their family time – and continues to show separation with tr Neptune opposition the Mars, Jupiter, Sun from 2024 to 2026.
Clashes with the Yellowstone showrunner Taylor Sheridan, 21 May 1979, were inevitable with TS’s Mars Venus sitting on Costner’s Midheaven and TS’s controlling and unbudgeable Pluto sitting on Costner’s Ascendant. And TS’s Uranus opposes Costner’s Mars which would lead to more outbursts and high tension.
Their relationship chart has that classic power-couple/success aspect of a composite Jupiter Pluto – which works wonders when they pull together as a team, but almost inevitably down the road one gets uppity and wants to be top dog and that’s when it all gets bitter. There is also a less than wonderful composite Mars opposition Neptune square Saturn which must have been causing aggravation for the last couple of years as tr Uranus jolted and jangled it.
For all his relationship problems, Costner is moving through a financially bountiful and career successful phase for the next few years. You can’t have it all.
See previous post February 26 2023.
A spin-off from Yellowstone with Matthew McConaughey in the lead role is moving forward.