Kemi Badenoch has been voted as leader of the UK Tory Party in opposition. With a background in IT, she was born in London, 2 January 1980 but grew up in Nigeria, returning when she was 16 and becoming an MP in 2017.
Her Leadership chart, 2 November 2024 11.05 am approx, is challenging to put it mildly with the blocked, power-struggling Mars opposition Pluto falling across the financial 2nd/8th houses; and a jolting Uranus opposition both Mercury and a Scorpio Moon. Plus a superficially charming Venus opposition Jupiter square both Saturn and Neptune – ups and downs and not realistic in expectations. A sparsely aspected Scorpio Sun with only a sensible trine to Saturn hints at a serious, hard-working administration that will struggle to establish its identity.
Her relationship chart with the Tory Party 1912 is intense, with an undercurrent of aggravation, subject to fluctuations. With the UK her chemistry is argumentative but reasonably OK.
Her own chart has a Capricorn Sun in an enthusiastic and lucky trine to Jupiter Mars in Virgo and opposite a Cancer Moon; with a hope-for-a-better-society Saturn square Neptune. She looks fractious over the New Year for a few days, with plans not working out in February and on and off till late year. Though it is Neptune Saturn into Aries and tr Uranus into Gemini from mid 2025 onwards into 2026 which will cause her most grief.
There is an odd sense from the Leadership chart and both relationship charts – of not much happening ahead.
See previous post: Tory Party – fighting over scraps
21st October 2024
Add On: The Tory Party 18 December 1834 Tamworth chart has a tough-minded Saturn in Libra opposition Pluto square Mars (Moon) in Cancer; with an Air Grand Trine of Saturn trine Uranus trine North Node in Gemini – with the Sun in last decan Sagittarius sextile Saturn and Uranus. Not exactly sentimental or touchy-feely but built for the long haul, ideologically-oriented and capable of innovation.
Tr Pluto has been conjunct the Neptune in 2023/24 for confusion and meltdown but that will finish from this New Year. With tr Uranus square the Uranus for the final time into the early months of 2025 there will be moves afoot to set the agenda for the years ahead. 2026 looks stuck and upbeat at the same time with SA Pluto conjunct the Saturn bringing to an end a challenging and punishing few years since 2016. Tr Uranus will conjunct the Jupiter also in 2026/27 for a confidence boost.
Kemi Badenochs’ relationship with the 1834 chart: Could be successful if internal power struggles are quelled (large IF) with 2026/27 being disappointing with tr Neptune Saturn square the composite Sun.
Her relationship with Starmer will be noisy, argumentative and competitive. Her high-vitality Mars Jupiter in Virgo are conjunct his Sun Pluto so sparks will fly as she challenges his overly controlling approach.
Her relationship with Farage hints at superficial friendliness hiding a good deal of evasion and smokescreening. Less combative than with Starmer though there may be an eruption in May 2025 and early 2026 as tr Uranus squares the composite Sun. Farage will find her tricky since her super-charged Mars Jupiter is conjunct his Ascendant and Uranus Pluto in Virgo.
“Her own chart has a Capricorn Sun in an enthusiastic and lucky trine to Jupiter Mars in Virgo and opposite a Cancer Moon; with a hope-for-a-better-society Saturn square Neptune.”
I was intrigued by Jupiter and Mars in Virgo in KB’s natal chart, plus her Saturn and Moon’s Nodes. The UK’s 1066 chart also has Jupiter, 7 Virgo, Saturn 16 Virgo, and Nodes 20 Virgo. It’s Moon, 29 Pisces, squares Uranus 28 Sagittarius – connecting with this current Government’s Neptune 29 Pisces, and her Leadership chart’s Neptune 27 Pisces. Tamworth Manifesto’s Sagittarius/Gemini mutability echoes this feeling somewhat.
The later mutable degrees crop up across charts for the UK, where both Saturn and Neptune, plus the Moon’s Nodes in 2025, will be highlighting them. The Labour Party’s slogans of both ‘change’ and ‘fixing the foundations’ are interesting aims in light of this potential mutable meltdown!
Of interest, too, are the Spring 2025 Lunar eclipse in March, 23 Virgo, opposition Saturn. And the Solar eclipse of September, 29 Virgo opposition Saturn 28 Pisces Rx, Neptune 1 Aries.
Virgo/Pisces themes would include the NHS, boundaries and borders, and the saviour/victim dynamic perhaps? I imagine many controversies and issues around water -usage, costs, and pollution – will be in the foreground too.
Here are a few of the planets in old charts that caught my eye:
Edgar: Saturn 27 Gemini square Jupiter 23 Virgo
1066: Moon 29 Pisces square Uranus 28 Sagittarius
1707: Moon 28 Virgo
1922: Nodes 26 Virgo
We will need to use the flexibility of mutable energies I think, as we move towards the major transition of Uranus in Gemini, Neptune and Saturn in Aries, and Pluto in Aquarius. However, I’m bearing in mind Marjorie’s “windmill in a storm” description of too much mutability too…..
She said that “partygate was overblown”, not very tactful when thousands lost relatives and friends during the pandemic. Yet another right wing nut job.
Probably more to do with the fact that people in power didn’t believe in Lockdown even though they imposed it on the rest of us.
Many thanks Marjorie for the Tamworth date.
The leadership chart has a mystic rectangle formed by Mercury trine Mars sextile Uranus trine Pluto.
That’s quite lucky and resilient, isn’t it? It offsets the Uranus opposition Mercury and the Pluto opposition Mars.
Also 2 kites with Uranus and Pluto as their focus points, seismic ambitions/change ?
And a grand trine involving the Moon, Mars, Neptune and Saturn.
Grateful for your astrological insight and balance to the analysis as several contributors who have a very 20th century view of economics and politics.
@ Marco
Good comment, however I am intrigued what is the view of 21st century economics and politics.
I meant the shift away from laissez faire, the new right and globalisation.
@ Marco Yes neoliberalism and globalization are beginning to look as out of date, however the insidious globalism remains and gets stronger, it is reported that George Soros has spent 34000 thousand million dollars propping up supranational organizations that weigh heavily, influencing countries to carry out this trend.
UK politics requires a resolute opinionated opposition, something it has not had for a very long time, so although I don’t agree with almost all of her politics I am looking forward to her holding Starmers feet in the fire at PMQ. Especially as he ties himself in knots trying to adhere to his indentity politics while faced with a black woman; who in his world view would normally be near the top of the pecking order and he would be expected to defer too but he disagrees with on almost everything. Her mars/jupiter conjuncts his sun/pluto
As she has clearly been voted in to try and stem the mass abandonment of the party to Reform, it would be nice to see an analysis of her astrology with Nigel Farage Marjorie if you feel like it. I note they have sun square sun and her mars /jupiter conjunction is conjunct his Ascendant/Pluto! both of them have a fair amount of connections to the UK chart.
These three people, thats alot of hardcore energy and focus at the mid Virgo degrees.
Her Sun is conjunct the 1801 U.K. Chart and her Moon is conjunct the U.K. 1801 Moon. I would say this is very much on board with the U.K. Her Moon is in Cancer empathy with the people? Her Moon/Jupiter midpoint is on the UK’s 1801 Jupiter. Her Mars is trine her Sun – good work ethic for the country? Her Uranus is in Scorpio which could indicate making money from Computer new innovations and experimental work -IT? It is also Conjunct the U.K. Neptune in the second – our money – perhaps a visionary? Her Venus is conjunct the UK 1801 Venus. Her Mars is trine the U.K. Mars. Her Saturn//Sun midpoint is also in Scorpio conjunct the U.K. Neptune. Her South North is conjunct the U.K.’s Pluto falling in the U.K. 5th house of creativeness. Her Neptune is conjunct the U.K. Mercury in Sagittarius- connection with people or filling a void of direction and a spirit of a country? Or have I got this totally wrong. I am not seeing it all negative that people are pointing out!
Very swift post, Marjorie – thank you! I was curious about that square between Ceres in Capricorn and Black Moon Lilith in Libra in the new leader chart, since it puts pressure on the 1801 UK Moon at 19 Cancer. Land, farming, law, and security themes? These all seem to be in the current news. Seems to emphasise Badenoch’s advocacy for women in the past too.
Tr Venus has just passed UK Mercury in Sagittarius, as has asteroid Pallas – symbolising politics, strategy, patterns….Pallas also being a female figure/Greek goddess of war, politics, and strategy. The asteroid named Lilith (confusing!) is at 17 Sagittarius now, underlining the Venus and Pallas transits to Mercury too. How ever “scrappy” Badenoch is said to be, some Sagittarian optimism and vision might creep in somewhere? Or am I clutching at straws? I’m far from being a Tory, or indeed any other political party, but it would be nice if the media etc could refrain from describing an assertive, clever, and ambitious woman in such terms!
Asteroid Juno, meanwhile, completes a t-square with the prevailing Mars/Pluto opposition. Juno is said to be the ‘marriage’ asteroid, which I’ve found to be quite accurate, but also symbolises other important alliances. In partnership orientated Libra, perhaps particularly meaningful. A tough t-square anyway, with the outlet in Aries suggesting battles of every kind lie ahead. Some within the Tory Party, as Hugh says, others could manifest as a challenging situation in the world around us, perhaps involving the UK’s allies.
She is the 9th Conservative Party leader since John Major stood down in 1997. They have a life expectancy in office a little over 3 years. If you exclude David Cameron who was leader from 2005 to 2016 it is even shorter at about 2 years. Plenty of time for the Conservatives to indulge in a couple more leadership campaigns before the next GE. Badenoch’s main challenge will be the Tory Party’s insatiable appetite for infighting.
Take a look at her synastry with the U.K. 1801 Chart, her Sun and Moon are in the same signs as the U.K. Chart, with conjunctions. Along with other aspects!
Badenoch’s problem is likely to be her relationship to the Conservative Party not the UK. in general as Marjorie has pointed out. Since 2010 the Tory Party has got through 5 leaders only one of whom lost a General Election. All the others have either quit or been ousted due to domestic divisions in the party. If Badenoch wants to be a success she needs to change the way the Conservative Party is run internally which will be no easy task. Her relationship charts with the party are not easy. If you draw a composite midpoint chart for Badenoch with the 1848 Conservative Tamworth Manifesto chart the Moon, Jupiter and NN are all in Cancer and the Sun,Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Venus are all in Capricorn. The chart suggests a complex relationship with plenty of opportunities for misunderstanding.
Apologies that should be the 1834 Conservative Tamworth Manifesto Chart. The synastry between it and Badenoch’s natal chart has the Tamworth Pluto at 11 Aries forming the apex of a T Square to Badenochs Sun in Capricorn opposite Moon in Cancer. There is quite a lot of emotional intensity there which indicates arguments but also a tied together relationship. Pluto at 21 Libra is conjunct the Tamworth Saturn at 21 Libra. This is another tough but transformative connection. There will be losses but also the potential for rebirth.
Looking at the synastry between Badenoch and the Conservative 1912 chart her Uranus in Scorpio lies opposite the Parties Sun/Saturn conjunction in Taurus so she could be the person to shake up the institution.
My personal preference is to look at the Tamworth chart for the Conservative Party in its widest sense including its general political philosophy and its connection to the wider UK. I tend to consider the 1912 Conservative Chart is more applicable to the Parliamentary Conservative Party and Central Office. It is the latter where I expect Badenoch to have problems and possibly meet resistance. I think she might be a successful leader but only if she can change the dysfunctional nature of the Party as it currently operates.
> Hugh, what is the date of the Tamworth Manifesto please ? I’ve searched but cannot find anything closer than 1834.
It was published in the form of a letter to the voters of Tamworth on 18 December 1834. It sets out the principles by which the old Tory party became the modern Conservative party particularly with regard to its changed attitude to reform
Thanks Hugh.