With a government chart having Neptune on the Descendant conjunct shipwrecking Scheat and an 8th house Uranus (Mars) conjunct the destructive star Algol, it is not surprising Keir Starmer’s administration has stumbled into a damaging run of self-defeating missteps.
On the face of it a 10th house with Moon, Sun, Venus in Cancer should have been a public relations dream but the downhill slide in popularity has been astonishingly fast. Tales of donors and freebies, bitter in-fighting in No 10 (shades of Dom Cumming) and the grim economic outlook, probably worsened by misguided financial decisions, has left Keir Starmer with his personal approval ratings down 26 per cent since the election.
Of astrological interest is that Starmer’s Uranus in Virgo opposes the UK Pluto so he will have a status-quo upsetting effect, either disruptive or reforming. More ominous and less ambivalent, his focal point Neptune (= can be idealistic but also unrealistic) exactly opposes the UK’s 8th house Mars. That UK 8th house Mars is due for a high-voltage jolt from Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Mars, exact in six months but in effect across the next year. It could bring a major natural or man-made disaster or a devastating financial hit. And it could be Starmer’s fuzzy Neptunian obsessions that provide part of the shock.
Tory-tinged tales of freeloading are all the more surprising given Labour and Virgo Starmer’s sanctimonious utterances when in opposition. But as past revelations emerged he seems to have a track record of living well off freebies and expenses, substantially higher than others in a similar position. When Director of Prosecutions his expenses were three times higher than his successor on flights and chauffeured cars. He left that job with hefty pension benefits bringing him an average of £67,200 per year on top of his political salary.
Although he has a bland, downbeat persona (Pluto Sun in Virgo on his Ascendant maybe) he does have that super-charged, messianic Jupiter Chiron opposition Sun Pluto which is the driving rod of his Water Grand Trine. Jupiter Pluto can bring an over-confident sense of ‘rules don’t apply to me’. In extremis it can also lead to a fanatical desire for power and has been associated with speculators and squanderers. Not quite what his image has suggested up to now.
His Solar Arc Jupiter opposition Sun Pluto will collide with his Neptune within months and stay in contact for two/three years ahead – a Boris-type scandal perhaps. Plus his Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Sun Pluto in late 2025/26 running him into the buffers.
Sue Gray, his chief of staff, is an irritation not just internally according to reports. but also to astrologers since she is remarkably coy about her birth date. A company check gives September 1957 making her Virgo or Libra with her Pluto at zero or one degrees Virgo catching the disruptive tr Uranus square come mid 2025 onwards. Once the advisers become the message they need to go. But the date may be iffy – there is some suggestion during the Irish Troubles that she was in the security service running a pub in ‘bandit country’ on the border. So it may be smoke and mirrors.
Add ON. Waheed Alli, Baron Alli, born 16 November 1964, chief Labour donor, is a British media entrepreneur, who was made a member of the House of Lords by Tony Blair in 1998, the first openly gay peer in Parliament and one of the few openly gay Muslim politicians in the world. His mother from Trinidad and Tobago is Hindu and his estranged father from Guyana Muslim.
A Sun Neptune in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius he was a more obvious ally for Blair whose Taurus Sun and Jupiter clicked with Alli’s entrepreneurial ambition. With Starmer, Alli’s Mars is conjunct Starmer’s Uranus, Sun, Pluto in Virgo which could initially lend a spur to Starmer’s ambitions – but it is fractious connection. Both have Venus in Libra which may be significant for a love of elegant living. Both have Neptune in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius so they will share certain similar aims.
What is significant is their relationship chart with an overly-expansive Sun Venus opposition Jupiter with its hints of indulgence; and more so the composite yod of Saturn sextile Jupiter inconjunct Pluto. Chained together by a joint drive for power.
There is also a composite yod in Alli’s relationship chart with Blair from a composite Sun sextile Saturn inconjunct Mars – so he’s clearly a pivotal figure in Labour leaders’ destiny.
Chart of Italy pm Georgia Meloni
Starmer seems to have misread the reason he was elected. Mr Sun-Pluto Virgo thought people voted for him to come and fix the country; they didn’t – they voted to get rid of the Tories. Two totally different motives and why his doom&gloom message doesn’t fit.
Yes you’re right GD. And then when the freebies scandals erupted, it all looked like more of the same, and nobody seemed to understand why people were angry about it.
A non-binding vote in favour of reversing the decision on the Winter Fuel Allowance brings the Unions into the picture today. Some interesting astrology I think, with Unite’s Mars/Uranus in Pisces, square Jupiter in Sagittarius, NN Pisces all activating UK’s Mercury 17 Sagittarius. Unite dates from 1 May, 2007.
If you look at one of Unite’s founding unions, Transport and General Workers (1 January 1922) there’s a formidable Cardinal t-square (or Grand Cross if you add Chiron). It’s in line for the coming October Solar Eclipse.
The t-square is Sun 9 Capricorn, Mercury 12 Capricorn, Pluto 8 Cancer, Saturn 7 Libra and Chiron 9 Aries.
The UK’s ascendant 7 Libra, MC 9 Cancer connects, and perhaps points towards the power of the unions in our past history? Keir Starmer’s natal Mars, 6 Cancer, SA Saturn 6 Aries suggest he’s sensitive to union history and influence.
This government’s Moon, 8 Cancer, and Nodes 10 Aries/Libra, BML 10 Libra are also resonating away with union history, the eclipse, and Keir Starmer himself. With the transiting Nodes in Aries, tr Mars in Cancer and the Moon travelling through Cancer across the government Moon and on to the UK national Moon, it’s all in focus.
The last New Moon of the year is 9 Capricorn, on 30th December. Right in the darkest days of winter, close to the Feast of St. Stephen – known for his service to the poor. The Good King Wenceslas carol’s lyrics may acquire added meaning this festive season.
Thanks Jane and GD. Thanks for the astro details, Jane. I mentioned the eclipse on the Government’s term chart in another post. BML is there too, alomg with Mercury. It remains to be seen if Starmer actually takes today’s vote into account or whether he will stubbornly resist.
Sharon Graham, Unite’s general secretary, was met with applause as she said: “People simply do not understand, I do not understand, how our new Labour government can cut the winter fuel allowance for pensioners and leave the super rich untouched.
“This is not what people voted for. It is the wrong decision and needs to be reversed.”
“We are the sixth richest economy in the world,” she added. “We have the money. Britain needs investment, not austerity mark two. We won’t get any gold badge for shaving peanuts off our debt. Let’s hold up our heads and be proud to be Labour. Let’s put our arms round the working class and make lasting change.”
Thanks for Sharon Graham’s speech details VF. Very powerful I thought, and fascinating re the coming eclipse in balanced, legal Libra.
The invisible Cosmic Astrologer is certainly sending a message I think – Sharon Graham, 3 December 1968, has her Mars 14 Libra right on the UK’s South Nodes, maybe activating ideas around past partnerships (Labour and the Unions), and pointing towards the open enemies meaning of the Mars-ruled 7th house. Her ‘lucky’ Jupiter/Uranus is at 2-3 Libra, connecting with that UK yod’s Uranus in Libra. Her own Nodes are 7 Aries/Libra, right on the UK ascendant/descendant axis. Does that say ‘us and them’?
For the current government’s chart, SG’s tough Venus 21 Capricorn square Saturn 19 Aries resonates not only with the UK Cancer Moon, but this Term chart’s Venus 22 Cancer ( financial conflict?) and Chiron 23 Aries (ouch!).
Jane / VF – I don’t have anything to add to your discussion but reading with interest.
I think they’ve just won the elections, so Kier Starmer should be given a chance, just like his all cabinet. We’ve all been lenient with previous rulers or used to previous Tory years being been so chaotic and disregarding of everyones needs; now we’re less patient or maybe that’s how the world is everywhere.
I don’t know.
I’m sitting back and waiting, not making any judgements to the best if my abilities.
I don’t know if progressions work on term charts, but looking at the Moon, it has moved on just enough to be exactly sq the nodes (and the eclipse at 10 degrees) at the moment. Perhaps as it moves further on to meet the Sun and then Venus their popularity will improve. I think Mercury makes fairly weak aspects in the chart and could be a bit shouty in Leo, which perhaps doesn’t help with messaging.
Re Waheed Alli.
I don’t like the look of his Pluto conjunct Uranus and Mars in Virgo opposition Saturn in Aquarius, that’s seriously controlling, with Jupiter in Taurus thrown in to inflate his power even further.
Is it just me or is that rather sinister ?
Starmer is interesting because he is different to Sunak. He is present and present every day. Sunak was invisible and missing constantly. So he seems more ‘practical’ if not effective than Sunak, simply because we see him each day. So the decisions they make, they stand behind and are present doing it. Rishi seemed only to be publicly visible maybe 6 times in his whole premiership. It was an attempt at at strategy but it was his downfall, maybe? Starmer seems to have a clearer strategy because of being visible. The country and world is bankrupt due to the loss of the cheap oil and gas because of the need to make the altercation with Russia. Cutting off their nose to spite their face sort of situation. Without the cheap oil and gas nothing can return to normal. So we shall see. The installation of the Trump character will give them a fig leaf to try to get the Russian fuel back on to solve the economic collapse. We shall see how the political theatre goes.
Any astrology for the sole donor, Lord Waheed Alli.? His background is gay equality. It’s not clear what he’s trying to get in return
Power and influence ?
We are just at the start of a full five year Labour term. Forget the early bedding in problems. What the charts say for 2029/2030 are more interesting.
Angela Rayner’s looks good around 2030. I won’t be surprised if Labour Party does a Tory on Starmer’s leadership around 2026/27 and Rayner takes the charge.
Yeah I noticed Rayners chart looks strong in 2030 which suggests she’s at the peak of her career. Fact it coincides with the next election is intriguing
Main news piece on BBC’s website today goes “It is my job to sort out No 10 leaks, says Starmer”. Wait a minute: is your job to stop the leaks or to sort out wrong behaviour?
Goodness. Come here for astrological insights and it’s like I’ve dipped my toe back in the right-wing morass of Elon Musk’s Twitter (X). It seems extraordinary that people are already ready to bury him before he’s got started. I’m not particularly a fan but every move he makes is being scrutinised by a bought media that didn’t apply anything like such attentions to the truly corrupt practices of Johnson and his ilk. Perhaps Marjorie could turn her focus on the likes of Paul Marshall (GB News and Spectator), the Telegraph, and the Mail and their owners. I for one would love to see what she makes of the charts of these organs and perhaps Fox News in the US. Surely the media – mainstream, social, citizen, AI – is going to exert ever greater influence than it has done already over the coming years. I’m interested in where this is all going. I’m in my early 60s now and have enjoyed pondering astrology’s role in the scheme of things and as the media shapes so many of our views and behaviours – or at least tries to – it is something that perhaps needs studying through an astrological lens.
Sigh. Cheap and easy jibes. Try reading the Guardian. They are not exactly enchanted with Starmer’s behaviour and could hardly be described as right wing.
All the financial facts are on public record and can hardly be described as a smear.
Running a campaign on a holier-than-the-other-side platform was always going to end in justified criticism when the saintly image cracked. What you read here is partly the result of disappointment.
If you have any comments about Starmer’s astrology ahead I would be interested to hear it.
Well said Marjorie.
Hardly. Exactly the opposite of easy jibes I’m not supporting Starmer – and certainly there is a problem with dubious donors/second jobs/lobby interests throughout politics – but if you cannot discern the difference between the journalistic treatment of the new PM and that of his most recent predecessors, I’m not sure how to respond. For the record I do read the Guardian – I read a huge range of sources to actually get a grip on what truth, if any, is out there. And yes sometimes their columnists go against what you would think of as the “Guardian grain”. That’s a strength not a weakness. I’d love to see the same sort of self-reflection from the likes of Isabel Oakeshott at the increasingly absurd Telegraph and Andrew Neill, now rallying for the Mail after his Spectator stewardship. The fact remains that, in relation to this website, surely the motivations of the mainstream media, its prime movers – the Kuennsbergs, the Murdochs, the Musks, the Marshalls, those seeking to take over the Telegraph (Nadim Zahawi, a minister who had to pay undeclared taxes in the millions to pacify HMRC) – are ripe for a thorough astrological study, especially as media as a whole plays such an influential role, one that can and could be used for good or ill. The very fact that the average citizen is exposed to about 5,000 adverts per day should make us question the impact on our mental health – and at least we know that they are trying to influence us. The use of algorithms to push repetitive content designed to reinforce views – whether as an individual you agree with any particular one – is surely worthy of consideration if you are looking at the astrology of the day’s news. As a journalist of 35 years, having come through local papers (RIP), broadcasting and national papers, I often wonder what colours the daily agenda and experience guides me that it is a combination of factors – from owners’ interests to a fear of misjudgement so that we all “follow the leader”. It may be that Labour/Starmer turn out to be monsters. I don’t know but the comments on here suggest many have already decided. I’m sure nobody wants this site to be a forum for political pointscoring. I come for an understanding of how astrology may affect world events – surely those who shape consumption of world events, not just those who influence those events, are important subjects of astrological enquiry?
Well, Nick88, as Marjorie writes you could try reading the Guardian. Here’s a snippet from today’s website:
“Led by Unite and the Communication Workers Union (CWU), trade unions are expected to force a debate and vote at conference later this week to condemn the decision to axe the winter fuel allowance for all but the poorest pensioners. Unison and the GMB are understood to be likely to back a motion if a form of words can be agreed.”
The Unions are not thrilled with this government for a range of reasons. The Unions are most certainly not a “right wing morass”.
Hi Jane
You can see my response if Marjorie decides my reply to her points meet the standards of this site. Like any reasonable person I despise any or all corruption in politics – it seems like we have learned very little from the expenses scandal – but I struggle to understand why Starmer is being held to a much higher standard than recent predecessors, especially after only 10 weeks. There may be an element of naivete in Starmer’s acceptance of some clothes and football tickets – even a level of egocentrism, and I think Marjorie has noted those in his chart. But I think in the society that we have become it is almost impossible for a would-be political leader not to be ruthless to a certain degree and not to have enormous, if not pathological, conviction that their way is the right way. I was hoping that astrology might give us some clues to which of those applicants might be beyond that, as in truly dangerous or malign, and to those who hold the reins in the media who might try to convince us one way or another. I hope the winter fuel payment removal is defeated, it was a huge miscalculation, especially for a nominally left-wing Government. But surely the fact that the unions are prepared to make a stand on this issue is a sign of democracy within the Labour movement when, having settled the train and junior doctors’ disputes, most of the right wing media continues to peddle the idea that they are the party’s paymasters and motivated by the “politics of envy” Best regards
Yes, I agree that the unions’ stance is a sign of democracy, and thank goodness for that. I think MSM is on the decline, and many people now get their news from YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and so on. Similarly, fewer watch the TV news. There are some stats out there for this. I think Marjorie has posted some astrology for Murdoch, Daily Mail, and so on which you can probably locate in the Search function on here. It’s a transitional and fragmenting time for mainstream media, and with many online newspapers behind a paywall, people simply don’t bother with them.
Re Starmer being held to a higher standard – I’d argue he set that standard himself, with many of the things he said or promised before the GE. Some of what’s happening now is simply disappointment. In his acceptance speech he said “I will tread lightly on your lives”. Wonder how that one is working out now for this opaque Sun conjunct Pluto person who claims to have no night-time dreams, no favourite book, poem, or piece of music…..
Nick, Like you as an ex-journalist I regret the modern partisan trend of the media. In my day it was considered unprofessional for journalists to hold political views (except for leader writers). Oddly enough I think the Guardian was almost the first to slip into allowing its political allegiances to leak through into supposedly detached pieces.
The feeding frenzy over Starmer’s spectacles I thought was overblown given the Tory’s rank cupidity and corruption. But it did seem to fit a pattern for him from his earlier days of living high off his expenses.
And I am allergic to whataboutery defences (and getting more so). Tories were worse so we have to lay off Starmer?
It also begins to make you sound like a pro-Trumper – all is lies, false smears and conspiracies. I suffered for years after Nat trolls with their ‘speak no evil’ of Nicola Sturgeon berated me for the faintest hint of criticism.
If politicians step into the arena they know what the game is – admittedly worse nowadays than before. But naivety on their part hardly gives one confidence about their competence.
Handing out a substantial pay rise to train drivers without insisting on any change in working conditions? Not a great look when a chunk of pensioners are being left out in the cold.
I was very much pro Starmer and said some years back he would make it to the top – though I did point out he would run into catastrophic problems by 2026 – which could have been health problems, since with no birth time it is not possible to say where the potential disaster lay. Someone complained here I was being overly negative because it wasn’t what they wanted to hear. And here we are – with all indications that it could be a political catastrophe that lies ahead.
For all your ranting and raving about DM, Musk, GB News – they have been covered here several times if you bother to look in search.
Cutting through the noise and recognising a media feeding frenzy for the piece of confected nonsense it can be, is not easy. And it isn’t always political bias. The media are getting tediously sensationalist to the point of hysteria about everything nowadays.
I also keep in mind as I scan across the media, Churchill’s thought. “The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.”
Many years ago when I ran a child abuse campaign the News of the World which was a ghastly rag was often the only one who had the guts to break stories that were true about abusers – and they had the best lawyers so you could be sure it was solid.
Just because you dislike the politics of the owners or writers does not mean everything they print can be written off as untruthful.
Marjorie does not control the movement of the planets or the aspects they make. The Labour government has a difficult natal chart that is not going to disappear no matter how much people complain about it.
I think he also has a tax unregistered pension scheme from his time as DPP, I recall some brouhaha about it last year. His chart must attract these freebies/benefits etc.. It might pop into the news again depending on the budget.
“His chart must attract these freebies/benefits etc . . .”
Indeed, in his natal chart (Whole-signs my preference), he has Jupiter in his 7th (close business partners) trine Mars in his 11th (patrons, good fortune etc) which sounds great (for him), except that that squares the Moon – the general public – in his 2nd (personal finances) = not so great as far as we are concerned.
That’s using a solar chart.
I see 9 Gemini in term chart square his Sun Pluto with Uranus coming to Gemini. He won’t enjoy that but I dare say nothing bothers him or his kind. What I’d wanted to say is this,
Is Starmergeddon now the emperor with no clothes?
It is interesting to see the real Keir Starmer at last. Personally I am surprised. I wish we had an accurate birth time for him.
Marina Hyde’s article in the Guardian on him yesterday was very apt. Not sure if the link will work.
Off my hands I can count at least 5 dictator-like head of the countries with Sun Virgo. I am skeptical of Sun Virgo in power. Marjorie’s old posts had featured a number of them. Even though Virgo is usually portray as frugal, it is still an Earth sign.
I am always marginally surprised when a Virgo turns out to be less of a paragon of virtue than I expect – Narendra Modi, Bashar Assad, Belarus’s dictator Alexander Lukashenko, Dutch fascist Geert Wilders, Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe (the crocodile). Down the scale – sex scandal Anthony Weiner, Trump’s buddy Roger Stone, Ron deSantis – and a few more desirables – John McCain, Gretchen Whitmer, Bernie Sanders.
All signs have their positives and negatives but you never think of Virgo as being ruthless. Maybe I am biased – or maybe the male of the species is different.
I have no idea why. Maybe it was those nit picking / perfectionist characteristics that gave rise to neo authoritarism?
Frugality when done to the extreme will begin to look like greed. And power can corrupt.
Have we discussed that he has no fire in his chart? That’s another piece in the jigsaw of his lack of personality.
He does have a Leo North Node but it seems to me that he is much more likely to stay in his Aquarius South Node due to its conjunction with Saturn. Off the top of my head, I would think they were being squared by Uranus when he decided to stand for Labour party leader.
I think we have much more to learn about Starmer and his colleagues. And I am still amazed that he got away with travelling 200+ miles (with Rayner) during the pandemic lockdown for a Labour Party meeting; followed by curries and beer. Soon after, he attacked members of the government for breaking lockdown (in a far less blatant way) and with the help of Sue Gray, forced some of them from office. Is there a planetary set-up showing a tendency for hypocrisy?
As you say “A Labour Party meeting” i.e. a work event which were allowed. The police investigated it and no breach was found.
On the other hand, the Met eventually examined the Downing Street parties and issued lots of fines.
Fines against Larry the Mouser? How horrible!
My initial judgement of Starmer was that his Sun/Pluto conjunction meant he would be an over the top micro managing busy body wanting to interfering in people’s daily lives. What has rather surprised me is his venality. I had imagined him as a rather deskbound bureaucrat with a Stalinist obsession over detail. I think this was due to underestimating his Venus in domicile in Libra which like its counterpart in Taurus would like the finer things in life though more in an aesthetic than purely monetary level.
Looking at the chart Starmer’s Venus is making no close aspects with regard to the other major planets in his charts. This suggests it could be difficult for him to integrate its influence and that it might go rogue on occasions. Unaspected Venus can lead to “heightened sensual and material desires”.
When Starmer was Attorney General, he racked up an extraordinary expenses bill – an average of close to £50,000 a year – while he was senior public prosecutor, including a chauffeur-driven car alongside first and business class flights around the world. This was apparently three times the amount claimed by any other AG at the time.
I too thought he would turn out to be a desk-bound bureaucrat who makes unpopular decisions, but Hugh is correct, his unaspected Venus makes him terribly venal.
Btw, a question – the yod on Saturn/South Node in Aquarius – how does a Mars inconjunct Saturn work? Is it capable of cruelty like the opposition, conjunction and square?
@Virgoflake He is just a frugal Virgo, making the most of what comes his way. The lush pension:
Because he is worth it.
If, as Marjorie suggests, his time of birth is earlier in the day then the Moon in Libra probably moves into aspect with Saturn. Again that can have a liking for the “nicer things in life” with its stunted emotional growth
Agree, I was taken aback by his acquisitive/entitled approach to expenses and freebies. If you put his Pluto Sun on a Virgo Ascendant which would fit his defensive persona and ‘unknowableness’ it puts Venus in his 2nd. But that’s just a guess.
I have to admit, I use the solar chart whenever the birthtime is unknown, the outcome usually makes better sense for me than using midday ever does.
Is the solar chart chart for the Sun’s rise?
Usually, more or less. As I use Whole-signs I try and get the Ascendent within the first 5 degrees of whichever sign the Sun is in.
With the current Al Fayed furore and Jimmy Saville in his past, I have wondered if something from his time as DPP may come roaring out from the past to unseat him. He always denies involvement – but surely as Head, and with “celebrity” names he should have been all over these cases. I was a Civil Servant for 28 years (got out for good behaviour 🙂 ) and if there was a whiff of a well known person, no matter how lowly, coming to the Department’s notice, Senior Management took over and sometimes it went to Board Level and Ministerial level.
Yes, totally unbelievable that he had no involvement in such high-profile cases.
Thank you Marjorie. The 2nd October solar eclipse, which I assume will occur during party conference season lands on the term chart’s South Node, along with Mercury and BML. There’s something a bit chilly and controlling about Starmer’s astrology – withdrawing the winter fuel payment somehow goes along with that.
Regarding BML and the nodes, it’s interesting that currently ŵe are seeing a series of famous individuals whose misdemeanours and crimes against women, girls as well as (in the case of diddy, young boys) are coming to light. Jane wrote about how these eclipses are aligned with fixed stars with goddess/female associations, and of course the sign of Libra is connected to justice.
I’m happy to wait and see, nothing can be worse than the Tories and their destruction of public services. Not to mention the disgrace of a Brexit that has served no one apart from the hedge fund managers.
Regrettably one does not excuse the other. Less worse is hardly a ringing endorsement and there’s very little cheerful ahead for Starmer indeed some calamitous influences.
We deserve better politicians.
Watching the John Major interview,though not a fan of the Tories by any means, I couldn’t agree with you more.
When are sunnier times coming to the UK?
After 2026
Finally. Thank you!
AFTER 2026… so Labour still in power then. They might actually sort themselves out and win another term. Someone said Rayner’s chart hits a peak in 2029/30.. Thats the year of the next election.