Katie Hopkins – Trump twinlet venting her spleen * Add On

Katie Hopkins is the nearest thing the UK has to a right-wing, shock-jock with rancidly extreme views which have got her fired from most media outlets, even when they hired her for as a controversialist. She’s been reduced to a Canadian website on which Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League is also a contributor; and has recently filed for bankruptcy as a consequence of legal cases which went against her. She has suffered badly from epilepsy. She’s anti-Islam and anti-multicultural and Trump is a fan.

Born 13 February 1975 she has an unaspected Aquarius Sun which will make it difficult for her to modulate her ego. She’ll tend to be an island unto herself, holding herself in high esteem, and not being much affected by feedback. She does have what should be a relatively pleasant and sensitive Moon, Venus and Jupiter in Pisces but that is completely swamped by an aggressive and afflicted Mars in Capricorn opposition Saturn square Pluto – fuelling inner rage, grievance and hatred. Saturn Pluto makes her unyielding and resistant to change.

Her Jupiter and Venus square Trump’s Gemini Sun and Sagittarius Moon for an emollient cross over. But that apart they wouldn’t make a great pair with her Sun in an argumentative and competitive opposition to his Mars; her Mercury opposition his Pluto and her controlling Pluto square his Mercury.  Their relationship chart has a cool, business-like composite Sun square Saturn and trine Uranus; with Uranus square Venus. And a ramped-up Jupiter trine Pluto sextile Mars Neptune which will do well as they work together to attract publicity for each. But if they ever got close and fell out it would turn nasty since neither are supportive types.  There would be a fight for supremacy. Indeed all is not well in that heated corner especially from this July onwards into 2020.

She looks pretty much flattened this year with Solar Arc Pluto square her Sun and Solar Arc Sun opposition her Pluto which will block her every which way, no doubt because of financial problems – and an emotionally upsetting Solar Arc Venus opposition her Uranus. Plus several aggravated and insecure Uranus transits to midpoints plus a swampy Neptune; and setbacks from tr Saturn conjunct her Mars till late this year.  Not her finest hour.

Add ON: There’s no suggestion that Katie Hopkins is in any way associated with the following but it popped up today and has an astro-slant. Two teen Neo-Nazis have been jailed for terrorism offences in the UK, promoting online material that encouraged an attack on Prince Harry for marrying a woman of mixed race, suggested targeting non-white and Jewish people and glorified the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik. Their UK Sonnenkrieg organisation takes after the USA Atomwaffen which is led by James Mason, 25 July 1952. Both are seen as extreme even within the alt-right movement.

Mason has Mars in vengeful Scorpio opposition Jupiter and square Pluto in Leo (which is opposition the North Node in Aquarius). Mars Pluto is a running theme through a great many of these hate organisation individuals; and an emphasised/afflicted Pluto which in its efforts to exert control needs to stamp what is considers lesser persons under foot.

One thought on “Katie Hopkins – Trump twinlet venting her spleen * Add On

  1. Putin cutting funding, because she is too obvious? I remember her posting from “peaceful” Saint Petersburg, where Muslims do not excist, during World Cup. Well, in reality, there have been Muslims living in the city since it was founded, an Islamist act of terror claimed lives just months before World Cup.

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