Kate and William – denial about workload


Royal feathers have been ruffled by, of all things, a true-blue Tatler piece suggesting that Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, feels exhausted by her increased workload after Harry and Meghan scarpered. It said she felt her children had been thrown under a bus since they would get less of her attention. Flat denials have been issued by Kensington Palace which may well be justified since it sounded like a brew-up-a-controversy article. Though it could also be that friends talked out of turn and the Cambridges do feel overwhelmed given that they are the only seniors (in rank) able to be out and about. A moment of panic as they contemplate a future where they aren’t three steps away from the throne but much closer. Tatler are standing by their tale.

Kate is in the midst of quite a challenging and punishing few years of transformation from 2017 to late 2022 with tr Pluto ploughing its way round her Cardinal T Square which started by opposing her Moon in 2017/18, then was conjunct her Sun and square Saturn and from early 2021 square her Pluto. It has been and will be exceptionally tough going and will change her life and her responses to it out of all recognition but she seems to be rising to the task with great aplomb, especially recently.

Assuming her birth time of 7pm is sound she does have the tr Saturn Pluto conjunction moving into her 6th house of work and health now with Saturn staying there through a slog-on two years ahead and Pluto there for the long term. It will put work and duty up as a foreground issue. And with tr Uranus now starting to move through her 10th house for the next decade it does suggest a radical change of direction from what went before.

Prince William of the pair looks more likely to be feeling overwhelmed since tr Saturn is now moving through the nadir of his First Quadrant moving into his 2nd house. For ordinary mortals that can have financial implications but for those with a significant career it suggests low energy and motivation where ambitions are concerned, with a desire to do less and find more time for personal interests. The approaching June Solar Eclipse in Cancer is conjunct his Cancer Sun exactly and his Moon and Solar Arc Venus so he will feel he is at a critical stage in his destiny.

Undoubtedly Harry and Meghan didn’t pick a great time to bale – frankly for themselves as well as for the Royal Firm. And equally undoubtedly the chemistry between the two ladies isn’t great. Their relationship chart has an irritable and argumentative composite Moon Mars in an evasive trine to Neptune, sextile a struggle-for-the-upper-hand Jupiter Pluto; and an explosive Moon Mars square Venus Uranus. And there’s no fixing that. Ahead, most of the relationship charts of the close family with both Harry and Meghan look rattled and undermined. There are separating aggravations with Kate and William for several years. Camilla and the Queen don’t seem to be making much headway with Meghan either for several years ahead.

The Queen will be especially on edge with Harry through this June and several months thereafter with the Cancer Solar Eclipse conjunct the composite Moon in their relationship chart, and the July Lunar Eclipse colliding with their composite Sun as the ‘Finding Freedom’ book purporting to show how ‘woke’ the Harry Meghan couple are in their efforts to modernise the monarchy comes out. The Queen has devoted a lifetime to duty, sacrifice and servitude so it’s a considerable kick in the shins for everything she has ever stood for.

PS: According to various reports Harry and Meghan are alarmed about paparazzi drones buzzing low over their LA rented chateau. Quelle surprise. There has been something really bizarre about their choices as if they couldn’t foresee the blindingly obvious.

12 thoughts on “Kate and William – denial about workload

  1. Hi all. Hope you’re all well. ☺
    Here’s some further info RE: the paparazzi drones flying over Harry&Meghan’s L.A. home.
    It’s gleaned from the ‘Popbitch’ Daily Tonic gossip newsletter (and Popbitch have long proven to be reliable with their info):

    >> Pap attack <
    A Right Royal Mess

    Harry and Meghan's ingenious plan to avoid unwanted press intrusion by moving to the peaceful, remote village of Los Angeles has hit up against a few new teething problems.

    It seems there's a photo agency based out of LA (what are the chances?) that has been flying drones over their property to catch pictures of them in the garden to sell to tabloids. It's gotten so bad that the Sussexes have had to call the LAPD five times this month already.

    Who is behind this persistent photography? Could it possibly be the same agency that set up the infamous photoshoot with Thomas Markle, kicking off the whole 'Markle Debacle' in the first place?

    Why, yes it could! Manning the drones are the Sussexes' old foes (and new LA neighbours)… Coleman-Rayner!

  2. “There has been something really bizarre about their choices as if they couldn’t foresee the blindingly obvious”
    Maybe they chose the LA area because Meghan’s mom resides there and they need a babysitter?

    • They have nannies so babysitters superfluous. From commercial perspective closer to the Hollywood money machine who could help to further Meghan’s career

  3. Also, something I’ve observed with two Capricorn Sun /Cancer Moon ex-colleagues and close friends – other is “double Cancerian” in that she also has Cancer Ascendant and Moon is on 1st house side. They are great workers, very reliable, but get emotionally drained by drama at workplace. They are also introverts (in fact, I’ve yet to meet a truly extroverted Cancer Moon, some extroverted Sun/Risings might be ambiverts, but in my experience, Cancer Moons always prefer one-to-one interaction to larger groups). Which is obviously an issue with William at his role, too.

    • I’m Virgo Sun/Cancer Moon and can attest to this, Solaia. I get drained by people very quickly and absolutely hate the usual places people go to socialize, and over the top extroverts annoy me in the same way I’m sure I annoy them! I’m happy as a pig in mud being left to my own devices for days, if not weeks on end. Crowds unnerve me and I much prefer one-to-one’s which helps put me at ease when meeting people. In fact, being isolated in the lockdown has been a breeze for me, whereas I know extroverts and ambiverts, like my brother (Libra Sun/Sagittarian Moon), have been climbing the walls and going stir-crazy for social connections.

    • Solaia: I’ve observed that Cancer moon types are heavy into the drama of control or emotionally draining on their significant others. There seems to be a need for “starting and then controlling” an emotional crises. Naturally, there’s more to a chart than rising and moon signs. My ex-wife had cancer moon, another partner was Cancer moon / cap rising- far too much drama for my cup of tea. One former astrologer friend was Cancer rising and moon; very draining on everyone. She had to rescue everything and everyone. I live alone nowadays with the cats. Life is much more mellow. I’m scorp sun, Leo asc, Virgo moon.

      • I hate those drama types too, larryc. I too live alone with my cats and dogs and adore the quiet life. I can’t be done with narcissists and drama queens, but then, I come from a family of them and was often the one who got manipulated. Maybe if I hadn’t, I might have turned into one myself. Navigating such negative emotional territory makes you understand the ‘buttons’ people like to press. So I guess I learned a lesson there but I didn’t ‘get it’ until I hit my 40’s.

        Perhaps being a Virgo sun keeps it all tempered down, I don’t know. But I have never manipulated others and have never been accused of it either. It’s certainly not a ‘trait’ of mine. But I am fairly critical, which is the usual astro signature of Virgoans and on occasion have been accused of it. But I am even more critical of myself – I know my own short-comings long before someone else points them out. Personally, I thought it all came about from having narcissistic family members and ultimately calling them out on it and pin-pointing out their bitter ways in graphic detail! 😀

        Better to be alone for all the right reasons than be with somebody (or a crowd of people) for all the wrong reasons, I say. It’s great getting a good night’s sleep and not find yourself churning around in a toxic soup of emotions that were caused by another’s manipulations. Oddly enough, the people who created those feelings in me were Capricorn and Cancerian suns! The third was a Scorpio sun.

  4. So, a Capricorn Sun/ Libra Mars Kate is supposed to be feeling “overwhelmed” at a time when her public appearances are, limited to Zooming in to senior bingo events? I have to say, I will call this story on a Royal Bride fake news as well. I do think Kate may feel exhausted for other reasons – she is undoubtably a loving, doting mother (and you see how her eyes light up around children not hers, too), with that Cancer Moon, so she must feel very worried for her her children -, but I somehow think that once the children are older, she’ll more than carry her work load.

    • With the newspeeps about, everywhere is a fly-zone. Of course, a 20-gauge shotgun blast using 00-buckshot would do in the drone PDQ. 😉 Is it any surprise from the young royals regarding their life in a fish bowl?

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