Kamala Harris has picked Tim Walz, a former teacher, and mid Western Minnesota governor to be her VP.
Born 6 April 1964, West Point, Nebraska, no birth time. He has his Sun, Mars and Jupiter spread out through Aries so resonates with her Aries Moon and Mars in Leo. Like her, he is of the Uranus Pluto in Virgo generation. And therein lies a predictive problem since both their respective Plutos are boosted by tr Jupiter in Gemini squares across the relevant period which is a good, albeit a minor influence. But their Plutos also get the tr Saturn in Pisces opposition which is stuck.
He has tr Neptune square his Sun/Pluto midpoint now till early September which Ebertin sees as an undermining influence for career matters. Apart from that he has nothing else of note showing apart from his Pluto being buffeted up and down. A birth time would help – though it does not make Kamala’s prospects much clearer having one.
Re-running Kamala’s astro again. She has tr Jupiter square her Uranus, Pluto, Venus in Virgo between November 25 and March 2025. And tr Saturn square Venus, Pluto, Saturn in Virgo from October right through to early February 2025. Make of that what you will – one step forward and one back.
Continuing on the conflicting, contradictory theme she has a lucky, successful tr Uranus conjunct her Jupiter November 24th to December 20th but that runs at the same time as tr Uranus conjunct her Mars/Saturn midpoint which usually accompanies a major setback. Though it could also indicate a period of violence, accident or test of nervous strength. Biden had this when he was forced to step down. To be noted her Jupiter, although lucky, is opposition Neptune which can be over hopeful and scandal prone. Similar influences were in place when Boris Johnson who also has a Jupiter Neptune opposition was forced to step down. So not conclusive.
On midpoints she has tr Neptune square her Sun/Saturn midpoint 4 September to 11 October and in February 2025 which is uncertain, undermining and could hint at illness or lack of energy.
On house transits: tr Pluto is still going through her 8th house which is trapped; tr Saturn through her 10th which is good career-wise. And Tr Jupiter through her 12th which is not resoundingly helpful.
Doug Emhoff, her husband, 13 October 1964, has tr Uranus conjunct his Jupiter at the same time as others but without the calamitous midpoint – but spouses can be tricky since they would often be as pleased to be away from the goldfish bowl.
The one person who has definitely successful influences is David Plouffe, a top strategist on both of Obama’s presidential campaigns, who has joined Kamala’s team. Born 27 May 1967, he is a Sun Gemini which is sextile/trine a Saturn in Aries opposition Mars in Libra. His Jupiter at zero degrees Leo is catching the tr Pluto opposition late November to end December which is usually successful. With two lucky Jupiter midpoints being flagged up from late October to late December. He’ll have flutters of panic September to early October so the run up may be nail-biting. January 2025 looks frustrated, furious and depressing as well as confused and devastated. So not exactly bouncing with joy across the Inauguration.
Plouffe is fine but the other two?? I don’t know. Election predictions are often head-scratchers and this one more than most.
NB. Comments on the astrology only please. Or verifiable facts where relevant. Hopes, fears and opinions, however heartfelt will be deleted.
And only 90 days to go the election day – followed by almost three months of angst and argument till the Inauguration.
“Time Magazine puts Kamala Harris on its cover”
This has got to push Drompf into nuclear melt-down. ” https://t.co/noW5TOgawP pic.twitter.com/iLmQIhxOeF”.
More over-reactive comments, like about her race and crowd sizes? Pointed merc retro dialogue.
I was a bit concerned that Harris made her choice during Mercury Retrograde, although any of the other candidates would have been just as good a pick. One (Vedic) astrologer I also follow, Gurmeet Singh, wonders whether the Rx period might have meant that she changed her mind. He foresees a Harris win, but economic turbulence next year, having nothing to do with Harris (or Trump should he win), but due to the US chart – the latter seems to match other forecasts on this site.
As for Walz’s moon – I’d venture to say Aquarius, given his apparent ‘folksy’ ability to resonate with the US public, although a Capricorn moon on his solar 10th could also account for his popularity and his ambition. Harris’ South node is conjunct the US moon, the frequently cited predictor of the US presidency; they are said to get along (so we’d hope if she chose him) so an Aquarian moon would be a better match for her Sun and her nodes.
I should check if she has something around 11° Gemini, which, I read somewhere on astro.com, should be the significator degree for people becoming US presidents. Barron Trump has it, if I recall right.
The degree is between 21-22 Gemini. Trump has his Sun there.
Her True Node is at 24.30 Gemini retrograde in the 1st house and her Ascendant is at 24 degrees Gemini. Is this close enough to be considered the significator degree to win the election? Thanks!
Hey @Virginia, yeah I was just “voting” for a Cap moon emphasizing his Jupiter which feels strongly placed to me ( tho other factors, like a 9th house Sun or Ascendant etc could account for that).
Anything near a 6 Aqua moon would be u n b e l i e v a b l e as that would make a yod w Mars onto his Uranus (on top of the other yod of Uranus/Neptune onto his Sun).
Thanks to Marjorie for the range info!
Beyond my usual intrigue w Rising Signs all this sleuthing likely means I Like Seeing Walz. Holding a positive thought toward a candidate in this political season is positively weird.
@”A Fan” We need to keep looking for the relationship between the two democrats, naturally date of birth would be useful, however it looks a bit more hopeful. I try to remember that no government is perfect but some are better than others.
@ *A* Fan, I may be partial, being a Capricorn Moon myself, but I think there are quite a few things in Walz’s bio that point to a Capricorn rather than an Aquarius Moon. For instance, he got his higher education as an adult from GI Bill, classic Capricorn Moon, life often takes us to places where we have to secure our material wellbeing before being able to do what we want. He then became a teacher – again classic Capricorn Moon move, he may have even “rebelled” a bit against it, because of the family history, but then realized he was good at it. He had his own children later in the life and not without effort (I personally think his IVF story is powerful in driving conservative women voters who may be against abortion, but now worried about IVF becoming too regulated, as well). And, most importantly, he was charged with a DUI in 1995, confronted by his wife and has been sober since – it’s really usual for Capricorn Moons to have a BIG wakeup call year or two leading or after Saturn Return.
Obviously, these are things for Capricorn Moon, there might be other characteristics speaking for an Aquarius Moon, for instance Walz’s deep humanitarian side (his Lutheran church is deeply affiliated with Nordic and German churches that tend to be less dogmatic, more “do good”, his Master Thesis apparently was on Holocaust education). But in general, his vibe is VERY Fire/Earth and I’ve yet to see Airy qualities.
hello! Speculation is fun, isn’t it? 🙂
I think I agree with you, Solaia.. re: the Capricorn Moon. A deep path of Integrity is what I have seen in a person with strong Capricorn planets.. esp. Sun and Moon. And this man has that in spades, it seems. Also incredibly hard workers!!
I’ve played around with birth times, looking at Wikipedia for dates of major events in Tim Walz’s life. Although not super skilled at rectification, it’s interesting to work with!
So… My good guess is a time around 2:30 am. Gives him a 22 Cap ascendant and his Moon at 29 Cap in the first house. His sturdy physical presence, his early aging look, but then watch him stay youthful as he ages more!!…. all look like Capricorn to me. Moon in the first can have a “heart on their sleeve” quality… but in Capricorn, that would be more contained.
This natal time puts his Mars and Sun in the 2nd house (and Chiron), his Jupiter and Mercury in the 3rd (great speaker), and his Venus in the 4th (family obviously important to him… he and his wife did IVF for 7 years to have 2 children!). Also puts his Pluto just into the 8th… his and his father’s experience of war. Puts his natal Neptune on the 17 Virgo MC!…. a kind of Healer or Spiritual Guide placement. (I have this, too.). Have to work with that carefully as it can also be a blank slate for projections! Still… he’s a sturdy soul, I’d say!
He graduated teaching college in (I assume) late spring of 1989 and took a one year teaching position in China. I used that date. Moved to Minnesota in 1996. Played with other dates too using Solar Arc and transits…. this could be a fit!!
anyways.. I have to head off on a weekend thing…. can’t offer more.
Of course… just speculation on my part!
take care all
@Solaia & @Sandra:
Wow + Wow, good to read.
And for sure @Virginia, gotta remember the good, a l w a y s
Ha!!.. haven’t quite left yet!
There is a “Statesmanship” about Tim Walz.
In Wikipedia, they mention that he came out of nowhere to win an election.. caught the Republican candidate completely off guard. Tim is said to have commented “I will never be caught off guard like he was.”
That is a VERY Capricorn stance!
I know.. I’m married to one!
Isn’t Aquarius, the Water-bearer, also the one who from his jug pours water, which is knowledge, onto the world? So a teacher would fit that, no?
A sharp economic downturn or a sudden turn of events in the Middle East could certainly dampen the mood around and post election time in the U.S. Harris could very well win, but face a somber and serious mood for some cause or another that dampens the joy and enthusiasm she has brought to the campaign trail since tapping in for Biden.
Let’s also not forget that Trump already incited one rebellion on the Capitol during his lame duck days on January 6, 2021. Who knows what he and his followers may try to pull off in the face of a close outcome, or even a clear spread favoring Harris? I would not put it past him, his MAGA followers, or even the big-shot billionaires backing him—Thiel, Musk or Murdoch—to gum up the works somehow in order to buffer a pathway for their “buddy” to make it back into power. Even Putin may resort to orchestrating some mayhem out in the world somewhere if he comes to believe it would undermine Biden and Harris while somehow casting Trump in a better light and improving his electoral odds.
Not so certain about the personal aspects off the top of my head, but I do think the final transition of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius this cycle, from September through November, will bring about the final gasp of the far-right reactionary conservative forces that have been so empowered by Pluto’s transit of Capricorn. They won’t succeed in any new aims at this point, since Pluto has already surpassed 29 Cap and had dipped into Aquarius, twice now, but it doesn’t mean they won’t still lash out in extreme rage as they experience the inevitable ebb and loss of their power and influence.
His looks remind me of Dick Cheney who was Virgo rising.
I thought of Warren Buffet, no TOB, but he is a Virgo!
@”A Fan” According to Marjorie’s chart Tim’s Moon is at 3 degrees 55″ of Aquarius or am I reading it incorrectly? What is not shown is his ascendant without a birth time, however his relationship to Kamala will be crucial ie will he make a good second in command, commentators describe him as “left wing” or what passes for it in the USA.
Depending on his birth time his Moon is anywhere between 27 Capricorn and 10 Aquarius.
Thank you Marjorie
Sabian Symbol for Walz?
27-28 degree Virgo…
A Baldheaded Man Who Has Seized Power
Flip this around and Trump’s astrology (from various astrologers that I have read) does not look very favourable around election time. Add to that the resolution of at least some legal matters before then and a growing group of disenchanted Republican lawmakers and the whole thing looks rather confused. As matters stand, it has to be Harris or Trump! Unless, of course, Trump is not the Republican candidate come polling day.
The closer it gets to Election Day the harder it is to replace someone on the ballot for a whole host of logistical reasons, including the printing and mailing of ballots. One issue is always the time it takes to mail ballots to the military stationed overseas and receive their returned ballots. Any is early voting, which often starts a month before Election Day. Rules and dates vary by state.
Several states, including, I believe, Ohio and Alabama, had very early ballot deadlines. Those caused major kerfuffles, since they would have effectively denied Biden/Harris a place on the ballot, but they were corrected legislatively and the dates pushed back to about now. That’s why the Dems did a pre-convention roll-call vote to nominate Harris officially, securing her place on the ballot in those early states.
The early closure dates are the reason so many dead candidates are still on the ballot despite dying several months before Election Day.
Autocorrect! “Another” reason is early voting.
@Ken, people have noticed Trump has only one campaign event this week, compared to 7 Harris is having. JD Vance keeps tracking Harris events, but with visibly fewer resources. I seriously think Trump is broke financially and broken mentally.
It’s been such a month (!) in the US politics that it’s hard to remember Trump was shot at less than a month ago. Whether he got hit by a bullet or a piece of plastic, it’s understandable he is shaken. Trauma experience is often delayed.
Hi. I’m not sure tracking is the appropriate term. Others have said it’s stalking. Has there been an analysis of Astro transits for T’s campaign manager, Stephen Cheung? He tweeted that once they win and they have access to Air Force One, it will need to be deep cleaned because of what has happened on it. What the heck? It’s like they are adolescents. This is a prime time big leagues PR manager writing this kind of stuff.
@Aim, Stephen Cheung is communications guy. Trump’s campaign managers are Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, architect of the “swiftboating” campaign against John Kerry. He’s trying to swiftboat Tim Walz now by lying about his departure from the National Guard, claiming Walz retired to avoid a deployment to Iraq. In fact he put in for retirement months before the deployment was announced.
Appreciate the intell, Nicole re: “that’s why the Dems did a pre-convention roll-call vote to nominate Harris officially”
Mercury Uranus is usually the truth teller. The trine makes it more palatable and in Earth signs, speech comes off as down to earth and relatable, what others might be thinking.
Noticing the exact trine at 6 degrees of his Mercury to Uranus – he communicates especially well on tv. Makes me think his midheaven or some key point must be amplifying his Mercury.
Visually (as to TOB/Rising sign ideas) I’d say fire is strong given the wiry hair. He also reads as older than 60. For whatever reason I got Sag when I first set eyes on his pic. Hope his birth certificate gets verified soon !
@”A”Fan I would agree on a fire ascendant, however some of his premature aging may have been due to his former job as a teacher. He is a bit jowly so maybe Sag.
Ha- no doubt! Nothing to age thee like Youth.
@Virginia, he himself joked that you don’t get out of 20 years of lunch watch with a full set of hair.
I also think he might have Capricorn Moon and/or Rising, which would be possible with a nocturnal chart. This would also possibly place his Sun in 4th, which would explain some noticeable Cancerian traits.
Feeling the cap moon, too. Would fit w military service to Aries planets
LOL–“some of his premature aging may have been due to his former job as a teacher”
I’m a retired teacher! It’s a hard job. Most of my hair is white now–I’m 65.
As a former teacher–longest stint with 11-13 year olds– watching politics and the medias reaction has been frustrating because so many adults don’t grow up and much of what goes on in society is like what goes on amongst that age group: the admiration of “celebrities” (cool kids), the power of bullies, the gossiping, the fighting, cheating…and the drama of it all!
The past decade or so has been hard to “watch”–I taught math and science for part of my middle school stint (I also taught at a high school–and actually older teens 15 and up, are much more mature). Doing something serious (like complex calculations) is so difficult with all that drama. We need to find solutions to the climate crisis and the levels of pollution that we brilliant humans have dumped into our “nests”–into the ecosystem–without a home, and the Earth is a beautiful throbbing ball of diverse life and physical structures–to me, without dealing with that, all the other issues do not matter.
Astrology wise: Marjorie, I’ll make a list of some environmental leaders and perhaps their charts might be interesting–
Rachel Carson
Buckminster Fuller
David Brower
come to mind.
@KG I would second that choice of remarkable environmentalists, Rachel Carson dob 27 May 1907, was certainly ahead of her time; she was supported by some of the most knowledgeable people in the organic/biodynamic farming such as Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. Her draconic chart would probably be quite illuminating as it points to a mystic with reverence for all life.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he was born just after dawn with Mars, Sun and Jupiter in the 12th, with that steely Mercury in Taurus rising. He’s a teacher and quite eloquent. Perhaps his Moon is about 0 Aquarius near the MC (public figure), and currently catching the Pluto transit? Also, it looks like he has a wide yod from Pluto sextile Neptune to his Arian Sun….not to mention a few T-squares. An interesting character.
! Kamala’s Neptune Pluto and Uranus hit the base of that yod with a closer
Orb. Finger of fate indeed…
Are there T squares beside Venus to Saturn and Uranus…I just can’t see them!
Based on Marjorie’s other postings it seems the Middle East conflict may well complicate her her potential presidency
I am not sure that it is possible to predict election outcomes based on personal charts of politicians. Many politicians lose elections who have favourable astro trends and conversely win with unfavourable influences. You could win in a landslide and yet be full of fear and apprehension or be having a terrible time in your personal life. It may be more instructive to look at the charts of the political parties or of the US.
Hi. That’s what my astrologer did in 2020. Never looked at personal charts. Looked at USA and he predicted Biden as the winner. Anne Ortolee looks at 4th house transits for the folks to see if anyone is literally moving to a new home around inauguration.
In theory I agree except the party charts don’t work well – maybe the dates are wrong. Usually there is something showing up in the personal charts.
On the UK chart recently tr Pluto trine Uranus suggested a radical change – and a new government took over. But there’s nothing like that on the US chart. House moves and Moons or ICs can also be useful but they are not there either.
I have a slightly different take to most people since I am usually unallied to either side and more interested in what the astrology shows up or not. It may well be that astrology is just not well designed to make absolutely certain and accurate predictions about elections. It does what it does but has limitations. Worth doing but not solid enough to hang your hat on.
Marjorie, about the indication of radical change that showed up in the UK chart at last month’s election — was there a similar “indication of radical change” in the US chart at the Trump 2016 or Biden 2020 elections, when both ushered in “radical change”?
Could the lack of such indicators mean more continuity? (Yes, grasping at straws, but trying for neutrality!)
I will try and get my head round it calmly tomorrow. Too much stuff happening today at home. On quick glance US looks depressed and mighty confused after the election.
Kamala H could overcome her Mars/Saturn – I remember, I think, Scott Walker who had horrible transits that somehow involved Mars Saturn and he won whatever it was he stood for.
Pluto that close to his Moon right now is certainly a life-changing transformation (the House would be useful, obvs). Another astrologer has pointed out that Harris and Walz’s progressed Suns are currently sextiling the natal position.
OK–since we can only comment on the astrology, is there anything astrological that points to the outcome of Republican attempts to steal the election through quasi-legal means, and could this account for the mixed results in the predictions for the individuals mentioned in the article? There is a great deal of worry that Republicans’ efforts to change the election outcome through the judiciary system, likely enabled by a rightist-majority Supreme Court, could succeed this time where they failed in 2020; dozens of GOP lawsuits are already in the works, many of them being teed up by Consovoy McCarthy, a conservative Washington law firm associated with Clarence Thomas. Might it be possible to get a sense of the outcome by looking at the astrology of the Republican Party (March 20, 1854, Ripon, WI), the Democratic Party (Jan. 8, 1828, Baltimore, MD), Consovoy McCarthy PLCC (law firm, founded in 2014), or even Clarence Thomas during the time of the election and in the months following?
That would be interesting
Kamala’s Uranus/Venus midpoint is on her Pluto. These three planets are in a stellium in Virgo, ruler of the sixth house and every daywork. Which could mean a sting in the tail with her work in politics? The Moon ruler of her 4th house is in the 11th, which does bear out her work with groups. The combination of Aquarius/Uranus and Moon in Libra would tie in with the Venus/Pluto/Uranus stellium in the 4th house. A life works with group and people. The Moon is in opposition to her Sun in Libra which is ruled by Venus in the 4th. Given that stellium of planets in the 4th further strength. Perhaps problems with fulfilment by Pluto/ women, as Pluto rules Scorpio which is in her 5th house with Mercury conjunction the Sun in Libra. Something may unbalance this election, throwing her off course. A secret outed or underhand play?
Good morning. How does Walz compare with Drompf and JD Vance as colleagues/opponents? Difficult w/o a birth time for Walz…thank you.
One astrologer is guessing that Walz is a Cancer ascendant because of his “moon face.” LOL. But, hey, could be.
How difficult is it to get birth time info from county or town records?
The state Bureau of Vital Statistics should hold the birth records, though the name may vary state to state.
Thanks, Nicole.
Julie, I have always been fascinated by physical appearance and its connection to astrology. I am a Cancer rising with the Moon and Venus also in Cancer, tightly conjuncting the ascendant. I do not have a round face, and I do not look anything like a Cancer rising. I think the position of Mars also has to be factored in here, as mine is in Sagittarius. Waltz has his Mars in Aries, which may explain his energetic style of talking.
Do you have a thin, nervous looking/nervy face?
I have an oval face and a tall, athletic body, but I don’t think I have a nervy look:) I am not sure where I read this, but one article said that Moon in the first house people wear their hearts on their sleeves, so you can read everything from their faces. That fits me, so I guess I have an expressive face…
About Tim Walz, I am not sure how astrological this is, but my observation with the earth moon signs is that they age quicker than fire or air moon signs. So I think Tim Walz might have a Capricorn Moon as Solana suggested.
Hi Bette. That’s so interesting. My father, brother and spouse have Moon Cap and none ever looked their age. My dad still looked younger than 88 when he passed. In fact, my spouse looks about 10 years younger than his friends. He also has almost no gray hair at age 70. Maybe aspects to the moon make a difference.
Tim Walz was born 10 days before me, unfortunately no TOB to be had as of yet, so a comparison to my own recent experiences in probably not useful.