Kamala Harris – a shaky replacement

Kamala Harris has been endorsed by Joe Biden in his belated withdrawal from the presidential campaign with other senior Democrats pitching in support.  But the delegates of the convention  on 19 August are not legally bound to back Harris. If one candidate steps forward to oppose Harris, the dam could break and several others could enter the race. Given that the convention opens on a Full Moon square Uranus divisions and upsets seem more than likely.  Harris is not universally popular with a shaky track record; though there will be issues around the handover of Biden’s campaign war chest which may be influencing endorsements of her at the moment.

  She looks like a sure bet to lose if she leads the race. Tr Neptune will be in a discouraging square to her Mercury/Saturn midpoint now to early September. Tr Neptune then is square her Sun/Saturn and Moon/Saturn midpoints through September to mid October.

   She also has a catastrophic-setback tr Uranus conjunct her Mars/Saturn midpoint late November to late December; repeating in spring 2025. Tr Uranus conjunct her Jupiter through this phase will tug on her Neptune which will probably undermine Jupiter’s lucky touch. Tr Saturn is also hovering around the blocked, high-tension opposition to her Uranus, Pluto Venus in Virgo throughout this year and early 2025.

  Her relationship chart with the USA is edgy and aggravated. With Joe Biden the relationship with the US had a degree of affection alongside anxieties; and with Trump there is a fairly well knit-together bond along with doubt and disappointment.

 Trump’s relationship with Kamala has implacable dislike with a composite Sun, Mars, Pluto, Venus conjunction – which won’t subside until well after the election is over.

 Barack Obama has hints of disappointment in his relationship chart with her.

  The summer of churning chaos looks like continuing.

194 thoughts on “Kamala Harris – a shaky replacement

  1. I would like to encourage all of those in the UK, that if they can possibly do so to please donate blood because the NHS blood stock is dangerously low.

    I was shocked to learn that although in their words, ‘You have lost a significant amount of blood, but you won’t be getting a blood transfusion.’ After many days I am still breathless and exhausted. I am going to be having a procedurevin a few weeks. I doubt it will occur if the blood situation hasn’t improved. And of course I am far from alone.

    Save a life, give blood!

    • Are you feeling any better, Linda? I’m so glad to see you post. I’ve been concerned about you.

      Wish I could give blood — I’m in the US, of course, but had an old case of hepatitis so no one wants my blood!

      Wishing you a complete and rapid recovery!

      • Thanks Nicole, I am getting there. We still don’t know what exactly caused the haemorrhage to have started. I have to have another MRI at another hospital and then see the results of that and have a procedure to take a peek at my uterus.

        It is taking longer than I thought to feel better. I am just grateful that the iron transfusion at least stopped the bleeding, and I will be taking iron tablets for three months and then having a blood test to determine if I will still need to take them.

        We all take it for granted that if we need a blood transfusion, that it will be available. But then earlier in that week I had a haemorrhage and the paramedics refused to take me in because the bleeding had stopped. I think they really need to look at their protocols, because I could have died quite easily.

        • @Linda, I just saw this. When we get older recovery takes longer, alas. I’m so glad to see you’re starting to feel better. I think the medical systems in both the US and UK — where I was so impressed with the NHS when I lived in England in the ’60s — desperately need radical overhauls to provide better, more consistent care for more people at lower costs. Sending you lots of healing energy! Happy to see you on here!

  2. Thank you, Marjorie, for your comments regarding bashing of fellow astrologers; no other astrologer seems to get talked about on your site except Jessica Adams. All of the nasty comments are projections. Her Comment policy very clearly states: ” Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means that your comment or question may never receive a reply.” The person quite conveniently denigrates Jessica about her psychic abilities without reading the comment policy. Ad hominem attacks should not be tolerated. Knowing Jessica as I do, I can tell you that she is not egotistical or manipulative. She is the exact opposite – a kind, understanding, compassionate person. The recognition and fame that she receives is due to her being exceptionally good at what she does. If people are jealous of her fame, then deal with it, cope with it. But do not project yourselves, deal with your shortcomings.

    • But people also have their opinions according to their own experiences just as you do, and we have to take it or leave it. We can’t tell people how to feel about a particular matter or person. It is clear to see that as long as comments don’t cross the line too far this is a pretty democratic forum. We all respect that.
      Take it or leave it @C Ryan

      • That’s the point, some people do not respect that, and we have to point it out to them that they have crossed the line. Ad hominem attacks should never be tolerated.

  3. Was the Cap moon on Sunday conjunct something significant in US chart? Because it feels like a switch was flipped ($, new voters and new volunteers) and that this is now a new country…IMO.

    • Yes. It was at 29 Capricorn opposition Sun 29 Cancer so conjunct the US’s natal Pluto. I had a feeling it would be a significant full moon for that reason.

    • I’m definitely feeling the change in energy, too, as are many friends. No longer feeling so “jangled!” Something certainly shifted.

      • agree. i feel big big changes coming. said big blue wave and it will be. after that a much more realigned usa politically more in tune with the times and the young. a big recalibration in the relationship with Israel. a more open dialogue with perceived “foes”. i think kamala will be extremely flinty indeed and is her own woman.

        • I hope you’re right, Anna. The energy definitely has shifted, for multiple reasons and in many ways. I hope it does bring peace and healing, but that remains to be seen.

  4. Hi Marjorie,

    I admire your stance on wishing to keep the focus on astrology and away from politics in your comment section. However, I find the bashing of fellow astrologers, in this feed and others, as also misplaced and frankly distasteful.

    • I have mixed feelings. Personally I never comment on other astrologers unless it is complimentary, partly because it doesn’t seem professional. Also I don’t read/listen to other astrologers on the web since I get distracted – I always assume they may be right, so it is safer sticking to what is under my nose – and then I only have myself to blame if it is a misinterpretation.
      But I recognize that others are interested in reading across a selection of astrologers and I am loathe to issue a blanket interdite about commenting on their experiences since it can be helpful to others.

  5. Nicole,
    Neptune on Biden’s Inauguration chart is crucial since tr Saturn is exactly conjunct the 2021 Neptune squaring the Nodes as he makes his exit.
    His own personal chart is undermined by multiple Neptune influences this year.
    May to early September tr Neptune opposes his Mercury/Pluto midpoint.
    Late May to mid July tr Pluto square his 10th house Neptune, repeating in January 2025.
    September to mid October tr Pluto square his Sun/Neptune midpoint.
    He also has a catastrophic tr Uranus square his Mars/Saturn midpoint exactly now and again throughout October (and spring 2025) which Kamala Harris has late this November to late December.
    The Neptune influences will all affect his cognitive functioning. Whether it makes him incapable – who knows? Since he won’t be involved in any public debates they may be able to cover it up and the machine keeps running.

    • Thanks, Marjorie. I thought Biden looked very frail, post-Covid, his voice weak, when he delivered his speech from the Oval Office Wednesday night. But it was an excellent speech delivered in his typical, not-very-eloquent way, referencing his stuttering, read from a teleprompter, as most pols do.

      I hope Biden stays healthy for all our sakes. Still, he has an excellent, competent team around him capable of wielding the tools of policy and power. Reagan’s team managed to hide or mitigate his Alzheimer’s the last years he was in office, though a friend who had a White House meeting with him in person later told me Reagan seemed genuinely out of it.

      About Kamala — of course she deserves strong scrutiny, as any major candidate does. But it’s the quality of the scrutiny that I think matters, especially now. Women candidates for high positions — or good jobs — in the US tend to attract particularly vicious, often scurrilous attacks unwarranted by their records and are held to a different standard. I worked in the Governor’s race in Virginia for the first woman candidate in the mid ’90s. She was a highly competent, successful two-term attorney general, yet what mattered was that she’d never married. She endured untrue allegations about her sexuality and vicious rumors — and lost. I don’t see that much has changed in US politics in how high-powered women are treated — viz. Hillary Clinton, Nikki Haley. The content of the attacks have changed somewhat, but not their nature.

      I hope the US is ready to elect a woman as president, especially over a deeply flawed, unpopular felon, but I wouldn’t bet on it. But I’m loving all the Childless Cat Lady memes and plan to snag myself a tee-shirt (especially since I actually am a Childless Cat Lady).

  6. I am not a great believer in blaming faulty data for what appear to be wrong predictions. Looking back on Kamala Harris’s career, her elevation to California DA and her VP in 2020 show up as successful times in her life. So her birth time is probably OK.
    Being handed the presidency is enough to give anyone a panic attack which may explain some of her Neptunian uncertainties. But best to wait and see.
    Further thought – the fact that Trump is everything not to be desired in a public servant does not absolve the other side from scrutiny and, where relevant, criticism. Politics should not be the evil of two lessers.

      • Somebody or other used this expression before an election when both candidates were less than ideal. Not that Kamala Harris should be put on a par with Trump but just because you think he is awful doesn’t mean her flaws don’t get an airing.

    • Always uphill battles for women like Kamala. I have faced my own uphill battles my whole life as a career woman as well. I love the fact that she wears pants suits. I was quick to adopt those, as I think the whole skirted suit is not practical. I have been tested and challenged by multiple male teams all my life. I manage multiple male teams now (we all get along fine) – but I think I have to own my Mars and Pluto and not project it. I also have Jupiter on my Descendant. I am going to go look at Kamala’s Mars and Pluto. In my own life – Mars / Pluto dry out that strong Neptune signature I have. Virgo vs Pisces – and Pluto is in Virgo conjuncting my north Node – so had to learn to own it (or other wise he shows up in a lesson).

      I think there may be a lot of Knives out going on. Some of the old school frat boys are going to have a hard time with it. Her VP choice is going to be important. I love the fact she is a fighter (Mars) and has a strong sense of Justice (Jupiter) and I am going to go look at that again. So, Neptune undermining can come in many forms, including rumor mills.

      But, I am sure she has been through this before. I am sure she can be tough when it counts. I think as one lady said “Ya’ll Queda” is going to have a hard time with her. See – that is the good thing about Southerners – if you act like an idiot they will make fun of you.

      • I am sure this has already been said, but saying it again. Her Jupiter (Law, Justice, Philosophy) is being activated by Uranus all Year (interesting – it conjuncts my Sun), and she has an advanced Jupiter at 24 degrees. Jupiter in the 11th house. Advanced Mars in Saggittarius – truth teller, legal careers, and ruled by Jupiter, in a friendly 3rd house. Uranus, Pluto in Virgo.

        The fact she is a lawyer – makes sense. She has seen these fights before.

      • @LizM, see my response to Marjorie above. I agree with you. The US treats strong, competent women abominably, politicians especially.

        From my perch in Southern California, I sense the energy has shifted from resigned fear of another, devastating Trump term to hope that we now have a fighting chance. My sense is that something more has changed as well — hence my growing interest in astrology and long-term trends.

        Despite my cynicism about politics, developed over more than 30 years working in campaigns and retail politics, I’m seeing new enthusiasm among young people and women of all stripes who previously seemed resigned to Trump’s return. Now I’m sensing we can do this, though it will be tough, close — and probably violent. It’s restored my long-term belief, reinforced over and over, that one person can make a difference — and that together all those “one persons” can save the world. (I guess I haven’t totally lost my altruism and the naivete I thought I never had, growing up in the excesses of the ’60s.)

        • LoL–growing up I the 60s in Southern California probably made many, many an idealist! (Talking about ME).

          I always see interpretations of Jupiter as being about things enlarging. I’d love to read examples of it’s place in relationship to justice and spirituality.

          • @KG, I grew up in the DC suburbs with liberal northern White parents but in what was still the segregationist South, in the midst of the civil rights movement. At 13 “friends” threatened me with having a cross burned in front of my house because of my own activism and the fact my sister was a civil rights worker in Mississippi. I was in the midst of it, skipping school to picket the White House.

            At that time now-liberal SoCal was a hotbed of right-wing conservatism, home to the John Birch Society.

  7. Its so bizarre because the predictions aren’t matching what we are seeing with the early days of her campaign, if she keeps this up she will beat Trump easily. Are we sure her birth details are accurate? plus the wheels have totally come off Vance already. Republicans are already having doubts amid his record low polling.

    • Chances are that all the excitement surrounding Kamala is due only to it’s being the “honeymoon phase.” She is being welcomed in and flaunted over as a refreshing replacement to Biden, whom everyone seem to know was deteriorating — whether they were willing to admit it or not. As soon as the blush is off the rose, one would imagine that Kamala would need to start defending herself against her own record, or lack thereof. Nevertheless, younger voters of the digital generation don’t seem to be interested in government and/or the issues as much as they are influenced by the bling. Perhaps, on that front, Harris will continue to shine in spite of the fact that she doesn’t have a very impressive track record. It’s easier to mask one’s errors when people are preferring to focuses on superficial traits and willing to overlook (or not even notice) accomplishments of lack thereof.

  8. 38,500 new voters registered since the announcement. Majority are young adults, 18-35–IIRC. This is great for democracy! Where/what chart by which can we see this surge and enthusiasm? 11th house, I gather?

  9. I agree with Marjorie. The transits tell the story and there’s no denying it. I saw one of her political ads yesterday and she presented as very smug and arrogant and I don’t know of anyone personally that can stand her, or see beyond her track record in California. Her career-boosting affair with Willie is what many people associate with her.The Democrats will most likely lose the election if she is the front runner. And then all of the failure at the border that she has done little to nothing to solve/improve. But she is big on addressing people by their preferred pronouns! Thanks

    • Thanks for the convention chart Marjorie.
      Full moon in Aquarius is in a t-square to Uranus which looks like instability & confusion and perhaps chaos. Sun conjuncts Mercury retro,
      (it’s said events started during retrograde mercury don’t come to fruition or at least problems with Mercury related things, perhaps travel or speeches?)

      Jupiter is conjunct Mars squaring Saturn showing lots of frustration and resistance and during a transit like this it would be better to hunker down and wait until it passes.. Venus also opposes Saturn (money problems? Feeling unloved?) Should be quite a wild ride. I saw yesterday BLM put out a statement calling Democrats “the party of hypocrites.” Doesn’t sound like everyone is falling in line or that it’s a smooth sail to victory quite yet.

      Also the Moon is at 26 Aq and I like to progress the moon in event charts by one degree per month. In Nov it would be 29 Aq which is on Trump’s descendant and will be opposite Kamala’s SA ascendant. Not sure what that indicates if anything.
      Might be interesting to see the progressed moon in each candidate’s chart on Election Day and also Inauguration Day.

      • My guess is that much of her meteoric rise comes from the men in her life — first Willie Brown, then Doug Emhoff (he’s an entertainment lawyer providing Hollywood connections). Emhoff may be the power behind the throne who works hard behind the scenes–even getting her into the vice presidency. Remember she was getting about 2-3% of the primary vote while in the presidential race of 2020. She had to drop out quickly. Even in California, she polled very low.

        American politics has obscene amounts of money which means getting noticed, not getting votes. You can outspend your opponent by 5 to 1 and easily lose. Not just women, but short men (and bald men) seem badly handicapped. The shortest pres in my lifetime was Jimmy Carter at 5″10″, but all recent ones are 6′ or more. Putin, Sarkozy or Macron probably could not be elected here.

        • This still doesn’t dispute the facts though, within 72 hours she has raised 200 million, a new record. 40 thousand people have registered to vote and she has made a slogan ‘not going back’ go viral. She is leading Trump in some polls and neck and neck with him in the rest. Vance has got the worst VP polling in history so depending on who Harris picks this is looking like an easy win for her. Her birth time must be wrong because literally nothing we are seeing backs up the predictions .

    • “I don’t know of anyone personally that can stand her, or see beyond her track record in California.”

      We were not supposed to discuss opionions here, but really, bur looking at poll numbers, this only means you either don’t know any Black women or who ever you interact with do not feel free talking about politics around you. Probably both, given the current political climate in the US.

      I’m not in the US myself, but have worked for US companies and with Americans for the best part of the last 5 years.
      And to be honest, I have no idea on political views of any of the DOZENS of Americans/US based people I have interacted with, even beyond business, besides a couple of jokes made about Biden’s age. This is such a stark difference to Europe, where policy issues, if not politics, are a very big part of the business discussions, too.

      • Thanks Solaia. My friend’s dtr in law worked for KH in Cali and now she’s working at the WH. Dtr in law said she is an amazing boss. All the old tropes are resurfacing – “cackling, harpie, nag.” But I did not see the “childless” attack coming. That must be so painful for so many women to hear. So struck by how Usha is processing her husband’s beliefs and comments. This must be in the astrology somewhere but I don’t know where to find it.

        • The childless attack was used in the UK in 2016, when the Conservative Party was electing a new leader after Cameron’s resignation in the immediate aftermath of the Brexit referendum.

          Surprisingly, the attack was made by one female candidate (Andrea Leadsom) on another (Theresa May). And the backlash was so ferocious that Andrea Leadsom had to drop out of the race within hours, leading to Theresa May becoming Conservative Party leader and consequently Prime Minister (at the time, they were the two finalists in the race).

          Many people had remarked at the time that such remarks would have been particularly hurtful if the couple had suffered from the pain of infertility in private, rather than the childlessness being by choice.

          • Yes, I remember that. My husband shares my Plutonic visceral revulsion to Vance, which is unusual for him as a detached Aquarian. He’s angry about the barren remark to the point of shouting this morning! Also, the childless cat lady stuff isn’t a million miles away from the old tropes from 1690s Salem.

          • There’s been some response. ‘Cat ladies – stand back and stand by’ on X.

            And Minnesota Gov and Democrat, Tim Walz slammed JD Vance with:

            “My God, they went after ‘cat people,’ good luck with that! Turn on the internet and see what cat people do when you go after ‘em.”

          • My impression of Andrea Leadsom was of how having children impacted and influenced her views on many issues, that might not have happened if she had never had any children. She was careful to point out that while May didn’t have any children of her own, she was sure that the nieces and nephews in the family would influence her views.

            Personally, it is a rare woman that doesn’t take her children’s needs and interests into account. So while Leadsom might have got some flack for the comment concerning May’s childlessness. Given her performance as PM, I think it was a valid point. Especially as May milked the fact of their sadness over being childless.

            As at this point it was Tory politicians that would be making the decision of the two prospective candidates for the membership to vote on, it was hardly rocket science that a long serving Home Secretary woukd win it over a lesser member of the Cabinet.

            By stepping down Leadsom was rewarded with two roles in the government, which I can no longer remember what they were. Obviously May considered her more of a threat and responded accordingly. Leadsom accepted because that was a way of accelerating her career. It is all politics at the end of the day.

  10. Kamala Harris’s Mars-Saturn midpoint is conjunct Trump’s midheaven.

    Both that midpoint and Trump’s midheaven were activated by the recent Mars-Uranus conjunction (when Trump got shot).

    When tr Uranus hits that midpoint later this year, it’ll be the third time it’s gone over it. The first time was at the end of May, that was when Trump got convicted on 38 counts

    So that midpoint is connected to Trump being eliminated one way or another. Perhaps the third time involves Trump’s electoral defeat.

  11. The Countess of Salisbury, Ann Boleyn, Catherine Howard and Jane Rochford who were all executed while Pluto was in Aquarius might have thought it was not necessarily a gentle period for women. The same applied during Plutos next visit to Aquarius at the time of the French Revolution when large numbers women were executed during the Terror including Marie Antoinette, numerous female members of religious orders and many aristocratic ladies. I don’t think Pluto in Aquarius is necessarily good for women at all, particularly if they are in the elite echelons of society.

    • What about the witchcraft trials Hugh-were those on Pluto in Aquarius? Is it a way of disenfranchising women economically first and foremost through whatever means.

      • From wiki: Conducted in Salem, MA February 1692 thru May 1693. The earliest recorded witchcraft execution was that of Alse Young in 1647 in Hartford, Connecticut, the start of the Connecticut Witch Trials which lasted until 1663.

        So, would need geographic coordinates for most accurate astro chart.

        • Witch hunts tend to be under outer planet mutable emphasis, Neptunian, Uranian events mostly involving Sagittarius. The ‘Malleus Maleficarum’ by the German inquisitor Heinrich Kramer was published in 1486 when Uranus, Saturn and Neptune were in Sagittarius while Pluto was in Libra. Witch hunts in the British Isles reached a peak during the English Civil War. In 1646 when Matthew Hopkins was doing his thing in the East Anglian counties, Neptune was in Sagittarius in square to Pluto in Gemini. By the end of that year, Uranus was in Sagittarius too. The Salem events began when Neptune was in Pisces whil Uranus was in early Gemini. Mars was in Gemini too when the trials began in February 1692, opposing Saturn in Sagittarius. The Gemini emphasis is interesting, given that the accusers were children and teenagers and that they spoke in unknown languages.

          • “The Gemini emphasis is interesting, given that the accusers were children and teenagers and that they spoke in unknown languages.”

            Was it ever established what alleged unknown languages were spoken? Since the speakers were children, could they not have picked up a few words of the local native American language? I once knew Pentacostals who enjoyed “speaking in tongues” but it was just jibberish.

            Thanks for bracketing the events w/outer planet movements.!

          • It may have been that at the time, that would be how the girls’s babbling was perceived, as an ‘unknown language’ but it could be that they picked up words from the languages of local Indigenous Americans or from the slaves who were owned by their families. Tituba for instance, the first woman to be accused who was probably an indigenous South American, kidnapped as a child, eventually bought by Reverend Samuel Parris from Barbados when she was a teenager and taken to Massachusetts in 1680. Tituba knew of and possibly practiced a kind of folk magic.

          • Hi Virgoflake. So fascinating! Thanks! Where was Ceres? A former prof mentioned (the 90’s) that there was a theory that the corn crop in Salem was contaminated with something (??) that could have caused erratic behavior. Has anyone heard or read about this?

          • Aim, that might be Ergot, a fungus that infects Rye. If it was not discovered and got into the bread Ergot poisoning was the result causing skin problems, convulsions, twitching and hallucinations, quite common during the Middle Ages across Northern Europe, ‘Holy Fire’ or St Anthony’s Fire.
            It was also used as an abortifacient in folk medicine.
            I have not heard of it having any connection with the Salem Witch Trials before.

        • Virginia, Tituba managed to save herself by confession and deflection. She would have been more than aware of how her ethnicity and status meant that she would inevitably be viewed with suspicion and scapegoated. She caused confusion by making accusations against individuals outside of Salem. Her testimony was fantastical involving as it did a number of magical creatures, talking animals and bewitched creatures. Because she appeared at a number of trials to give evidence for the prosecution, she was therefore useful and managed in the end to avoid execution. Instead, she remained in Boston Gaol for a further year, which had appalling conditions because her owner, Samuel Parris refused to pay her jail fees. In 1693, she was eventually sold to another owner, but Tituba had claimed that Samuel Parris had beaten her into her confessions. After that, we don’t know what happened to Tituba.

    • in reply to the rgot question but no reply buttons on anyone…This is from the US Forest service and fascinating!The ergot fungus contains a number of highly poisonous and psychoactive alkaloids, including lysergic acid (LSD), which was synthesized from the ergot fungus in 1938 by chemist, Albert Hoffmann.

      Ergot poisoning is a proposed explanation of bewitchment. Most historians today believe that the witchcraft trials that led to thousands of deaths and burnings at the stake in Europe during the Dark Ages were likely related to outbreaks of ergot poisonings. The unfortunate victims of the Salem witch trials of 1692 also exhibited symptoms of ergot poisonings. Ergotism is rare today due to careful screening of cereal grains.

  12. I know it is late in the game on this, but a quick glance at her solar return for this October has a tight Sun focal point yod in the 9th (close to the MC), Pluto in the 1st, Mercury in the 10th and Mars in the 7th. Wherever she ends up, it will be a powerful year — unlike the last few.

    Many thanks to everyone for posting and to Marjorie for allowing the long feed.

    • Incredibly late comment but I would like to mention a column by Professor Hector Schamis from the University of Georgetown on the self destruction of the Democratic Party that when they are divided before an election they create the ground for a Republican victory, it happened with McCarthy and Ted Kennedy, worth the read as he explains the “Iron Rule”.

  13. Speaking astrology: What this discussion made me to do was to pull out some of the old charts I’ve done for inaugurations, coronations etc. Because I’ve always been more of an event chart than a personal chart type of an astrology enthusiast (and likely someone with a strong personal chart bias would see this on my chart).

    Interestingly, the Presidential Inauguration chart that caught my eye wasn’t one of the US ones, but Finnish President Kekkonen’s (born 1900) 4th term from 1978. Kekkonen, who had bent term limits, had suffered two strokes during the term, the first one covered by a “flu”, but the second one in August 1981 leading to resignation. Stunningly, this chart has Neptune in Sadgittarius squaring a Sun/Mercury/Venus conjunction in Pisces. Retrograde Uranus trines the same conjunction. But the most important element, to me, is Mars on Ascendant. Early to the term, the Soviet Union suggested joined military exercise with the Finnish Armed Forces, swiftly denied by Kekkonen. But later, Kekkonen’s last PM, Social Democratic Mauno Koivisto, refused to resign, up to that point something PMs had done up to that point given semi-presidential system that inspired DeGaulle. Koivisto, a staunch parliamentarian, became President after extraordinary elections early 1982.

    And how does this relate to the US situation? Well, the 2021 Inauguration Chart, which one would expect, by all accounts, be similarly “Neptune driven” if Biden was, indeed, in fatal cognitive decline, isn’t that at all. Neptune is relatively marginal in what’s essentially a chart marked by Aquarius/Taurus squares (and haven’t we ALL felt that?), forming a sextile to Venus and Ascendant. There’s also an Uranus/Venus trine, which baffled me, because I predicted a female VP, but not as publicly invisible as Harris has been, but now, that too makes A LOT of sense.

    As for 2025 Inauguration, if it takes place regularly, the focal point is Mars on IC opposing Sun/Pluto on MC, which is, I have to admit, slightly terrifying. But, there is also a mostly well aspected Venus/Saturn in Pisces at 11th house of Parliament, which makes me think that there is a push, and also means, to protect reproductive rights. And, the subsequent 2029 chart has stroke me as truly transformative since I first saw it. But we’ll have to get there first.

    • Neptune is pretty strongly marked in Biden’s Inauguration of 2021 being within a few minutes of a degree exactly square the North South Node axis. And Neptune is also conjunct the midpoint of Sun/Mars and Sun/Uranus.
      Neptune conjunct Sun/Mars points to illness, undermining of vocational situation, a weak husband.

      • Marjorie, does that mean anything in terms of Biden’s health or his ability to complete his term? Or impact on Kamala? Or how do you interpret the impact of Neptune here? Thanks!

  14. My layman interpretation is that all the pomp and pageantry over Harris is about to get a shocking twist before the Convention. Even more so than Felon Don’s near assassination. So my belief of Whitmer being the nominee still stands.
    Marjorie is more than welcomed to tell me this is nonsense.

  15. Just to show that everything goes in cycles, including astrology of course. Flicking through American Notes by Charles Dickens (1842) he has this to say about political shenanigans and the media, while on a visit to Washington. We now have access to much more media, back in the 19th century it was mostly newspapers, pamphlets, and so on. Somehow reassuring, if disheartening, to see that things haven’t changed much!

    “I saw in them, the wheels that move the meanest perversion of virtuous Political Machinery that the worst tools ever wrought. Despicable trickery at elections; under-handed tamperings with public officers; cowardly attacks upon opponents, with scurrilous newspapers for shields, and hired pens for daggers; shameful trucklings to mercenary knaves, whose claim to be considered, is, that every day and week they sow new crops of ruin with their venal types, which are the dragon’s teeth of yore, in everything but sharpness; aidings and abettings of every bad inclination in the popular mind, and artful suppressions of all its good influences: such things as these, and in a word, Dishonest Faction in its most depraved and most unblushing form, stared out from every corner of the crowded hall.” online-literature.com

    • @Jane, you called it right. American politics have always been vicious, going back to the founding, with (sometimes accurate, often inaccurate) scurrilous allegations about candidates, presidents and other elected officials. The only thing that’s changed is the form they take and how they’re propagated. Thomas Jefferson was subject to some of the worst, well beyond the true claims of his long-time affair with his slave Sally Hemings, which was fairly common practice in that era.

      And thank you for your recommendation of getting outside and enjoying nature as a good distraction for the anxiety of these fraught times.

      • At a slight tangent, I read somewhere online (probably Twitter) that Sally Hemings was Thomas Jefferson’s wife’s half-sister (though a slave nonetheless) and greatly resembled his wife. Not sure if it is true, but an interesting dynamic in that relationship.

        • Yes, it’s true. Sally was his wife’s half-sister, born to Martha Wayles Skeleton Jefferson’s father and a slave, Betty Hemings.

    • @Jane: I’ve read the book, cover to cover, years ago. Dickens traveled thru the (then) mid-west, now present-day upper Ohio River region . The descriptions of people were not very flattering, the wasteland of uprooted forests and sloven homesteads was unrelenting. America, back then, had no real, unique culture of its own but took what was European and repurposed it for its own.

  16. My penny’s worth : It’s not clear to me at all, but that Saturn conjunct MC afflicted by Neptune in the 6th House (whole-signs) in a roundabout way – square Mars square Jupiter – is confusing, and probably explains a degree of incompetence.
    I’m not sure enough voters could be persuaded she would make a viable US President.

  17. Also, 26k people signed up to volunteer for her! Would that be her Jupiter in her 11th house being activated now? And with this massive money haul, is that a 2nd house issue? Doors are flying open for her… gaining money and delegates pledging without chaos. Is there one place to look for all of this instead —just her 10th? Also, seems so smart that Biden waited until after Vance was confirmed since Vance doesn’t bring in any new voters and now KH is in such sharp contrast to his views about women.

  18. It strikes me that if the astrology is correct it’s still hard to read, particularly in this situation. Whichever candidate wins will inherit a country that appears to be tearing apart at the seams. That hardly seems like a personal victory or something to celebrate. I am seeing others say that beginning in 2020 Harris was entering a 12 year period of increased importance. That does seem consistent with winning the presidency. I also don’t consider this grasping at straws, even if it does coincide with my personal wishes.

    • There is always the dark horse theory to vote on. Or else, remain at home with a bowl of chips & dip during Election night, allowing Don the Con & Family to slide into the presidency.

      On Fox News, Vance touted his vision on women in this country, “…women like Kamala Harris who haven’t given birth are “childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives,” and have “no direct stake” in America.”


      Marjorie’s original assessment, “It is not hard to depict Vance as a rank opportunist who saw obeisance to Trump as the only path forward in today’s Republican party. There are also Vance’s close ties to Silicon Valley money. His 2022 Ohio Senate campaign was largely funded by Peter Thiel, the west coast venture capitalist and early Trump adopter. Vance’s selection was greeted enthusiastically by Elon Musk, a friend of Thiel, who only endorsed Trump two days earlier following his near miss in Pennsylvania.”

      Vance’s vision of women caters to Trump’s.

  19. Steve Judd posted a video which is very positive about Kamala’s prospects.
    Sometimes it feels like astrology is a Rorschach blot..

    • Wait, watch and see. Astrology is an inexact science/art/craft/skill. Asking different astrologers the same question hoping for a different answer is all too tempting.
      Living with uncertainty is not easy. But the time will reveal itself – after which the astro-autopsy can get under way. What worked and what didn’t.

  20. Harris has a strong connection to the natal Moon of the US – at 27 Aquarius. Her Saturn is conj., her Moon is sextile and her Sun is trine the US Moon. Could this give her a connection with the American people? – (a connection that had not manifested to date).

  21. from uk daily mail
    Plan by party brokers to get rid of president has been in the works for weeks

    does astrology tell us who specifically was involved?

  22. Sigh. And only 29 days to the Dem Con and 100 days plus to the election followed by ten weeks of squabbling through the electoral college and on to the Inauguration. At which point I can guarantee someone will start angst-ing about the next Mid Terms.

    US election obsession is something someone needs to find medication for.

    Can I humbly suggest that comments from now on unless containing useful facts are restricted to astrology and not opinions or high hopes.

  23. Pelosi has now endorsed Kamala

    No one has proposed this but I think Pete Buttigieg would be an excellent VP
    The pair are so so smart & good at communicating

    It’s too bad that people are so hung up on race and sexuality-so I know it won’t be Pete, but I think he’d be great.

    • @KG, shortly after Pete became Secretary of Transportation my first thought was that the Democratic ticket for this year would be Kamala and Pete this year but I had no idea that Trump would maintain the grip he has on the GOP and run again this year.

      It would be an ideal ticket astrologically but there is too much at stake to risk a ticket with a woman of color as the president and an openly gay man as the VP.

      Pete is young enough that he could wait until 2032 to run for president and Kamala could allow him to continue as Secretary of Transportation if she is elected.

      If Kamala picks say Roy Cooper who is 67 as her VP and she wins, maybe he won’t want to serve another term and she can pick Pete as her running mate in 2028.

      By then we will be firmly into Pluto in Aquarius so maybe openly gay men will be more accepted.

  24. Curiously Looking: Yes, I was focused on the convention per se, not the lead-up/assassination attempt, which definitely was incendiary.

  25. I am not astrology-savvy like some of the people here, but I understand that astrology seems to be mixed. Kamala Harris would avoid a landslide victory for Republicans, but it would not ensure victory for Democrats. Nancy Pelosi and Obama are political geniuses, and there is a reason they do not endorse Kamala. After last week’s convention, most Democrats had their spirits broken over a possible Trump presidency, so yesterday’s news at least brought energy back. I would wish for an open convention with all the best candidates coming forward, and Gretchen Witmer-Mark Kelly would be my dream ticket.
    PS: Btw, Biden is one of the finest public servants America has ever produced.

    • Nancy Pelosi endorsed Harris within 24 hours from Biden’s announcement to withdraw. What ever she had planned, didn’t happen.

    • It’s very likely that they haven’t endorsed Harris yet to avoid appearing interfering with the nomination process, being the political powers that they are.

  26. It’s rare tha Marjorie says anything as (almost) definitive as Harris is a sure bet to lose, because the astrology could go multiple ways & there is lots to take into consideration. The indicators must be very strong.

    • I would wait until after the election results are in. As Bette has posted, tho the astrology appears mixed, “Kamala Harris would avoid a landslide victory for Republicans, but it would not ensure victory for Democrats.”

      On the JA website, neither Biden or Trump are definitive winners. Her premise is that this __is__ the beginning of woman-centric politics. Many here have mixed impressions of her, however. Searching for news to tell us what we want to hear is common enough but hopping from tea leaf reading to asapragus readers is really stretching it.

    • And she’s right many times…atleast I haven’t seen her fail once ..i as indian this year has high hopes that she would be wrong but she came out right despite a hung parliament n modi returned …her definitive stance wasn’t shocking in kamlas case since she has only race ..sorry to use…but her voters

  27. @Clarence, remember that town hall where DJT was physically hovering over Hillary? As horrible as it sounds, I think that was when he wan it for many until then undecided voters. This would not have happened with Biden.

    Kamala Harris isn’t a tall woman either, but she famously did get training to face the same kind of situation during the 2020 campaign.

  28. No comments on the astrology, but on a practical level, this was the best possible outcome for the Democrats. Kamala is stronger than she gets credit for, and she will eviscerate Trump in any debates (in the unlikely event he has the courage), and will only highlight his weaknesses through contrast. Also, as part of the original ticket, she will have access to the Biden-Harris war chest of ca. $100 million (on top of the $60 million+ she’s raised in the past 24 hours) from Day One. Trump’s fear at her ascendancy is evidenced by his crazed spewing on “Truth” Social all day yesterday and as soon as he woke this morning, and reports are that this was Republicans’ worst fear–that Biden would drop out, forcing them to run against someone younger and stronger, Republicans having crafted their entire campaign apparatus around the proposition that Biden is old and weak.

    There’s no question that Harris will face difficulty, regardless of the election outcome–in a country, and world, as misogynist and racist as ours, that is a given, and the presidency tends to chew people up under the best of circumstances, at least if they are sincerely trying to do the job well. (Trump is the exception, because he barely worked, had zero sense of responsibility for the country, was only in it for himself, and was too stupid and lacking in empathy to fully grasp the consequences of his own negligence and incompetence; in his case, ignorance really was bliss, relatively speaking.) I believe Harris is as ready for it as anyone can be, given the near-impossibility of the job at hand.

    Obama and Pelosi now appear to be the only major Democrats who have not endorsed Kamala. Smart politicians they may be, but I believe this reticence is more a function of their respective egos than it is of any true political calculation, and I can tell you that many in the Democratic based are outraged by this, especially since it’s well-known that these two ring-led the donor-driven move to oust Biden in the first place. They are on thin ice and are in danger of becoming irrelevant, to say the least. As a comparison, Tony Blair was, I believe, quite popular in his day, but who listens to him now?

    Also, Gavin Newsom would be an excellent running mate who could balance the ticket. He’s a skilled retail politican and an excellent debater, and I long to see him take on that pumpkin-headed twit, J.D. Vance. The problem of residency is easily solved: Harris can just officially change her residence to D.C., or one of the surrounding states, such as Virginia or Maryland. It’s been done before.

    • Newsome will never be on the same ticket as Harris—they are both from California. It’s an unspoken rule in U.S. politics that the President and Vice President candidates must come from different states and regions of the country.

      • It isn’t an unspoken rule, it’s an issue with the Constitution/Electoral College.
        That may have been one reason that Trump didn’t pick Rubio.

        It’s funny that I read that Trump wanted to pick Burgum as his VP but supposedly Eric and Jr. convinced him to chose Vance.

    • @Aim, though Nancy Pelosi has now endorsed Kamala Harris, the most reliable political news sites I read say that the reason that Obama, Schumer and Jeffries and other Dem eaders have not yet endorsed her is strategic. They want to keep the process open and transparent, leaving an opening for other potential candidates to emerge. They thus avoid the appearance that the party leadership are selecting the new nominee and forcing her down the throats of the rank-and-file. Now that she’s received commitments of support from over half the delegates needed — the minimum number is 1900+ and she’s already exceeded that today — I think we’ll see the party and congressional leadership quickly endorse her for the nomination.

      Makes sense to me. I never attended a national Democratic Convention but attended several in Virginia and California and they’re run with similar rules and procedures as the national.

  29. Very interesting to see the different analyses above, and especially from those in America and in different states – very interesting the point about a strong connection to US Venus… and I noted, as others did, KH’s ascendant conjunct her NN… in this twist-n-turn year of unexpected events I think KH might well be the next president of America

    • Better her than Trump for the sake of the world I think. At least she brings an energy to the Dems that has been missing up to this point with Biden. Maybe now the US media will start to take issue with Trump’s advanced age, though it seems doubtful since they have neglected it up to this point.

      • Exactly what I think. She brings in energy, a younger vibe, and now Trump is the one who is “old” and with his mental capabilities questionable, at best.

        • The assassination attempt has, in my opinion, put Trump on a downward trajectory mentally from PTSD. He will continue to decline right in front of our very eyes. It won’t be hard to miss. Expect the Republican Party to cover up for Trump as they realize how bad off he is.

          • I thought the same thing, PTSD, esp. because of his already questionable mental health. I think his 12th house would show something there, uncontrollable fears, anxieties? Maybe something happening in his P chart. Saturn is starting to transit his 8th at 22 Pisces soon. 8th house is a psychological house, too.

  30. Well, our friends in Europe need to remember the middle of the country is very different from the East Coast and the Left Coast. Maybe Andre had a correct analysis. I personally am ok with Kamala, heartbroken over Joe, but ok with Kamala. Clyburn has endorsed her, and that is big in my book.

    There was a tremendous backlash against Obama and we ended up with he who will not be named.

    She needs the right VP, and it needs to be a white guy, and I am sorry if it is not politically correct, but there it is. Although I came around to him, I only got comfortable with Obama after Joe became his VP, and he gave Hillary State. I was a Hillary Clinton supporter, and I did not like the way it all went down. It had nothing to do with race, but everything with the political maneuvering that went on, and the fact he was so new to government. To his credit he fired one of his campaign managers who called Hillary a “Monster”. That did not go over well with me.

    There is a deep legacy here- unfortunate – but there it is, and a chunk of the Trump supporters are going to have a problem with it if she wins.

    I like that she is smart. I like that she has been a prosecutor and an AG. I like that she is a fool to no one. She is a lawyer.

    As far as who has their finger on the nuclear trigger? I would so rather it be her. During the last DJT round this kept me up at night. It kept me up with Bush as well. I had bad dreams of Cheney throwing a nuke at IRAN. Came out later in reporting that he thought about it. That question really needs to be reformed.

    So, I can support her. Do some of the right wingers I know – would they fall in line? I am worried.

    Liz – reporting from one of the reddest states in the Nation.

    • Left Coast was a pure Freudian Slip. I meant to say West Coast. I did live in California for 5 and a half years – so I think I should get a hall pass for that one.

      • Thanks Solaia and Thanks Clarence,

        Biden should have run in 2016. It is going to be an interesting summer and fall.

        Traditional Media gives so many of us heartburn in the USA now. There are other sources – the rise of Substack has been interesting to watch. I am just going straight to Whitehouse.gov for information on this situation.

    • @LizM, thank you for sharing! What you wrote here aligns with what I’ve read on other platforms. People are absolutely devastated of what some of the party leadership and media have been doing to Biden. For me, as an outsider with a background in Media studies, it’s been especially painful to watch the so called “Liberal media” to act the way it does. I understand that efficient administration doesn’t offer big headlines and advertisement revenue the way the Trump presidency chaos did, but they definitely should understand that with the Republicans winning, they either won’t have jobs in 2028 or will be reduced to announcing transmission from the Ruling Party rallies.

      And while I did and do like Obama, I also understand some of the backlash he got. His administration was full of egocentric policy wonks he listened to for too long. And it’s actually a pity Biden wasn’t given a chance in 2016 – I’m confident he would have achieved a lot more, even globally.

      • Solaia, I am curious too what Biden in 2016 might have been able to accomplish had Obama and the Dems rallied behind him instead of the uninspired Hillary Clinton. Would be curious to see Biden’s astrology for then.

        I feel like he would have fared far better against Trump in that campaign, who would have been rendered a mere footnote in politics rather than empowered to become an unhinged narcissistic menace and scourge on a global stage. Plus a few years younger could have been a real difference maker for Biden—he did still have some pep and vigor then—and he could very well have been gracefully finishing out his second term now as one of the more successful progressive US presidents.

        Doesn’t seem that America was ready for a female lead—they chose big bad daddy instead. Are things different now? We will see.

        • One Californian told me that every time Kamala Harris fails at a job, she gets promoted upward. 11th House Jupiter must be what brings her so much luck! Do a lot of those with unexpected or unearned success in politics have this placement?

          Kamala was tongue-tied when Tulsi Gabbard debated her. She doesn’t study or think about all sides of issues. She’s not a deep thinker, which is different merely being intelligent. She projects a superficiality like a Sarah Palin (too heavy in air signs?) (Some never-Trumpers may end up voting for him. She thinks the only issue women care about is abortion, but lost that issue when Trump refused to allow his party platform to support an abortion ban.) I don’t think the issue is being a woman or her race; it’s the type of personality. Anyone who is president has a lot of detractors. Obama had gravity, so he could stand up to bullies and argue well.

          I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe Biden held off so long was because he knew that having to endorse her would be bad for the country. If the US were a tiny state or a tiny country, the consequences couldn’t be as bad. Too bad Biden’s son Beau died unexpectedly in 2015, and that his other son was in the worst of his addiction.

      • Weirdly, I’m seeing other astrological interpretations saying her aspects are really good for the election and 45’s are terrible. So I guess we’ll see. Nearly unanimous state delegates that were Biden’s are already being thrown to Harris, and huge sums of donations came in yesterday after the announcement. Even the voting PAC that was for Nikki Haley has said they’ll support Harris. The potential Democratic challengers are all coming out to publicly endorse her. The “too old” thing has now shifted to 45 since Biden is not the old and addled one anymore, and he still has sentencing for his felony conviction coming in September. I dunno, we’ll see if the current positivity I’m seeing on my social media feeds hold.

  31. Her North Node is conjunct her Ascendant, so there is a strong element of fate and destiny. We’re already seeing this play out – how often does an incumbent decide not to go for a second term and instead makes way for the Vice President?

    On election day (Nov 5th), Jupiter is at 20 Gemini 10, conjunct her NN and Asc, and Venus is opposite at 21 Sag 54. They send beneficial aspects to her Mars, Moon and Saturn.

    The only problem tr Pluto squaring her Moon (the aspect that did for Biden). Tr Pluto squares her Sun too, making a T-square, with tr Pluto in the 8th house (death?). Tr Uranus on her Mars-Saturn midpoint says death too, but at the same time tr Uranus is conj her natal Jupiter.

    So … she wins thanks to Jupiter and Venus on her nodes, but there is some sort of catastrophe at the same time?

    • What you wrote makes sense. I am sure autocrats will test her. Maybe something internal. I like her. Not so sure the rest of the country is ready.

      • This sounds truly awful, but it feels like she’s going to win but gets assasinated. Or someone near her gets killed. Or her getting the presidency is somehow associated with death. When tr Pluto squares the lights, there is some sort of struggle where you end up worse for wear.

        Who she chooses as Vice President is really important.

        • How about the other way around? Biden dies and dosen’t complete this term and she becomes President for a few months in 2024?

          • It’s possible.

            Kamala’s Moon is at 27 Aries 39, Biden’s at 0 Taurus 59. As tr Pluto goes back and forth, it’s been squaring first her Moon, then his, then hers, then his etc. That means they’ve both been under tremendous stress since Feb 2022.

            Perhaps she’s been running the country behind the scenes. Perhaps that’s why he’s endorsed her and shut down talk of a contested convention – it would be unfair if she did the work but didn’t get the job. Given that tr Pluto is in her 8th house, maybe it’s about inheritence not death. But then there’s tr Uranus on her Mars-Saturn midpoint pointing to death…

        • Interesting Candy. “Or someone near her gets killed,” or family member or someone close passes. Also Pluto first squared her lights FEB 3 2022, final pass was OCT 2023. “Transformation does not come w/o pain and struggle now, but whatever changes the person makes are profound and lasting. The person must try for flexibility, humility, and a willingness to flow with the current changes.” James Braha-How To Predict Your Future.

  32. Apparently a lot of you missed the part where Marjorie said Whitmer had Better transits over the Convention than Harris. The non endorsement from the Obamas and Pelosi(the sharpest political strategist in the modern era) speaks volumes. And several Governors have endorsed Harris so far, but Whitmer hasn’t yet!
    Oh by the way. Politicians who seriously plan to run for the Presidency historically typically release a memoir a couple months before the election. Now which one of the potential candidates timely released a book recently I wonder?!…Hmmm. Intriguing.

    • @Troy, Whitmer probably hasn’t endorsed simply because she is the Vice Chair of DNC. Which, obviously, makes her having great astrology passages during the Convention interesting in other ways.

  33. Gavin Newsome’s chart is lit up like a Christmas tree around the time of the election. I think it’ll be Trump versus Newsome. Trump will “win” but it will be a month or six weeks of serious fighting post election and we won’t know the winner until well into December. Mars will be retrograde from November 2024-February 2025. Fighting in the streets.

    • Newsom was one of the first high profile politicians to endorse Harris. They know each other from San Francisco politics and are friends, but she won’t be able to pick another Californian to her ticket, either.

  34. Most astrologers were predicting an off-the-charts incendiary GOP convention. That didn’t happen. The Repugnants crowned their king and prince in a fairly orderly manner. Trump’s endlessly idiotic speech notwithstanding, it all went off according to plan. I was expecting all kinds of wild and crazy out-of-the-blue surprises. Didn’t happen.

    • Nearly getting one endorsed candidate’s head blown off would have been enough fireworks, don’t you think? Most Conservative parties find party discipline easy when things get tough. And so it was, notwithstanding Trump’s reversion to his mean. And when you look at Trump’s chart, the fireworks were there, not in the GOP’s.

  35. In my last post, I wrote: « Beware the Vice President because she brings doom. » That does not think I believe she will not win. On the contrary, I believe she will defeat Trump more easily than most people expect. Trump will self-destruct in racist and misogynist rants while his mental decline will be there for all the world to see. Huge and possibly insurmountable problems will mount for Kamala after she is elected, among them poltical violence from those, and there will be many, who will not accept the result.
    This is supported by the astrology. First, the first woman President needs to have a strong connection to the US Venus. Her midheaven is exactly trine that 1776 Venus placement. Second, she will be, like Lincoln, elected under the last degrees of Neptune in Pisces, making her a President for the outcast and the oppressed, namely women (after Roe v. Wade) and persons of color. Third, no President since 1960 and the advent of television has been elected without a strong connection to the US Moon at 25 Aquarius natally or by transit. Natally, her Sun is at 27 Libra in a Full Moon at 27 Aries. Since she will be 60 this year, her SA Sun is at 27 Sagittarius. Her progressed Mercury is now at 25 Sagittarius. Most importantly, her Mars is at 21 Leo. Americans are fascinated by candidates with Mars in Leo. They tend to make strong and capable military leaders. (Biden has Mars in Scorpio, which is also effective.) Fourteen out of 46 American Presidents have had Mars in leo, which is statistically highly improbable. Kamala’s Sun and Moon favorably aspect her Mars.
    Above all, Kamala’s Saturn placement is the key to her chart. It is at 28 Aquarius conjunct the US Moon. Her Sun is trine, her Moon is sextile and Mars opposes her Saturn. This is a woman of destiny whose presidency will be marred by tragedy, hardship and conflict. It will begin in tragedy and sadness for Biden and his family. The coming transit of Saturn in Aries opposite her Sun, the US Uranus return and the Saturn-Pluto square in 2028 will make her term extremely troubled and difficult. Putin and Xi and other dictators will only have contempt for her. They will underestimate her at their mortal peril.
    Bottom line: Kamala wins hands down and will be a strong President. But there will be concern over her own authoritarian tendencies. Pluto will be conjunct the Sun at the next Inauguration. The next President will be authoritarian whoever is elected. Ironically, the Supreme Court in its recent decision on presidential immunity will provide legal cover if she decides to arrest Trump for inciting an insurrection. Either way, Trump will end his life in jail.

    • Thank you, Andre. Do you think states will attempt to secede? I do. Texas has some intense transits in 2028. Jessica Adams has written about states seceding based on upcoming Gemini (neigbors) transits.

      • I think some of the cray cray states might give it a try.


        By Vanessa Barford
        BBC News Magazine, Washington DC
        Norwegians use the word “texas” as slang to mean crazy, it has emerged. But when did this start happening, and how unusual is it?

        To most of the world, Texas is known as a big state in southern America.

        But to Norwegians, it is also a word that frequently crops up in everyday conversation – often in the phrase “Der var helt texas!” [That was very completely/totally texas!].

        The word is slang for “crazy” or “wild” and is used to refer to a chaotic atmosphere, Texas Monthly first reported.

      • Jessica Adams is the worst, she refuses to believe Trump’s birth certificate and talks in circles, pretty much saying nothing. I gave up on her a long time ago.

        • So did I. She’s made so many forecasts that, of course, never came to fruition (i.e. we’d all be using crypto by 2024 or some such nonsense). So then she backpedals like crazy and cherry picks “data” to prove her point. Plus, there’s a tone to her writing which makes it appear as though she is always, and will always be, right.

          Andre – Steve Judd on YouTube also made very similar remarks about Kamala.

        • She wrote that Kepler College has called it into question, as well. At one point, Trump said that he was born in July which gave her pause about the validity. He has said windmills cause cancer and that there were airports in 1775, so him saying July does seem to fit into a pattern of bizarre outbursts.

        • Agree with you 100%. I contributed to one of her astrology blogs and pointed out, politely, that Rodden had given Trump’s birth chart a AA rating. Nope, that still wasn’t enough for her to accept his chart as accurate.

          • Hi. She also wrote that she doesn’t accept Ivanka’s either. She wrote it’s because the family doesn’t have a good track record in terms of documents, in general; which I think is funny on her part.

        • Same. Plus she curates her comments so that they’re desperately grateful for her advice with her superior psychic powers. As if the Universe is going to tell her more about one’s destiny than the person themselves. Massively manipulative. She supposedly has time to give her psychic advice to (what she says) are 15k comments/questions- what on Earth would anybody do without her crucially important advice! (Sarcasm inserted here). She’s definitely an egotistical opportunist that is taking all that cash to the bank.

        • @Maggie, JA sure does talk in circles. People often cite her as predicting this or that, but it’s hard to see where they found this interpretations. I find her often so vague I don’t know what she’s on about.

      • Texas has been talking secession for years and years. I suspect they would not find the practical details of doing so easy to navigate, if at all. Unlike Britain and Brexit from the EU, a mostly economic disentanglement, with Britain being a functional, sovereign nation in its own right the entire time. Texas is not a sovereign entity and hasn’t been in nearly 2 centuries since it first joined the U.S.. They depend on the United States federal government for multiple functions—economic, defense, diplomatic relations with other nations, etc. Much of this would have to be established separately. Plus I suspect that Texas would not be able to maintain its appeal of low taxes without so many subsidies from the US. It very likely becomes a much less attractive place to live for many of the people who have flocked there in recent decades.

    • That is not a given as Trump has his own share of difficult transits near the election. It just suggests that Harris may not win the nomination as easily as people think. Her Pluto is squared by Mars in the run upto the Democratic Convention so I suspect she is not going to be every Democrats favourite choice. History suggests just simply running with a VP when a President resigns or does not stand for re-election may not be the best choice.

  36. The Democratic Convention is due to start on 19 August 2024. The charts for its opening is dominated by a Mars 19 Gemini conjunct Jupiter 17 Gemini square Saturn at 17 Pisces. Neptune will still be in orb of fixed star Scheat and Uranus under the rays of Algol.

    I note that as the Convention proceeds Mars will move to square transiting Venus at 20 Virgo on 22 August 2022. In addition Mars will be squaring the Pluto/Venus/Mercury at 20-21 Virgo in the 26 August 1968 Democratic Convention Chart. The Moon will also be passing over the 1968 Chiron as the Convention closes while transiting Chiron is approaching within 2 degrees of its conjunction with the 1968 Convention Saturn. Transiting Saturn at 17 Pisces will be directly opposite the 1968 Pluto/Jupiter Midpoint and opposing the stellium of Pluto/Venus/Mercury/Venus in Virgo in the 1968 chart.

    I suspect the switch from Biden to Harris is not going to proceed as smoothly as some Democratic supporters hope. In 1968 swapping incumbent President LBJ for his VP Hubert Humphrey did nothing to stop Nixon winning the Presidency for the Republicans.

    • “I suspect the switch from Biden to Harris is not going to proceed as smoothly as some Democratic supporters hope.”

      I actually think it’s the opposite. Supporters and delegates who were all in for Biden will continue being that also for Harris. However, some of the Democratic leadership and so called power players may be livid. Being perpetually online and having a history that will make messages of Dem organizers pop out even against Elon Musk’s algorithm, I read messages after messages of people VERY upset with Obama and Pelosi for forcing Biden’s hand and especially of not backing Harris immediately.

      We will also have to see what happens with Israel and Netanyahu. He is visiting Washington this week. This is, actually, a very divisive subject among the Democrats, but it’s worth to notice notable Left figures were vocally supporting Biden and all endorsed Harris too. They likely feel they have better chances having their concerns heard with Biden/Harris WH than their House, Senate, or Party leadership.

      • Well the members over ruling the party power players would be a Pluto in Aquarius theme which does support the wider collective. I am not so sure that Pluto in Aquarius necessarily signifies a female President as it is a masculine sign. If there are big power players who do not want Harris as nomination then there maybe opposition which is what the charts may be suggesting. I am just looking at the astrology and my interpretation may be wrong. We will all find out in due course.

        • Masculine and Feminine don’t necessarily mean literal male and female in astrology though. Capricorn is technically a feminine sign, but it did nothing for Hilary Clinton in 2016. I think it’s more important to understand the themes and qualities that each sign represents. Harris could turn out to be quite masculine in her expression of leadership, her gender notwithstanding.

          Pluto in Aquarius to me seems to suggest the time is ripe for very different leaders in power from those that have gone before. A half-Black, half-Asian woman certainly seems to fit that bill. Trump on the other hand seems to represent Pluto in Capricorn all too well—an aging yet still ruthlessly ambitious CEO man who, despite his victim story about being ostracized from the establishment elites, still has more wealth on hand than 99% of the population.

          If Pluto is the real determinant of power and its themes, being direct at 29 Cap on Election Day in the U.S. on its way into Aquarius suggests s loss for Trump, and a win for Harris. With the dissipating Capricorn Pluto energy, Trump and his political ambitions are finished. Something very new is being born with Harris, though who knows how far she’ll get with it herself.

    • “The charts for its opening is dominated by a Mars 19 Gemini conjunct Jupiter 17 Gemini square Saturn at 17 Pisces. Neptune will still be in orb of fixed star Scheat and Uranus under the rays of Algol.”

      I agree it won’t be straightforward, Hugh. I’ve been thinking that full Moon is potentially as potent as an eclipse too. It is conjunct Kamala Harris’ natal Saturn in Aquarius. While this might indicate the solemn responsibility of running for President, I am not sure. Further, her natal Venus/Pluto/Uranus line-up is emphasised by the Jupiter/Saturn square of the day. Since Mars is involved, legislative or legal issues could come up? She will just have had her Venus in Virgo return.

      Other hints of uncertainty all round in August – Trump’s natal Uranus is 17 Gemini, so exactly in line for the Jupiter/Saturn square and potential legal upheavals or argy-bargy. His natal Nodes are 20 Gemini/Sagittarius – Mars approaches, plus his own Sun 22 Gemini, Moon 21 Sagittarius. That Aquarian full Moon opposes his natal Mars in Leo. Angry women might come into this somewhere?!

      The chart for the first Presidential Inauguration in April 1789 has Uranus 1 Leo, so the Pluto transit is there. The ascendant is 28 Leo, so the Moon highlights the 7th house of open enemies, as well as alliances. That chart is about to have a Saturn in Pisces return too. All suggests rethinks or reorganisation – unsettled anyway. With the US July 4th Moon also in the later degrees of Aquarius, I suspect what’s unfolding will resonate significantly with the public.

      As Marjorie comments –
      “I had a fleeting non-astrological thought about a Biden withdrawal somehow pulling down Trump – a Laurel and Hardy act, not one without the other.”

  37. Speaking of potential challengers to Kamala Harris at the convention, there were news reports that West Virginia conservative Democrat (turned Independent) Joe Manchin was in the running.

    However, in an interview this morning on CBS News, Manchin stated he has no intentions of challenging Kamala Harris and he isn’t running for President at all.

    Honestly, our news media is becoming less reliable every day by reporting rumors and failing to fact check.

    • @Chris
      How can Manchin run for the Democratic nomination when he is no longer a Democrat?
      He really needs to go somewhere and shut up and enjoy his millions and sailing on his yacht.

    • Manchin is viewed by many Dems as a DINO (Democrat in Name Only) for his frequent obstruction of Biden’s plans early on by siding with the Republicans. Not well liked or respected outside of West Virginia, so his candidacy would likely be met with disgust and fall flat, were he to challenge Harris at the DNC. He has no chance as a contender.

  38. Harris with her Saturn in Aqua directly opposite Trump’s Leo Mars/Ascendant. Any battle between them will see her playing up her Aqua Saturnian as Donald’s Mars in Leo will cause her to project her own.

  39. Interesting to ponder that both Trump and Harris winning can be seen as illustrative of Pluto in Aqua. Trump as a king waiting to be taken down by the masses; Harris as the first female President.

  40. It would be interesting to see a relationship chart between her and Vance (or a pointer if one has already been posted). I still have an intuition that Trump may not contest it either.

    • Even worse – his Pluto conjunct her Sun and his Mars in Scorpio square her Mars in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius.. Relationship chart composite Mars Pluto square Saturn – nasty.

      I had a fleeting non-astrological thought about a Biden withdrawal somehow pulling down Trump – a Laurel and Hardy act, not one without the other.

      • @Marjorie, Trump’s first or second post at Truth Social after the switch was telling. He was angry at Biden for making himself the center of his attacks and making him spend money for nothing. Now, Elon Musk has promised to spend 45 million a week on the campaign, but Trump doesn’t like him and would likely pull a rug under him pretty fast once in power.

      • It’s the opposite, trying to pull Trump down made him stronger. The assassination attempt has brought more support to him now than ever. That, coupled with being lied to about Biden’s mental state is likely to bring a landslide for Republicans. His recent rally, after the attempt, was huge. His supporters believe that trying to take him down is synonymous with taking them down.
        About Kamala, I mentioned previously that her solar arc Pluto conjunct her Neptune (ruler of her midheaven) shows disappointment and perhaps shattering of dreams.

        • Maggie: It’s the opposite, trying to pull Trump down made him stronger.

          You mean holding him accountable?

          The only reason that Trump has had solid support is that his Cult has stayed faithful to their narcissist.

          And please don’t discuss mental states because it is obvious that every time Trump opens his mouth he doesn’t have all of his marbles.

          • Roderick: Marjorie said “ I had a fleeting non-astrological thought about a Biden withdrawal somehow pulling down Trump .”

            I was responding that the base is supporting him more than ever since the assassination attempt. I don’t see the “pulling down” that was her fleeting thought. The Biden withdrawal only throws Dems into chaos and doesn’t appear to be affecting conservatives.

            And please don’t assume I’m going to talk about mental states or anyone staying faithful to anyone. You went entirely off topic.

          • It’s really to each her own. I don’t see chaos within Dems at all. I see hundreds of millions being raised in less than 24 hours. Friends who texted me yesterday were so excited and jubilant. I feel a tremendous unification. Seems to be in alignment with the full moon. I haven’t been this excited since 2008. We all have different perceptions.

        • When it comes to SAs, you need to also consider that she is turning 60 and all her planets will sextile themselves, additionally she has some good trines going for her as well. Also, another interpretation of SA Pluto conjuncting one’s MH ruler is empowerment.

  41. Harris has an interesting chart. There’s something going on with nodes, Mars and Ascendant there, a great deal of Leo and Aries energy that must be uncomfortable for a Sun Libran.

    • @LisaV, oh, I find Librans with Leo and Aries actually deal with the energy pretty well. Libra is a Cardinal sign, but Sun Libras may find asserting themselves difficult. That’s certainly my case, my only Fire are Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Sadgittarius. Mars in Leo or Aries will fix that, as I saw with my ex and now see with my daughter.

      • I guess I am referring to something bigger than that for a potential US President: a mixture of fate, fire and things coming to light, given the solar arcs…. a direct and explosive, single minded energy that is the antithesis of calming the waters and pleasing everyone. Yet Saturn in Aquarius….

    • Have you looked at her solar return for the election? Her birthday is only a few weeks before the election. Jupiter is exactly on her SR midheaven. When that happened to me a few years ago, yes, it was a pretty good year, professionally. The same might apply to her.

      Meanwhile Trump’s SR has a lot in the 12th house, the moon aspects by trine the ascendant but nothing else, and the SR MC is on the midpoint of the SR Neptune and Saturn. That’s not so encouraging.

      Assuming the inauguration takes place at noon, Harris’s chart fits much more easily with the inauguration chart than, imho, does Trump’s.

      But it is very easy to read into a chart what you want to read, as opposed to what is actually there.

      Even if Harris does get in, it will be a bed of nails. I don’t know how anyone could do that job at the age of 60, never mind 81 or 78.

      • @Crannogdweller,
        Yes being POTUS takes a lot out of you.

        I noticed how badly George W and Obama aged during their respective eight years in office.

  42. I’m not going to argue with the astrology, but recall Biden’s passages through 2020 and 2021 were horrible, too. Harris, on the other hand, had a good streak. Biden’s presidency has proofed to be successful, but he has been burdened with Jan 6th events and happenings in private life.

    Therefore, when I see Harris troubled late November-early December 2024 I immediately think that this will be a contested race, either way it goes. And, one must remember she is and most likely will be VP at that time (if Biden won’t resign). There is a transition ongoing at that point, and in case Democrats loose the Presidency, much legislation to pass.

    I think that we will be at least slightly wiser after Harris has chosen her running mate. Because after Harris gathering 50 mil of small donations in matter of hours, I’d love to see who – besides Joe Manchin – has courage to challenge her.

    • @ Solaia,

      Have you by any chance taken a look at the charts for Josh Shapiro, Roy Cooper, or Andy Beshear? These are apparently the top 3 major considerations for Kamala Harris’s VP according to various sources.

      I’m wondering if the astrology would be more favorable to one of one of those 3 potential VP candidates – thus strengthening Kamala Harris’s chances in the general election.

      • @Chris Romero, I have been working, so haven’t had a chance. But I think we can confidently rule Shapiro out because of demographic factors (he is Jewish, and while Harris has been more active than Biden in calling ceasefire, she too is married to a Jew, and they really need Muslim vote in Michigan), same for Cooper (I think they’d like to go with a running mate who is younger than Harris). Beshear is a November 29th, 1977 Sadgittarius, and becoming a VP would obviously make him another prominent 1977 politician, with Macron and Meloni.

      • On Inauguration Day, Josh Shapiro has Jupiter trine Jupiter, tr Sun-Pl conj trining his Pluto and tr Venus-Saturn conj trining his Venus with Uranus sextiling his Venus. On Election Day Tr Jupiter Rx is in process of trining his Uranus indicating a possible lucky break or change, tr Venus is opp his Saturn which may reflect the power of the women’s vote and on Inauguration Day moves into a conj with tr Saturn which trines his Venus so there is definitely something going on there with his Saturn and Venus and tr Saturn and Venus. Mars opp Pluto in the sky is in nice aspect to his Mars. His natal Mars is interesting because it is 29 Pisces which is anoretic and conjunct the Aries Point. He’s got some really good transits going on.

      • A lot of people seem to like Josh Shapiro as a VP candidate. I would suggest though that he is unlikely to be selected by Harris because he is so relatively new to his role—he’s only been Governor of Pennsylvania since 2023, so he’s relatively inexperienced. Perhaps he is a rising star for Democrats nonetheless, and he can still actively campaign for Harris in his state as a sitting Governor. He’d be a better choice in 2028 or 2032, assuming that America dodges a Trump revenge tour and remains on its quadrennial Presidential election cycle.

        A Governor who has already been reelected to a second term—with several years under their belt in a prominent role—seems more likely. This includes Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Beshear is the rare successful Democrat in a traditionally conservative Republican-dominated state, while Whitmer has basically steeled herself through everything the Republican opposition has thrown at her, and even a foiled kidnapping plot. The second term for a state governor is also when they traditionally start to cement their legacy and occasionally aspire to national office, elected or appointed. I think Shapiro still has a few years yet to go in order to arrive at this point, but stranger things have happened. JD Vance is also relatively new as a Senator, yet Trump (of course) has made him his running mate, so there’s that.

    • Also, now that I was reminded of the Presidential Transition – should a Democrat win, this would be the first “intraparty” transition since Reagan to Bush Sr. in 1989. If Harris is the nominee, this would also be the first time since then a Vice President has succeeded to a sitting President since Bush Sr., and I think only the third time a VP has succeeded to a sitting President after regular elections.

      This just goes to underline how extraordinary of a situation this is.

  43. Been reported Obama has said he has “extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges”, but he hasn’t directly backed Kamala. Hmm…

    • Harris has now secured delegates needed for the official nomination at the Democratic Convention. She also raised 81 million US$ in donations in the first 24 hours after Joe Biden endorsed her. For a comparison, Biden raised 72 million US$ the first quarter of his candidacy. Harris’ team has been reported to be looking at at least Whitmer, Cooper, Shapiro and Kelly as potential running mates, but Beshear hasn’t been contacted.

      What ever the outcome, I think it’s safe to say there’s an enormous enthusiasm gap between the two candidates right now. It’s likely Harris will carry popular vote, but whether that’s enough or not remains to be seen.

      • Solaria, I just want to add that the $81M raised in the first 24 hours was all from small dollar donations underscoring the outpouring of enthusiasm and momentum for her.

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