Justin Trudeau – a toxic political scandal



Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau has denied wrongdoing after he tried to shield one of the country’s biggest firms from a corruption trial, which he said was done to protect jobs. Opposition Conservatives are calling on him to resign and demanding a public inquiry.

His popularity ratings had already tanked by late last year and this will do nothing to improve his 35% approval rating. He’s had high profile spats with Saudi Arabia and China, as well as with Trump over NAFTA.

This April looks to be a distinct dip lower – showing up on his personal chart, his PM-ship chart and his relationship chart with Canada.

He was born 25 December 1971 9.27pm Ottawa, and has a determined and ambitious Capricorn Sun square Pluto. He’s got a sharp-witted and communicative Air Grand Trine of a well organised Saturn conjunct his Midheaven trine Pluto trine Venus North Node in Aquarius; with his Pluto in an ultra-determined opposition to Mars in last degree Pisces. So his impulsive, scattered Mutable Mars is the driving planet. He’s also got two other oppositions – Saturn in a hope-for-a-better-society to Neptune; and an excitable Aries Moon opposition Uranus. His Midheaven is conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol.

He looks to be facing disasters and catastrophes as tr Uranus moves into Taurus on March 6th and conjuncts his Mars/Saturn midpoint for three weeks; that’s followed by more uncertainty, crises which he doesn’t handle well and disappointment through April. Mid August to mid September look to be more of the same so it won’t disappear in a hurry.

His PM-ship chart has a jolting tr Uranus opposition the Solar Arc Midheaven exactly now; and an undermining tr Neptune opposition Jupiter at 17 Virgo in April and August/September, so he won’t recover his early popularity. And his relationship chart with Canada has the composite Mars also at 17 degrees in Gemini which will also catch the undermining tr Neptune square in April and August/September.

There’s nothing much showing up on the axis of his chart – although if his birth time was out by five minutes or so, he is due a Solar Arc MC square his natal Uranus and Moon at some point over the next year or so, which would suggest a sudden change of career direction.

The Canada chart does have the Solar Arc Pluto opposition Neptune on the Ascendant – Neptune Pluto is scandal-prone. Tr Saturn is also square the Ascendant this year which suggests a more downbeat image.


13 thoughts on “Justin Trudeau – a toxic political scandal

  1. Hi, Marjorie A federal election will be held October 21, 2019 and the polls close @ 21:00 EDT . Could you look at Mr. Andrew Scheer’s chart and Justin Trudeau`s chart for that timeframe? Andrew Scheer is born May 20th 1979 at 08:25a.m. Ottawa, Ontario. Justin Trudeau is born December 25, 1971 at 21:27 Ottawa, Ontario. This should be a very tight race. I really appreciate you taking your time for this query. Thank you.

  2. There were two explosive political testimonies on Wednesday. One was Michael Cohen, the other took place in Canada. I believe they will lead to the resignations of the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada.


    Such parallel events have occurred before. There should be a chart for North America. The only period when Canada and the US were under common rule was between 1760 and 1776 when they were governed by the British. This was confirmed by the Treaty of Paris and the Royal Proclamation of 1763, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn. The Proclamation defined borders between the colonies and some land rights for Native North Americans. A chart for either the Treaty or the Proclamation might still be useful from time to time.

  3. Marjorie, thank you. You were the first and only astrologer to predict Justin Trudeau’s major problems this year. I use two charts for Canada. Of course the first would be July 1 1867 at noon in Ottawa. That chart has among other things a Pluto in Taurus opposition to Saturn in Scorpio. Uranus will now enter Taurus. The only time this has happened before was in 1939, which of course began a very harrowing period. The other is the Statute of Westminster, 11 December 1931, relocated to Ottawa, when Canada became a sovereign country. This chart also has a Saturn-Pluto opposition, this time from Capricorn to Cancer. Since then, every Saturn return and every Saturn-Pluto conjunction has brought major constitutional and political developments, many of them involving Quebec. I could not see what would happen this time, but it is now slowly becoming clearer. Interestingly, the leader of the Conservative Opposition, Andrew Scheer, who called yesterday for Mr. Trudeau’s resignation, has a stellium in Taurus. His Sun is in the early degrees of that sign. The federal election will be held October 21 under a recent set-date law. Could you look at Mr.Scheer’s chart for that time? I am grateful for your time.

    • Would a chart for patriation of the Canadian constitution on April 17, 1982 (set to Ottawa) not be a more appropriate chart for Canada becoming a sovereign nation? It would be interesting to see if Saturn-Pluto play a role in that chart too.

      • The patriation of the Constitution had nothing to do with sovereignty. The Statute of Westminster 1931 provided that all amendments to the Canadian Constitution would be approved by the Parliament of the UK pursuant to the wishes of Canadian authorities. The British Parliament was essentially a caretaker from that point.

      • The Royal Assent was signified in the House of Commons some time between 12 noon and 12:30PM on 11th December 1931 (you will have to look at the items immediately before and after the actual Royal Assent to get the timelines).


        However, Acts of Parliament come into force at the beginning of the day on which they receive Royal Assent.


        I would therefore take the time as 12AM, 11th December 1931, but with the chart set to Ottawa.

      • No. The Statute of Westminster was adopted in London of course, but it applied to a half-dozen autonomous colonies, including Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. To complicate matters, it did not apply uniformly, but as it was the fruit of multi-party negotiations, sovereignty was conditional in some cases on the approval of the local parliament. For example, Australia was initially reluctant to go ahead even though it had the power to do so. In the case of Newfoundland, it never availed itself of the possibility of sovereignty provided by the Statute, remained a British colony through WW II and joined Canada instead in 1949. Canada was then on the forefront of the desire for sovereignty among British Dominions and the Statute applied to it immediately even though the UK Parliament remained responsible for Canadian constitutional amendments until 1982 because of a lack of consensus within Canada on the degree of participation of provinces to the amending process (which was resolved by a Supreme Court of Canada decision in 1981). I believe relocation to Ottawa at the conventional time of noon is justified in this case because it cannot be said the London chart could apply to all countries concerned.

        In Canada’s case, the first fruits of the Statute of Westminster were its adoption of separate legislation on the abdication of Edward VIII, a separate declaration of war in September 1939 two days after the UK, the creation of Canadian citizenship in 1947 and the ending of appeals to the Imperial Privy Council of decisions of the Canadian Supreme Court in 1949. By 1953, at the time of QE II’s coronation, Canada officially created the Kingdom of Canada and bestowed the title of Queen of Canada for the first time on Elizabeth as did other Commonwealth countries respectively. This all flowed from the Statute of Westminster, a founding constitutional document for many countries to this day.

    • Uranus will be back to Taurus next week, and retrograde around 4’55 in October 21st. It’s going to hit Sheer’s Venus/Mars directly. I don’t know about his views in particular subjects, but I’d expect gender/sex to play role here. Also, Uranus seems to be squaring his Jupiter in Leo at the time, I see possibility he’ll be overconfident.

  4. hello Marjorie,
    wow.. thanks for this!!… Being from Canada and all.
    I’ve been curious about the astrology of Canada for awhile now… Pluto moved into 8 Cap around Jan 2012.. right on Canada’s MC. Our young country puts forth an image (Neptune on Asc) of pristine wilderness; whales, bears, moose; and the beautiful arctic north. In actual fact, we are a Resource Extraction country … started with Hudson’s Bay purchasing beaver pelts!!… now mining, logging, oil, fracking, natural gas, etc. We take it out and ship it to other places to be used in other industries. So it seems to me that our Public Identity (10th) has been and is going through a death and transformation. Certainly what you have posted is adding to this! We need to be honest about what we present to ouselves and to the world. The tar sands are horrific. Our record in environmental care is poor.

    I do hope Justin Trudeau rides this out. If the Conservatives were in.. and they were before… they, too, would be operating with the same rulebook. It is not Justin. It’s not even the Liberal party. It’s Pluto in Capricorn…. the underbelly of governance and how the system works. And he got caught out. Darn because I don’t see a better leader in the wings!!

    That Neptune on the ASC is also part of our nebulous sense of “Who are We exactly”. (which even we think is kind of funny). Having said that… there is a shift. I think of Canada as a young teen of 16 turning into a 21 year old… shifting perspective into adulthood. With SA Saturn on the ASC and SA Pluto on the DESC in Canada’s chart.. oh my.. are we being asked to look at IDENTITY!!

    One last thing… I DO think that Canada is also growing in good ways… standing up to Saudia Arabia and to Trump, for example. That handshake that Justin gave Trump was priceless!!! We are a country that has smaller “countries” within it…. Quebec, Nunavut, Indigenous nations… Our natal Moon in Gemini defines us as a nation of communicators, comedians and film makers.. but also a nation that strives to hold the paradox of “this” and “that”. I love that we work at this. Lloyd Axworthy.. an earlier MP… felt that this was our best gift to the world!!

    thanks so much for this post…
    it’s got me thinking!
    all the best

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