Justin Bieber – carrying the burden of fame

Justin Bieber fans immersed in the febrile world of celebrity gossip are torn between delirious joy at his impending fatherhood and concern over rumours of problems in his marriage to Hailey Baldwin.

  None of which matter a jot outside the Bieber homepad but are a distraction from horrors elsewhere or US politics.

  He was born 1 March 1994 12.56am Stratford, Ontario  (time from biography). In recent years he has admitted to mental health struggles and drug addiction as well as a variety of physical health issues which have caused him to stop touring for a while.

  According to the Daily Mail, not always a reliable source, ‘Hailey has taken complete control over him. He has lost his identity, creative drive and he is uninspired.’  Last year he sold the rights to his song back catalog, which is unusual given his young age.

  He is a Sun Pisces trine a 12th house Jupiter in Scorpio, with a 4th house Veus in Pisces trine Pluto in Scorpio on his Ascendant.

 Hailey Bieber, 22 November 1996 Tucson, AZ, does seem to be a powerful force in his life with her determined Sun Pluto in Sagittarius conjunct his Ascendant, so she will be keen to control his image. Her Sun Pluto are in a tough, unyielding trine to Saturn in Aries which falls in his 4th. Her ambitious Mars is conjunct his Midheaven which will see her as a driving force. Her Jupiter falls in his financial 2nd. It did always seem an odd match though her Venus in Libra does chime with his Libra Moon.

 Their relationship chart has a highly strung, needs-space composite Sun, Neptune, Uranus conjunction; and a truly difficult composite Mars Pluto which suggests a power imbalance leading to resentment. That latter will be elbowed seriously as tr Uranus moves into Gemini to oppose first Pluto from mid 2025 and then the composite Mars in 2026/27.

 His own chart if the time is accurate has tr Uranus about to move across his Descendant into his 7th from 2025 onwards suggesting he needs space in close relationships and won’t appreciate being crowded or controlled.  His Sun/Moon midpoint will also be squared by tr Saturn and tr Neptune in 2026.

Too much fame too young.

2 thoughts on “Justin Bieber – carrying the burden of fame

  1. Hailey’s chart needs a time to make sense. The more I look at her old photo, I can’t help but think she might just be a sun scorpio with moon in aries.

  2. I read about this.

    She’s tough but with that controlled / controlling Pluto Scorpio on his Asc, she wouldn’t be able to keep him controlled for toooo long.

    Also with him, I got the impression that as long as he’s the center of her world, he’ll put up with her nonsense.

    Even without this story, I always saw him leaving soon after the baby came – when he became second to the baby.
    And if your upcoming transits are correct – I may be right.

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