A Mars Pluto family legacy could have cut actor Josh Brolin’s life short as he started on drugs aged nine and was an alcoholic over the next four decades. He emerged with distinction in the Coen Brothers’ No Country for Old Men (2007) and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor in the biopic Milk (2008). More recently he has gained recognition for playing Thanos, the destroyer of worlds, in Marvel’s Avengers franchise and in Dune.
His destructive childhood was down to his wild-child alcoholic mother, a Texan wildlife activist, of whom he was fond, despite her irresponsible behaviour. He writes in a new memoir, “I was raised to be a man and drink like the male equivalent of my mother.” His father James Brolin, now married to Barbra Streisand, was largely absent until his teens. The title From Under a Truck is a reflection of his mother’s drinking habits.
He admired his mother and identified with her. “You know, she was a pain in the ass. I mean, there’s nobody who would contest that — nobody — but you don’t not want her around,” he says with a shrug. She made “everything a little more powerful, a little more vivid”. She died at 55 after a stormy fight with a younger boyfriend, whom she chased after drunk and crashed her car into a tree.
Josh finally got sober in 2013.
Born 12 February 1968 10.22am Santa Monica, California, he has a Sun Mercury in Aquarius square Neptune and inconjunct Uranus Pluto in Virgo; with Uranus Pluto opposition Mars Chiron in Pisces. Neptune would make him a dreamer, perhaps addiction-prone. The inconjunct give him a sense of strain as if he could never quite get himself on track. And the gothic Mars opposition a 5th house Uranus Pluto is truly difficult – volatile, explosive, hugely frustrated, attracted to high-risk. A career in the performing arts was probably his saving grace with his Pluto in his 5th house also on the focal point of a yod to his Sun sextile North Node. His 4th house Leo Moon is sparsely aspected being only trine a 12th house forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries. His Venus in the 9th squares his North/South node axis and let him in childhood to retreat into reading books as a compensation for the craziness and risk of his life.
He has a talented Half Grand Sextile from his Mars opposition Uranus Pluto, sextile/trine Venus and Neptune.
When he finally got sober in 2013 tr Uranus was conjunct his Solar Arc Sun with both conjunct his 12th house Saturn; and his Solar Arc Mars Chiron was sitting exactly on his natal Ascendant.
His father, James Brolin, 18 July 1940 11.10 am Los Angeles, has a 10th house Cancer Sun midway between a creative 8th house Uranus trine a 12th house Neptune and Sun opposition a Capricorn Moon. Notably he has Mars Pluto conjunct in Leo in his 10th which squares Jupiter Saturn in Taurus – so very Fixed and utterly determined.
His mother Jane Brolin, 19 October 1939, Texas, was a Sun Libra opposition Saturn in Aries square Pluto perhaps square a Capricorn Moon; with her Pluto opposition Mars in Aquarius. Quite what brought her together with James is not clear since their relationship chart is starkly difficult with composite Sun trine Mars Saturn which is turn squares Pluto – a constant tussle for control and the upper hand, and aggravated.
For all she was a nightmare mother, her Venus fell on Josh’s Descendant for an affectionate link; her optimistic Jupiter opposition Neptune fell across his volcanic Mars opposition Uranus Pluto lifting some of his angst; and her Pluto was conjunct his Moon for a strong bond. Their relationship chart had an ever-forgiving composite Sun opposition Jupiter.
His relationship with his father is more doubting and edgy. James B’s Mars Pluto falls on Josh’s Moon creating a tense bond. With James’ Jupiter Saturn falling on Josh’s Ascendant for a constant swing between positive and the opposite.
What an entangled intergenerational tangle. He says of his father that he evidently picks a certain kind of women and that Barbra Streisand is the ‘least severe.’
Streisand, 24 April 1942 5.08am New York, is certainly a robust personality with Taurus Sun Mercury in Taurus square a Moon Pluto in Leo – with James’ Mars Pluto conjunct her Moon, Pluto so not all marshmallows and cream. But it clearly works and the relationship chart has an easy going Jupiter Uranus trine Neptune, an affectionate and possessive Venus and Moon Pluto contacts.
One astro-oddity which I have seen before is that Josh Brolin has his Moon in the 4th which might suggest a more nurturing bond with his father rather than his mother. Prince Harry has it – with a similarly unpredictable mother. In some cases despite closeness to the mother, the father is seen as representing stability and giving foundations to life.
Human beings sure are complicated. And the capacity of some to overcome a mind-bogglingly damaging childhood is astonishing.
Mars/Pisces is a loaded placement for him. Mars rules his 12th, undermining the self. Hard to express anger w/ Mars/Pisces, hard to identify it and then feeling guilty over having the angry feelings. Escapist tendencies via drugs/booze would come easy. He had a lot to be angry about w/ a mother like that. Mars/Pisces oppos. Pluto/Virgo, anger, rage playing out through the body/mind and symptoms such as addiction. Add Chiron to the mix.
Cancer Moon in 4th here, alas, ruined with applying conjunction to Saturn, square Pluto to a degree, and like it’s not enough 150 to Neptune, also to a degree.
Emotionally distant, unstable, even dramatic mother (in love with her brother and father), never felt nurtured by her. Always had a feeling that she couldn’t stand the fact that i’m a female). Egomaniac of a father ( yes, more stable, but borderline sadistic).
Ruined my health – that’s why never managed to escape, and even blame myself!
BTW, moon is 120 Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Mars. Big water trine. Full 8th house – hate it.
Ouch. Just reading those placements highlights the difficulties you have faced. All that water and 4th/8th will have made you so sensitive to your environment.
Exactly, a walking sponge. 😀
The Half Grand Sextile is also known as the CRADLE pattern. Early in life
there is danger that the cradle will tip over and empty into the empy space
of his chart which covers SELF & RELATIONS, with alchoholic mom.
Mars and Neptune rule the 12th of UNDOING and represent alchohol.
Mars opp Uranus represent his risk taking early on. Empy part of
his Cradle cover ages 0 to 24.
He has Lilith in Taurus on his Asc which gave him charisma so
acting would a career here as he matured into his twenties.
Marily Monroe had BML on her Asc. At this time his HALF GRAND SEXTILE became his STAGE pattern. with its theatrical connotations.
My moon is in the 4th and I’d say my dad was better at nurturing than my mother. But then he was an enabler to her and it’s become very clear to me as I’ve got older that she was a workaholic, either with her part-time job or constantly doing housework.