Joni Mitchell – born to chase a dream



“The eternal singer-songwriter of sorrows, traveling through our highs and lows, the twentieth century master of the art song tradition.” Joni Mitchell at her peak was the most influential female singer songwriter of the 20th century. And this despite a staggeringly difficult life, with isolation in an iron lung as a child for polio, a massive, decades-long drug problem, an insidious incurable disease that kept her a recluse for years and a brain aneurysm in 2015, she’s still here and about to celebrate her 74th birthday next week.

Born 7 November 1943 10pm Fort Macleod, Canada, she has her Sun Mercury in Scorpio squaring onto Pluto, which must have given her a sense of being trapped certainly in childhood. Her musical and emotionally sensitive Pisces Moon is on her midheaven opposition Venus in Virgo in a harsh square to Mars Saturn in Gemini in her 12th. She was always destined to have a tough life with that accentuated Mars Saturn and in a highly strung Mutable T Square. Morgellons Syndrome, the acute skin disease she suffers from is thought to have some psychological or psychogenic component, and be sometimes connected to long-term drug use.

When she had her brain aneurysm in 2015 a Pisces Solar Eclipse was conjunct her Moon MC and opposition Her Venus which would put emotional pressure on her; and her Solar Arc Moon was conjunct her Uranus – so a jolting time. Tr Pluto was also moving through her 6th house of health.

Tr Jupiter in Scorpio should do her good. Like many old rock n’ rollers the astonishment is she’s still here.

2 thoughts on “Joni Mitchell – born to chase a dream

  1. Thanks so much for this great blogpost. Did you maybe take a look what transits affected her when she gave up her daughter for adoption?
    This event pushed her towards song writing and deterministyczne her carreeer in my opinion.

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