Joe Biden’s closest supports and cheerleaders between now and November 2024 will be wife Jill Biden, VP Kamala Harris and chief of staff Jeff Zients.
Wives’ charts are not always easy to interpret since often a win brings panic, fear and a sense of entrapment while losing can be a muffled whoopee – freedom. On the upside Jill Biden, 3 June 1951 8.58pm Hammonton, New Jersey, has tr Jupiter on her Descendant over the election and Jupiter trine her Midheaven over the Inauguration. Tr Saturn in Pisces will square her Mars early in 2024 and her Sun/Mars midpoint later and land on the square to her Gemini Sun exactly over the election – which may not mean a great deal in terms of success or failure since elections are marathon tests of strength. This year 2023 is uncertain with tr Neptune opposing her Saturn and she’s not feeling the love moving through October 2024 into the election. That apart what shows up most clearly is a devastating and disaster ridden 2025.
Her relationship chart with Joe looks fairly shell-shocked in July and October 2024 but triumphant over the 2025 Inauguration.
Kamala Harris, 20 October 1964 9.28pm Oakland, California, has been going through a monumentally tough time with tr Pluto square her Libra Sun and her Aries Moon through 2022/23. She will have lost that pressure next year. But she does have her Solar Arc Saturn conjunct her Moon and opposition her Sun over the election and in effect in the months before, which is very downbeat.
She also has tr Uranus rattling up her (not entirely lucky) Mars opposition Saturn from this June on and off throughout 2024 into early 2025, so it’ll be a jolting path ahead with setbacks and glitches galore. She also has in 2024, April and September/October, tr Neptune square her Sun/Saturn midpoint which is panicky and uncertain. And just to make life really difficult for astrologers she has her Jupiter in the same degree/sign as her Mars/Saturn midpoint – tr Uranus will conjunct both in late November/December 2024 which will be lucky as well as catastrophic or could include a fortunate separation. Her relationship chart with Joe Biden will be stressed throughout 2024 and frustrated/aggravated over the Inauguration.
Jeff Zients, 12 November 1966, no birth time, has a lucky run from mid July to late October 2024 from two Jupiter midpoints which will raise his hopes considerably. And has tr Jupiter connecting with four of his midpoints over the election which are minor influences but slightly suggest plucking good news out of an unfortunate situation. He also has his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Scorpio Sun perhaps over the election or in 2025 which will be stuck. Chiefs of Staff tend to burn out from the pressure.
His relationship chart with Joe Biden has tr Pluto opposition the composite Jupiter Uranus conjunction up to and over the election – which as long as they are pulling together, could bring a mutual sense of success.
Anyways, make of it what you may. The astrology is what it says but election prediction is an inexact science.