Joan Collins – Mars causing a flare up



The redoubtable and incredibly well preserved Joan Collins has been talking about the fire which destroyed her London apartment last week when she ended up on the pavement in her pyjamas and her husband Percy stayed inside to try to douse the flames with a fire extinguisher. She said they could have nearly been killed.

Born 23 May 1933 in London, time unverified, she’s a light hearted Sun Venus in Gemini square a showbizzy and enthusiastic Neptune Mars Jupiter in Virgo. Her Solar Arc Mars is exactly opposite her Sun now which usually accompanies a major shock and can be accident-prone. She’s also got a couple of fairly heavy Pluto transits this year, not exact at the moment, but their effect would be hanging around.

Her husband Percy Gibson, 14 October 1965 7.12pm Peru is a Sun Libra with a Gemini Moon and a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Sagittarius so they fit well together.

Tr Neptune is opposing his Uranus Pluto which is tied into his Moon at the moment which would create domestic confusion; and his Progressed Mars is trine his Uranus Pluto for a danger that passes. He’s in for an accident-prone couple of years ahead with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Saturn midpoint, so will need to be cautious. Two years ago they had to flee their south of France house near St Tropez due to a raging forest fire.

At the moment they have tr Pluto square the composite Mars on their relationship chart which also indicates high tension, risk and frustration – and that runs on for another eighteen months.

8 thoughts on “Joan Collins – Mars causing a flare up

  1. It’s a sign of the times we’re now expecting divas to be nice people. They generally speaking aren’t. Some still living, or their biographers, have spun their bad behavior on set to “needing to be tough at a male dominated trade”. But that simply isn’t and especially wasn’t true. There were and are some film/television industry legends who were famous for being easy to work with on set. Tough negotiators at boardroom, maybe, or somewhat bizarre, but professional.

  2. I have to say, my mother would agree with the stories here, she also met her in the 80’s and said she was quite frosty and a bit rude. Perhaps she was a bit too method in those days, she seems to have mellowed a bit. Still no excuse though, plenty of people have had a hard life as well and are just trying to do their jobs.

  3. I encountered Joan Collins on the set of an ABC prime time series when I was a very young journalist. She was incredibly rude to me, furious that I was there to begin with, although I had been invited by the network. She glared at me like some mascaraed lizard. There was real venom behind the tons and tons of makeup she wore. “It’s in my contract,” she hissed in the wings over and over again like some harpy. This, from the star of “Empire of the Ants.” She needed to get over herself then and I’m sure nothing has changed.

  4. I’ve never cared for Joan Collins; I thought she was a horrible “b rate” actress who’s only real claim to fame was her role as “Alexis” in that awful 1980s evening soap opera “Dynasty.” Plus, she was mentioned in a book I read about the history of pop culture and the author said Collins was known to be a very obnoxious person in real life.

    That being said, I am sorry to hear about Joan Collins’s apartment catching on fire – I wouldn’t wish something like that on anybody.

    • Chris Romero has clearly not met Ms Collins and does not know her. I met this amazing woman over 40 years ago. She has survived some very, very tough challenges, is incredibly professional and you should never make snap judgements. If you had half her class you would be lucky!

      • @ Cara,

        And if you had ANY class you wouldn’t be trolling my comments. It’s a shame this site doesn’t have a BLOCK button.

        I think Joan Collins is a HORRIBLE actress – period.

        And I don’t care if my opinion of her “offends” the Joan Collins Fan Club either.

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