Joan Bakewell – still chic and lively at 83

Joan Bakewell, now aged 83 and still sophisticated, has had a 50 year career in television (Late Night Line Up and on), a constant presence in newspapers, and is now in the House of Lords, giving a voice to the elderly. She’s been twice married and divorced and had a seven year clandestine affair with playwright Harold Pinter in the 1970s, the basis for his play Betrayal.

Born 16 April 1933 10.30pm, Stockport, Eng, she has a charming though freedom loving Aries Sun conjunct Venus Uranus in her 5th house of entertainment and romance; squaring onto a Pluto opposition Capricorn Moon – so a love life definitely destined to be out of the ordinary.

She’s also of that 1933 group with Jupiter Neptune Mars in Virgo – Joan Collins was born five weeks later with it even more strongly marked since it squared her Sun Venus in Gemini.  In Joan Bakewell’s case, Jupiter is conjunct her MC, ensuring success and a secure reputation as she grew older to become a pillar of the community.

Her relationship chart with Harold Pinter – 10 October 1930 2pm London – is passionate, adventurous, clearly great fun with a composite Venus opposition Mars Jupiter; but there’s also a hint of bleakness and insurmountable obstacles from a composite Saturn opposition Sun Pluto square Uranus. It would be quite a roller coaster ride, going through major upheavals along the way and never destined to make it over the Saturnine hurdle.

Her Capricorn Moon fell in his 1st and his Venus in Scorpio fell in her 1st so it would be an important relationship for both. His powerhouse Jupiter Pluto Mars in Cancer hooked into her Cardinal T Square, opposing her Moon and squaring her Sun Venus Uranus – so it would sizzle with energy though not always comfortably.

He then went on to marry writer Antonia Fraser.

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