Jennifer Lopez is mourning her split from former pro-baseball player Alex Rodriguez by seeking solace from actor Ben Affleck to whom she was briefly engaged almost two decades back. Both have had a revolving-doors series of relationships so it may be just be a comfortable old friendship rather than a hot rerun of ‘Bennifer’.
It’s all media fluff but what is minorly interesting is that she is a Sun Leo with probably a Scorpio Moon; and Ben Affleck is also a Leo Sun with a Scorpio Moon – two attention demanding personalities with intense emotional lives. It is quite some combination.
A-Rod is also a Sun Leo with a Watery Pisces Moon and like Affleck has his Mars in an Earth sign and his Jupiter in Fire. Her astro-tastes clearly run along similar lines.
The Lopez/Affleck relationship chart has an easy-going, mutually supportive composite Sun square Jupiter (Moon) so they will be relaxed in each other’s company. Plus a passionate Venus square Pluto though that will be undermined in a couple of years by tr Neptune hard aspects.
Her relationship chart with A-Rod is more obviously affectionate with a composite Sun Venus sextile Pluto trine Neptune and will be under greater pressure in 2022/3/4.
These high-level celebs tend to circle back and forwards in relationships adding new ones, hooking up with old ones – and most often publicity pics are just that.
Ben Affleck doesn’t look to be settling down anytime soon.
For Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod see post September 19 2017.
I had moon in scorpio conjunct saturn and pluto with a man that was similar to Ben, womanizer and alcoholic. His sun was in scorpio too but I didn’t see the sun moon conjunction in the synastries I found online. We had mars conjunct pluto, too. He dissapeared after a few months, but he kept obsessed with my Facebook profile for 5 years and he’s still herrassing me from fake accounts. He hated that I exposed him as a huge fraud, liar, cheater and alcoholic, loser after only 2 months. I was doing better than him professionally and I think that he hated that, too. I could have helped him to be better. Instead, he chosed women that he was less compatible with but whose lives were in ruin, the same as his.
So much hype about their Suns/Moons, but as Marjorie wrote, JLo’s only “probably a Scorpio moon…”
It’s impossible to know JLo’s actual placements without a correct birthtime, no?
She doesn’t seem Scorpionic to me, not in the way Ben does, though hers would be at the end of sign anyway…
With this in mind then, isn’t it possible that if she were born after 1pm on that day, she could actually be a Sagittarius moon?
ETA: Until her public arrest with P. Diddy, her birth year was reported as 1970 instead of 1969. Not sure if this was a mistake or why she’d want to present herself as only one year younger…
But it wouldn’t be inconceivable then for her to present herself as a Scorpio moon born before 1pm (rather than a Sag), given how calculated celeb images are. This would make her *appear* as the perfect match for Ben.
Agree. I get more of a Sag vibe from her than Scorp moon. She has physical attributes which also seem more Sag like to me – a compact athleticism, physical restlessness and her versatility…dancing, singing, acting etc
I recall Marjorie writing warmly about Ben Affleck’s work in Congo… maybe there is a different composite chart we should be examining 😉 …..
Well you never know, it might work out, there must be something there to get together again.
I would never get back together with an ex-boyfiend if he dumped me fir someone else. Women should have more pride!
I cannot think of an ex I’d want to date again.
In J-Lo’s case, she said it’s the first real heartbreak she suffered. When she was 34-years-old! My guess is she’s back because she needs to prove to herself that it was him, not her. They were still in the honeymoon phase, so with all her neptunian qualities she may never have seen the breakup coming which makes it much harder to give up on the love.
It may also be related to her Chiron return which occurred in late February. When she met him in 2002, Chiron had just made the approaching square from Capricorn to her 6Aries45 Chiron.
This may not be successful in the ling run, but is still much more credible celeb couple comeback than Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. Must be because they have Scorpio Moons and they tend to get stuck to their exes in a way or another.
Too true, Solaia. When I discovered my parents both had Scorpio moons, all was explained.
Despite everything and there was a lot, throughout 62 intense years, they never let go of each other, even during 36 years of separation. My mother only calmed down when my father died.
O Zita, love your post.Told as only the child of 2 lock and key moon parents could tell it.
Once one knows the Scorp moon it can never be unknown. ( Or explained or revealed, sigh).
Just to point out that when they started dating in July 2002, the North Node was going over the conjunction of her Venus / his Saturn.
It was there again in Feb.
Yes, and given his Venus conjunct her Saturn both in the 12th and his Sun conjunct her sth node, those so inclined might say its a karmic ongoing connection, albeit uncommited and erratic, given the Gemini theme.
With his Saturn on her Venus she will always feel a little bit rejected by him/or not attractive enough for him. Don’t think her Leo sun can tolerate that for too long. And they may be completely comfortable with each other, but I don’t think their Venus Mars aspects warrant the word steamy.
Interesting how many of his loves have planets in Gemini near his Saturn in the 12th. Maybe they’re drawn to this part of him, but after their sun or venus being there awhile, shining on his most vulnerable self, it makes him feel exposed or uncomfortable. So he withdraws from them?